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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You're definitely right in saying that armies are necessary - as I said before, someone has to want to do it. However, the second world war is a bad example to use, because the only reason the army was good enough to stop the germans was beacuse we had conscription, meaning that a fair few people who fought wouldn't have joined the army, were they given the choice.
  2. Until your future employers find your account. :wink: Anyway, I'm not really whether or not I trust anyone. There are plenty of people I definitely don't trust, and a far smaller group of people for whom I wouldn't really be able to decide.
  3. I thought this would be one of those flawed proof thingys. Anyway, happy birthday to gaggle64!
  4. How much have you seen? All I can say is it keeps getting better, and that includes the as yet unreleased season 2. KyoAni have adapted it so beatifully, right down to the opening of the first episode - a blue filter, and the depressing narration with この町は嫌いだ。 (I hate this city) And only after 「見つければいいだけだろ」 「次の楽しいこととか、うれしいことを見つければいいだけだろ」 ("You just have to find it right?" "You just have to find the next fun or happy thing.") does the filter vanish, and we see the true beauty of the scene they animated. Hell, it's nearly as good as the original game opening.
  5. Join the Army! Travel to interesting countries! Meet interesting people! And kill them! I have to say I'd never join the army, and not simply because I can't stand the thought of killing anyone. I think it gives many people comfort because they become part of an institution, which in a way makes them somebody. This seems to me much like being an ant within a nest, which really wouldn't appeal to me. I do not wish to mindlessly carry out orders, and I don't wish to give them to others either. Sure, as a collective you have immense power, but on an individual level I'd feel worthless. And I barely feel part of a nation, so wouldn't wish to act of the fingertips of the individual who happens to control the "country". In addition to all this, I'd hate to do it because I'd find it so boring. Thankfully, I wouldn't pass the medical to get into the army (or policeforce, come to that) as I have flat feet. Of course, if you disagree with me, feel free to join. The army are necessary, after all - unless they bring back conscription, someone has to want to do it. (Regarding the point about suicide: If I wanted to commit suicide, then I'd have a bloody good reason, so wouldn't want anything to stop me. Not that I can forsee any possibility of wanting to, excluding experimental purposes which I've already ruled out.)
  6. <As many as you like, as long as you aren't double posting.>
  7. Barely, though season 1 is mostly set in a school, and involves some romance. It's best described by the title itself - I believe "Clannad" is an Irish word meaning family, and that's what the show is really about, though happiness also fundamental to the plot. I can't go further without season 2 spoilers, but anyway... it's good.
  8. You always watch dubs right? What did you think of Osaka's Texan accent? Once I decided to see what the dub was like, and her accent just seemed really odd. They also gave Shizuru of Mai-HiME a Texan accent in the dub, which was just as bad. I have no idea why dubbers think kansai-ben = Texan... for Shizuru at least, an English accent would have been far more appropriate. Heh, maybe Osaka could be cockney. *struggles to imagine this and fails*
  9. <Pretty much - if you think it'll work, do it.>
  10. <Oh, you can't ask that sort of latter question, that's up to the writers to decide and work out... defining things outside the passage somewhat destroys the point. In fact, I see no need to define them inside the passage either, unless necessary. All I can say is that the world is shaped by the writers, as in all stories. Also, if Mundi takes it to be after, then the ambiguity has been cleared up, so the reader now understands what happened.>
  11. It's genre is concentrated awesome. To be honest, it doesn't really have one, but I suggest you stick through until season two, which will be brilliant. (providing, that is, that they adapt the game as well as they've been doing so far) Incidentally, unless you want to be badly, badly spoiled, DO NOT WATCH THE CLANNAD MOVIE. Even if you do want to be spoiled, I wouldn't recommend it because it's crap - it's made by a different animation studio, and the characters, story and animation are all heavily warped. This goes to everyone, even if you've seen all of Clannad season 1.
  12. <Yep, feel free to discuss posts and the story in general, but try not to be too critical unless you think someone isn't playing the game properly.>
  13. How is that oxymoronic? A theorem is a logically derived statement, whereas a theory is merely some form of conjecture. Of course, that doesn't mean what he's saying makes sense - I wouldn't class maths as a science, and he can't spell at all, but I suppose this is THE_ganondorf we're talking about...
  14. I thought 5cm/s had some of the best animation I've ever seen. Incidentally, I think it's a bit masochistic to watch Soul Eater on Veoh when you can get it in 1920x1080. (RAW, anyway... no idea about the subbed versions)
  15. I think it's available for download now.
  16. <Nope, take it where you want to take it. Depending on how things work out, I might try refining this in later games. Also, I'll add in another minor rule - put anything that isn't part of the story in angle brackets to make it clear what's what. Anyway, this is looking good so far!>
  17. Canand, don't bump threads... and I with that, I think this thread ought to be locked.
  18. <I'd quite like to try out some collaborative fiction - I think it could be an interesting creative exercise. This will basically play like a big boys' version of a three word story game - each person writes not three words but a short passage, and we should aim at actually writing a coherent, decent piece of fiction. This isn't going to work without some ground rules, so: - Each post must contain a decent amount of writing; as a rough guide try to write at least a decent sized paragraph per post. - Feel free to write more than this, but bear in mind that it is possible to write to much. Don't write for pages and snatch away a huge chunk of story. - Try to maintain a sense of continuity between posts. Keep things relatively sensical, and make sure each post leads on from the next. However, this doesn't mean you can't change the scene. - Keep the story on track. Do not write ridiculous things, and don't take the piss. It's generally pretty clear when people are doing this. - This rule has a corollary: if peoples' ideas are genuine, respect them. Don't get angry simply because the story has gone in a direction you dislike. I'll delete posts I judge to be breaking these rules. And before this even starts, I'll point out that if a post is totally out of place, then deleting it is in no way narrow-minded, whatever its content may be. And with that, I'll provide the opening of the story:> The chamber arched high above him, stirring the hairs on the back of his neck and bringing a sense a discomfort to all that he did. Excluding those times he picked up the photograph. It was the one constant in this place that he could rely upon, but did it anchor him to reality, or tie him down, preventing him from exploring the world outside the chamber? With this conflict marching down his roads of thought, he carefully placed the photograph back on the table, not allowing himself to slip and smash it. As soon as he let go of it his unease returned, and his despair forcibly pushed him down onto his bed, where he lay for a few minutes in silence, until his melancholy was disrupted by an abrupt and agressive assault upon the door of his chamber. The knocking was loud enough to cut through his thoughts, and so he felt forced to respond to it in some way.
  19. I'd find (b) the most interesting dissertation to write. Anyway, today was a day of hanging around for ages and also one of finding out I am severely long sighted and need reading glasses. I can nevertheless read the smallest text they had without glasses. (when not tired, that is)
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