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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I bought one for the occasion. I'll probably get it tomorrow, but I doubt I'll have the time to make the film until Friday as I have an essay in for 6pm and I want to film in natural light.
  2. You could always try the international student's house, that's pretty cheap (like, under £20 a night) if you get a dormitory. It's on Great Portland Street, about a mile walk from King's Cross. (you can take the tube if you're lazy) And it has a bar.
  3. Why post Yahoo Answers copypasta?
  4. As in Latin. *looks up icelandic origins* Hmm, this looks like a fun language, I'll stick it on my "to learn" list.
  5. I think you misinterpreted my post. I opened it by saying that true feminism was a good thing - I definitely meant this in terms of things that can be realistically made equal, like pay. I mean, I'm practically a feminist, though I disagree with the term because it already carries loaded inequality. What I was saying was that there are things we cannot and should not change - men and women are different (and the buck definitely does not stop at simply sexual organs) and this is a good thing that should be accepted. This doesn't stop at feminism. All people are different, and the sooner this is recognised the better.
  6. Atonement is indeed a good book.
  7. Just talked to someone on the floor above, she says she hardly felt it, which is odd, because it was shaking quite a lot one floor down.
  8. Yeah, realised that just after posting. *wonders if earthquake is valid excuse for not having done supervision work*
  9. Well you weren't the first to say it. Edit: Wait, you are the same person, ignore me. I should be doing chemistry and/or sleeping.
  10. What the hell, it was an earthquake? That was pretty crazy, at first I thought someone upstairs was moving around furniture or something. My whole chair was shaking, and the ducks the reside permanently outside my window went a bit crazy.
  11. Well, I finally bought one - a Samsung S630 which is 6 mega-pixels: Amazon are selling it for £45, it does everything I want, and I've scouted around for reviews and they all seem pretty positive, though it does apparently have some minor battery life problems.
  12. Today was okay... slept through some lectures but not others. Then at 12 I had a practical on the analysis of birdsong (no, really) which was a bit strange. When that finished I went to Borders (searching in futility for a mothers' day gift), and ended up, as often happens, in the languages section, where there were a couple of Japanese tourists talking in a very Tokyo dialect, which was fun, because it meant I could understand them. They were hunting through the Japanese section and complaining about how rubbish the books were because they all used romaji - I think they were trying to find some sort of dictionary that would actually be of use to them. I almost stopped them and asked 「何を探してるんですか。」 (nani o sagashiterun desu ka / what is it that you're looking for?), but I decided to stay silent instead. I bought a beginner's Mandarin book on a bit of a whim. Anyway, then I had an evolution supervision, which involved discussing three lectures, one of which I hadn't been to so had to improvise a little, but pulled it off. Mating systems abound, and also some insight learning... I can't decide whether or not I like behavioural ecology, but I'm definitely not ecstatic about it. Had supper, which involved an argument about something to do with language and/or philosophy, as it tends to, then went to Sainsbury's. And now I have some chemistry to do for tomorrow morning...
  13. I just bought a digital camera for the purposes of this thread. (well, I also need one, but yeah...)
  14. "There's a massive gap between people who can get sex and people who can't in Japan. So in the middle, we have air sex." Oh my god, that comment floored me. And I think I'll go with the majority on this one - air sex ain't for me.
  15. Meh, I suffer from no such linguistic self-hatred. Also, my accent is only average to posh here. :wink: Also, Eenuh, your accent sounds a lot like that of a French girl I know, only slighty Dutchier. Which isn't really that surprisign I suppose.
  16. Right, I really need to do one now, I'm sure I'm posher than you... My quest for a camera has become more convoluted.
  17. Treat it as a geometric series and take the sum to infinity.
  18. But we do have that for police recruitment of black people.
  19. I get the integral from 4 to 5 of (u-4)/2sqrt(u), though I may have made an error. Dear god, you're setting us STEP questions now? I'll have a go, but don't expect a solution... Edit: I give up, I have other work to do. It does help to post all of a STEP question though - in this case "Show that there are 15 five-digit numbers whose digits sum to 43. You should explain your reasoning clearly."
  20. It's been down for ages... frankly, I'm not sure why I'm still in this world.
  21. I remember Javhardy saying something like "you may be disappointed to discover I don't actually look like Fox McCloud". It was true, I think everyone imagined him like that.
  22. Feminism should be good thing, and true feminism is. However the fact remains that men and women are different, so though equality (or something closely approximating it) may indeed be possible, equivalence is not. This is a good thing - who would truly desire a world where one of the most fundamental aspects of our nature is ignored?
  23. I recognise every person who has posted in this thread, and know further details (in many cases a great many of them) about well over 90% of these people. This comes from reading most of what goes on in general chit-chat, though I don't go on the other forums nearly so much. Being a mod, I'd imagine most people know who I am, though I doubt they'd think of me when trying to think of people they know. I suppose I have a sort of background role. Most of you probably know that I'm one of the geekiest people on this forum, and like science, maths, Japanese, and debating for the hell of it. What you probably don't know is that I'm intending to end up with a degree in linguistics. (and that's the scientific study of language, not simply the study of languages themselves) Edit: To Domo Kun - of course I know you, you're named and themed after NHK's mascot.
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