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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I really like the last two, especially: "And all I could think was how he was able to put a hat so filled with metal money and small sweets onto his head so swiftly." and "Papercuts and everything, you know?" I had a go at some writing that's more truly free than my other attempts - I rarely even erased something that I'd written. In my opinion, it's a bit dodgy at first but gets better once I get into the flow of things. Anyway, here it is: Suddenly, suddenly, that is it, and all that can be done is to look remorseful. There is no more on the plate, no apple in the sky and no fish in the barn. In fact, the only thing there is is a lamp. On the table. With bits of wire and string tied around it such that it is unable to move or escape free. Yet nevertheless, its shackles slowly unwind; they break free from the dastardly coils of metal that lock them in position. The lamp stands up, looks around, takes out a lighter. It isn't aware... not yet, not yet. Somehow the feeling becomes one of decay, and the fungus breathes spores into the room, covering each persons' head with lice. This is not a situation in which I would want to be, so I choose to avoid it by no being there in the first place. Thank God. Thank God. ThankGodthankgodthankgodgodgoddd... And of course, it is now thankfully no more. Kaput, it goes just as it came, or at least that's what they wanted me to think. I looked back, sheltered my arm against the blow from the eaves above my head and sang silently into the pitch darkness of self. Why did I not think of this earlier? It's the only way such things can be solved. Or so I thought, but as I looked around I came upon a creature, one so demonic that I could do naught against it's snatching claws. He tore into my flesh, rendering it useless for the trials that would face me if I continued. However, would I continue? I could always just stay here, this creature isn't really too bad after all. It might even like me. In time, it might become my friend, and I its. I remain seated, while the creature causes me unbearable pain. There's no reason for it not to, really. Not one that I can see. At least, not one so crystal clear that I can smash it. I think. Fuck. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps it's here to persecute my soul, blow it away, crush it, erase it, delete it, despise it, destroy it. That wouldn't be an option I'd be keen on considering, but I suppose like all things it should be contemplated. I think. At least, I think I do. Perhaps this scalding pain is getting to me, perhaps my mental process is vanishing along with my soul. But it might be that my soul is not in fact vanishing and is just being reconciled. Then, my mind? I wonder where it comes in... This situation cannot go on, not without a change. For this reason, a change comes, albeit one with dire consequences. The creature is swallowed up, perhaps by me. Maybe I wanted it to be swallowed up. Maybe I... can do that. I recall the lamp, which doesn't want to be known. It pushes back at me, its will scraping the bones of my being. I can take the toll, so I push harder, and remember it. Was is really there though? It was real enough to make me scream, that's for sure.
  2. This is one of the best programs on TV. "I am a winner... I am."
  3. I find it amusing that a test put him at 4.7 standard deviations from the mean... IQ is such a meaningless statistic. Anyway, I thought Raef was a legend all a long. It turns out he can actually lead tems too, which is cool.
  4. Sorry, I've moved now. I'm slowly dying, and Dan seems to have vanished...
  5. I think drinking water is the best thing to do, but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll feel better - once you have a hangover, you basically have to wait until it goes. The only thing that will actually make you feel better is hair of the dog (drinking more), but that's a very bad idea because it will just delay your hangover, and when you finally do get it, it'll be worse. I'm not sure exactly how the mechanism works, but I think the head pain is caused by the alcohol causing water to osmose out of brain cells, making them shrink and in some cases die.
  6. You ever had a hang over? Yes, but only a couple of times. What does it feel like? The first was like a minor headache and feeling tired, the second was pretty undescribably dire... suffice to say I got up then went to bed for another 6 hours. How often do you get em? Very rarely. What causes them for you? Drinking too much without rehydrating before going to bed. Incidentally, hangovers are a direct result of dehydration, so drink lots of water before going to bed.
  7. I read about linguistics and science, learn Japanese, watch anime, play go, read fiction, browse the internet, do random crap with people at uni. In fact, I don't game all that much.
  8. The last reason is the main one - at one point we were pretty sure the MPT would be brought back, and someone said so, and when we changed our minds, people were saying "were we lied to?" and things.
  9. I don't know about Mai-HiME being shoujo... it features girls, but I don't think it's really aimed at them. It's more about fighting big monsters than emotions, though there's an element of the latter, suggesting it's more shounen than anything else. Anyway, I like it whatever it is.
  10. Sorry if I come across as insensitive, I take comfort in understanding how everything works, and sometimes make the mistake of assuming others do too. Dante, I do genuinely hope your father will be okay, but you should try and explain to him that seeing a doctor in some way or other is in his best interest.
  11. Nevertheless, any yellow colouration is a clear sign the body isn't breaking down bilirubin, which is almot definitely due to liver problems. Have you tried telling him this?
  12. I know, I know... cut me some slack though, I was learning Icelandic grammar from scratch.
  13. That (accus.) is/am worm in boot-the my (dat.) which is: That is a worm in my boot. Hmm...
  14. 3. That is a worm in my boot. ...found a better use of Það, I think.
  15. Er... the verb is confusing me, but mínu is first person, so: 3. You are a worm in my boot.
  16. Hmm, Það is accusative and stígvélinu mínu is dative, so: 3. You are a worm in a boot.
  17. 3. There's a worm in your boot. That was fun to work out... I hope I'm right.
  18. It sucks more if two people are speaking at once - it just sticks the subs on top of each other. It's all about Zoom Player.
  19. Right, my orders are finalised... tending to issue them last is less of a tactical thing and more of a laziness thing. Edit: Fish, you bastard.
  20. I remember reading the four swords manga a while back... that was a bit odd.
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