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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Methinks people should pay more attention to the first post. If you want to try something more extravagant, you could have a go at Supplì al Telefono: Google for recipes.
  2. I intend to select the person I like the most from the 93 cards that will no doubt come my way.
  3. I can't help you with the rest, but where are you stuck in Phoenix Wright?
  4. It's not about that - there's no support for VC on HDTVs. The monitor just turns off when I load one.
  5. Well, sort of... I used the same cable all the way through, I just temporarily used a splitter box thingy. Now I just need a male to male 3mm jack, and all systems are go.
  6. There's a branch in St. Albans on George Street, I used to walk past it every day. Don't think I ever went in though.
  7. I'm well aware it can't actually display HD, I just want it to run on a PC monitor which means turning on the HD setting. Anyway, problem solved. I should have thought of asking an engineer earlier - he lent me a composite to VGA box so I could set it up right.
  8. Sounds nice, but the main course is already mushrooms and rice.
  9. Well, you could do something simple, like a mozzarella and tomato salad. If you do that, make sure the mozzarella is at room temperature, place tomatoes on top of the slices, add some leaves (rocket, perhaps?) and mix some herbs into olive oil and apply generously.
  10. Finding the disc channel is one thing, navigating through about 5 menus is another... Thanks for the buttons Bard, though I had a rough idea... However, the problem is that it's seriously difficult to work out what's going on. I've manged to get to all sorts of different menus by mistake. I've tried controlling it with a classic controller, but that's harder if anything. I think I'm going to have to ask someone if I can borrow their TV for a few minutes. As for whether it'll actually work, it should do, given that the cable I bought is specifically designed for connecting a Wii to a PC monitor.
  11. "This seems like a good idea, tbh." But he put "abh".
  12. Not sure really... I drank the odd thing around 15/16, and now I occasionally get pissed. But all in all I don't drink that much. I think I should only post again in this thread when drunk.
  13. If you're going to type like an idiot, at least do so correctly. Yes, my pedantry extends to correcting 1337-speak.
  14. Right, so I got an LCD screen free, and thought 'twould be fun to hook my Wii up to it. I bought a Wii-vga cable, which I got today, and it looks like everything should work fine, except for one problem - the screen won't work until I set the Wii up to display HD, and although there is a component TV output as well to allow you to do this, I... don't actually own a TV. (I usually only play games at home, where there are TVs a plenty, rather than at uni where there are none) So... I somehow need to set my Wii to display HD without actually being able to see anything. The console turns on fine, and I can wave the remote about and feel the vibrations, but I don't have a clue in hell where it's pointing. I can probably get sound working too, though I'm not sure how much that will help. Any idea of a solution, short of borrowing a TV?
  15. I hope reaching another birthday will give you more... insight skillz. Anyhoo, happy birthday.
  16. I read that post a few hours ago and thought you meant academic work... only just realised what you meant. At Cambridge they actually don't let you get a job.
  17. Moria changed the name ages ago, it's been this ever since then.
  18. Well, I'm not entirely sure of the circumstances involved, but I think "you" leaves the first room, and the spinning flint boundaries are the walls of the building, with the next scene occuring below. Reading it gives me a sense of change, and sadness as a result of this change.
  19. Recently I've realised that I really wouldn't mind that much if most things I own got destroyed, though it could be very annoying. So the main thing I'd save would probably be my science notes, as they'd be hard to replace. And also a toy owl that I bought when I was three, and its complementary penguin.
  20. Wow, that's actually slightly scary. :wink:
  21. I'm really enjoying having a go at this every now and then... for those who don't know what it is, it's where you just start writing and see what happens. I had a go at a piece just now, and threw in a bit of surreality, second person, and tense confusion to spice things up. I call this Things Stand How? Something had been dragged haphazardly across the dishevelled floor, giving the impression that a madman with a rake had been set loose on a Zen garden of dust. A persisting ember on the butt end of a cigarette finally extinguished itself, its soul floating to heaven as a visible trail of smoke. The walls were bare, the ceiling blank, the illumination from a single point of unearthly light. It seemed any further description had died along with the room itself. This was all there is. You wait, perplexed. Where is the life you sought? How could such frenzied activity be reduced to... this? Was anyone ever really here? You have no choice but to escape. Which exit? The archway, it has to be. Rising, you soar to it, and once in the air you plummet, the flint boundaries erratically spinning about your person. Now here, there was someone. A man. A bench. A hint of... something more complex than all this. Speech. Where was it headed, who was it directed to? “I regret to inform you that...” His speech splinters, and with it your mind. You turn instead to the surroundings: a gravel path, well maintained grass. A touch of damp upon the blades, and a drier blade, cutting into your thoughts. It is his voice; he has started anew. It was not always thus. Feel free to comment and/or include your own bits of freewriting.
  22. I don't quite get Okazaki... he seems too selfless. But yeah, that scene is a bit crazy, and sort of contrasts with this. Hmm, a planetarian anime might be nice... but I think it works best as a visual novel. And if they managed it well, then it might just make a few people die of crying.
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