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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Articulate! is a brilliant game, though I'm a lot better at talking for ages than I am at actually communicating concepts.
  2. The latter I believe... thanks for sorting out my messup jayseven. :wink:
  3. I registered as Supergrunch on stabbeurfou, and also added a Facebook Diplomacy application. The rules I read were these ones, which seemed relatively comprehensive.
  4. Widescreen and HD is a good thing, look at the lovely SS/Eclipse 1024x576 h264 CLANNAD episodes. I only get an inch or so of black bars for 16:9 things, and most anime less than 2 or 3 years old comes in 16:9.
  5. Only true men make their own birthday threads. Happy birthday, you floating skull with an extra E.
  6. I learnt how to play this game yesterday and would like to have a go... shall we go with facebook or the other thingy?
  7. My answer to question 8 is pending... I did the working, but I think Fish's book has a sign error.
  8. Diet drinks almost always contain aspartame, which is dubious (though research is still inconclusive), but they aren't going to make you put on weight, or indeed rot your teeth. Incidentally, the thing about coke dissolving a tooth overnight is an urban legend. Anyhoo, I lost loads of weight when I went to university simply because I had to walk everywhere, and also because I tend not to eat that much if there's nobody to give me food. Nicotine is a stimulant, so it raises your metabolic rate, meaning that heavy smoking leads to weight loss, and hence merely chewing gum would not have the same effect. Incidentally, if you are going to chew gum, it's probably best to get sugar free varieties, for obvious reasons.
  9. I have way bigger V things than that, it actually does look like my hair is receeding if you pull it back, but it's always been like that.
  10. Man, Heart of Darkness is only 100 odd pages, and once you get used to the style you can read it relatively quickly. Anyway, I need my time to learn thermodynamics... pretty close to actually understanding the thermodynamic treatment of equilibrium for ideal gases now.
  11. To be honest, I dont like chocolate all that much. If pushed though, I'd go for Dairy Milk because the flavour is simpler and less sickening, but still somewhat deep.
  12. Jayseven, you're a legend. I have to stop myself editing posts to correct them sometimes. Also: I am starting to enjoy learning thermodynamics... is this a good thing?
  13. There's actually a little circle going on - xkcd links to questionable content, which links to dinosaur comics, which links to xkcd. :wink:
  14. Already a thread on this. [locked]
  15. Hmm, Baka-Tsuki have a pretty crappy one.
  16. Yeah, I really don't get the attraction of whole cat-girl thing... or of many other obscure moe aspects, ranging from megane to tsundere to zettai-ryouki. Anyway, got up at 5am today, had some green tea and cream cheese on a bagel which was nice. Did some stuff on the CLANNAD translation wiki, I think I've finally got to the stage where reading things in Japanese is more fun than labour. Did some thermodynamics, now I finally understand what the point and meaning of enthalpy is. My mum rang me up and epically April fooled me, saying she had to come home from holiday early... was a bit to bland to disbelieve. Ah well, she'll pay next year. I walked to Knebworth, bought some lunch, then ate it while rewatching some CLANNAD episodes. (did I mention I like CLANNAD?) Then my friend randomly turned up at my house, it seems he is willing to chauffer me in exhange for the possibility of going to Wagamama. Anyway, time for more thermodynamics methinks.
  17. 1. "Methinks it like a weasel" - Hamlet.
  18. Here we go: 9 - Jayseven 9 - killthenet 8 - Cube 5 - Platty 5 - Noodleman 4 - Nintendohnut 4 - Mundi 4 - Haggis 4 - The fish 4 - Monopolyman 4 - Tom 4 - Eddage 3 - Shorty 3 - MoogleViper 3 - Supergrunch 3 - Strider 2 - EEVILMURRAY 2 - The Bard 2 - The Villan 2 - Welsh Gamer 2 - GMAC 2 - Fierce Link 1 - Ashley 1 - Stefkov 1 - rokhed00 1 - McMad 1 - Dan Dare 1 - Aalborg 1 - Dante
  19. I hear my father-in-law's response. 'oho, fine, Whiggish sentiments, Adam. But don't tell *me* about justice! Ride to Tennessee on an ass & convince the red-necks that they are merely white-washed negroes & their negroes are black-washed Whites! Sail to the Old World, tell 'em their imperial slaves' rights are as inalienable as the Queen of Belgium's! Oh, you'll grow hoarse, poor & grey in caucuses! You'll be spat on, shot at, lynched, pacified with medals, spurned by backwoodsmen! Crucified! Naive, dreaming Adam. He who would do battle with the many-headed hydra of human nature must pay a world of pain & his family must pay it along with him! & only as you gasp your dying breath shall you understand, your life amounted to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean!' Yet what is any ocean but a multitude of drops? You win! (sorry Fish, too late...) Also, lol, I got a friend request from DomJcg. Added you anyway.
  20. Just look on my facebook profile. Yes. Or rather, no.
  21. "Move in any of 8 unique directions!" "Has sound!"
  22. It looks like Google and Virgin have gone all out too with this Virgle thing. It seems pretty funny, I hope some people submit genuine videos.
  23. Nope. ...right, this is the ending bit of the book. If anyone owns it or has access to a copy, they should be able to find out.
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