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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. So you presumably use no form of contraception then? :wink: And yes, I know it was tongue in cheek...
  2. Just go on to do a PhD... :wink: Anyway, my day was busy but alright. Got up at 8am, went to a lecture on linearisation, followed by one on rates of reaction by a brilliant lecturer, followed by one on caching (squirrel stylee) and brood paristism (cuckoo stylee) in birds. Bought a sandwich after that for lunch, ate lunch, read over some notes on analysis of variance. Had a semi-exam open book thingy at 2pm involving using computers to analyse statistics, it wasn't too bad. Went home briefly, then off again to a supervision on biology of cells, which involved going through an extremely evil paper on yeast genetics which neither I nor my supervision partner had been able to do. That finished, I had supper in our canteen thing and was going to go to a musical we're doing, but I arrived too late and it had already sold out and had begun a few minutes ago. So I went back to my room and here I lurk... I have an essay to do this evening, either on kin recognition or associative learning... methinks kin recognition is the way to go.
  3. And I'll deny that - it isn't sex that's the most important part of life, it's reproduction. For a given definition of important, of course.
  4. Regarding steps up: I've found the step from A level to university far greater than the one from GCSE to A level. I mean, even if I poured my entire soul into a university exam I'd probably get less than 80%.
  5. I remember when I was younger I always wished pokemon were real because it would be so awesome. :wink: Now... I can't think of anything I'd desperately like - I think I'd abuse functions like lives and save points. Hmm, maybe being able to study and learn magic like in some RPGs, that would be great.
  6. Cool video, but I don't appreciate greengrocers' apostophes. As for the anthropomorphism thing, I think it can be a danger in that people are wont to attribute very human behavioural explanations in some cases. Nevertheless, some of the time we do share behaviour with other animals, though we must be careful to distinguish automated reponses with reasoned ones. Also note that describing behaviour with language such as "he wants to..." etc. can be a useful analogy even if it isn't true.
  7. A bizarre atmosphere I suppose... even so, I hate the voices - they're just too damn American. Also I hate the way they butcher the pronunciation of Japanese names - [kɑːˈgæmiː] makes me squirm, it's ['kagami] dammit!
  8. Well for a start, by the time you get grades, you can only use a maximum of 2 offers - one firm, one backup. If you fail to make either, then you can apply for clearing I think, and/or ring up other universities and see if they have places.
  9. I suppose I aspire to understand and know as much as possible, and to read as much as I can. I would also like to get better at go. I met Peter Molyneux, he's a bit full of himself. My friend got his business card.
  10. I just got it open! It's so great, that's been irritating since I moved into this room in September. The was of course absolutely nothing inside, but it's still awesome.
  11. Not so much, more just an ability to learn and parrot large amounts of information if required to do so. Ask a teacher to prove the central limit theorem for you, if any know how to. I saw the proof and it was amazing, though I got a bit lost in the middle.
  12. Have a look at some STEP I papers to see the sort of thing you'd have to do for the entrance exam. (though you'd actually be sitting STEP II and III) They're pretty evil... I reckon if I spent a year studying for them I might scrape a 1,2, but would probably get a 2,2 or worse. The standard offer is either 1,1 or 1,2. That's what I did at A level, especially for biology.
  13. Maths - A* English Language - A (damn group work) English Literature - A* Double science - A*A* (I wish I had had the option of doing triple) French - A* Spanish - A* Electronics - A* Geography - A* The OCR Salters chemistry individual investigation (which is the chemistry board at your school) was the single most unpleasant piece of work I have ever had to do in my life, and I expect things will remain that way. When I finished it it was 93 pages long. Note that I am currently studying for a module in chemistry at Cambridge - nothing I have had to do has come anywhere near to that. On the whole, however, the change from GCSE to A-level isn't always that bad. Maths actually gets interesting though, especially if you do further maths.
  14. I haven't had a chance to read it yet... most of the books on those shelves are ones I'm currently reading. :wink:
  15. That's absolutely no reason for thinking it doesn't pose much of a threat, as such symptoms are characteristic of tumours - you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
  16. Pretty sure I've seen a near identical thread elsewhere, but it's funny all the same.
  17. Actually, I was saying to fish... most of those glasses aren't actually for diet coke, but I said it a few times by mistake so it sounds like I'm a little obsessed. I don't drink all that much actually, at most a can a day. I do have an awful lot of apple juice though...
  18. And without further ado, I welcome you to my room:
  19. Stats 1 is in my opinion the hardest A-level module, and I learnt up to stats 6 and further pure 3.
  20. I'm actually from Knebworth, but close enough... I went to school in St. Albans. Incidentally, there are two Hertfordshire accents, one of which is very close to recieved pronunciation (that me and Fish have), and another which has no velar nasals.
  21. You what? Hmm, time to steer this back on topic methinks.
  22. Here you go. (though I altered it as I saw fit)
  23. Lol, prep school. Note I don't noramlly say here like that, I was sort of exaggerating.
  24. Now there's a cryptic comment. Actually, people often think I'll have a different personality before they get to know me. Thanks, though the long hair is more a result of not bothering to cut it since leaving school. (where we had to keep it short)
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