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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I once wrote a village newsletter about how the village pond was getting fenced off to prevent the threat of foot and mouth to the ducks. It got gradually more absurd, ending with suggestions for a 24 hour pond watch by vounteers. Yes, I am aware that ducks cannot contract foot and mouth (at least not easily), but this didn't stop my mum believing every word. She's so gulible about some things, I think I've got her with the DHMO thing on at least 3 different occasions.
  2. You can't have read the passage carefuy enough then. Nope. Nope. Anyway, Will, you for one should be abe to find the answer purely through the internet. And it can aso be googled, if you fiddle about enough.
  3. It is, but right now anyone can answer any question. Edit: Or can they? Hmm, perhaps not 3...
  4. It's from his Pacific journal, but he's not quoting a friend or colleague, and isn't a doctor. As I said earlier, it's an imagined conversation rather than a recording of one.
  5. All my clocks are wrong now, dammit.
  6. Nope. Yep, anyone can now attempt any unanswered question. And once I have said your answer is incorrect, you may guess again. Nope. Close, but no banana. Futaba channel is 2chan, the image board based on... Yep, 2channel is the correct answer.
  7. Nope. Nope. Nope, but closest yet. Nope. That was a reference to the fact that they aren't necessarily English language boards.
  8. Nope, and I'm going to give a clue: I never specified the language.
  9. Nope. That's a type of software rather than an actual board. Hmm, this question seems to be giving people a lot of trouble...
  10. Nope, but it isn't much more complicated than that.
  11. Nope, and I'll go with Jayseven and open up answering to everyone.
  12. Go. That is all. (I did play other games like Screwball Scramble, Mousetrap, Outrage, and Monopoly as a kid)
  13. Hello to you people, I have had a reasonable day today. I was picked up by my friend, he drove us to the house of another friend, and there we played Halo 3 and Guitar Hero before having some Chinese food, which I shall add to the set of most enjoyable. I am here now, albeit after drinking half a bottle of whisky. My friends are playing Halo as I type, this be good.
  14. CLANNAD is so damn good, I have bought the original game and if I were a female fish, I would lay out my eggs for fertilisation by the awesomeness that is it. If I were male I would fertilise any eggs with it, and then protect them endlessly, because that's just what fish do. Nagisa is a cool character, she makes me convert from mammaldom. Okazaki and Akio (Nagisa's dad) are also awesome. Man, I pray that the times of waiting for mail from Japan be short... I'm EMAing the joy that is it. Edit: This post is a testament to the fact that people can post drunk without making typos or biological mistakes.
  15. Ah sorry, missed it. Yep, that's correct.
  16. Nope, and that's not a relationship but a person.
  17. I actually have a problem doing with three of those...
  18. Wow, Clannad 23 was so brilliant, and the cherry on top is the news of a second season. Methinks I'll order the original game... it's Key, and it's non-ero, so it must be good.
  19. Heh, that's the best type, I want the best grade of clamshell. :wink:
  20. If I remember correctly, you have to wait a day or so if you've already got one right.
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