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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. The second season is called after story, its basically a continuation of the main story that goes right up until Okazaki is 25. If they animate it as well as they've done the rest, it'll be very hard hitting. But it won't be for a while yet, it's only in production. People still aren't sure whether or not Haruhi season 2 will come first. Anyway, does anyone else think Akio (Nagisa's dad) is awesome?
  2. Watched, now doing some minor stuff on the visual novel translation. Season two (after story) is going to be very good indeed, but depending on which ending they use, might not be that happy... I'd say you have the best two to look forward to.
  3. That'd be the carbonic acid. None of that in flat diet coke, if you want to drink that. But yeah, something like apple juice is probably worse if anything in terms of tooth rotting. (but better in terms of everything else apart from calories) Quite a lot does, but not all. You can actually counteract the effect of acidic drinks by eating cheese immediately afterwards.
  4. Dear Sir or Madam, Blarg. The above sentiment summarises my feelings over the past few days: I have, in effect, succumbed to the anomalistic state of blarg, and the many woes with which the academic community has recently begun to associate it. While it may seem depressing to admit, I feel I ought to expose the truth behind the matter at hand, which is that though the degree of blarg experienced has at times fluctuated, a modicum has at all times been the minimum amount present, and so I believe it not to be unreasonable to describe the aforementioned blarg as omnipresent. This is a situation which is understandably undesirable, and although I strive to appeal against the toll it is taking upon my essence, no success has resulted, and I am unable to dispatch the idea that my efforts have been, and forevermove will be, futile. Notwithstanding, my ego expresses at the very least a minor desire to be rid of this condition, and hence I endeavour to find some manner of a solution. It is here that with a fanfare you make your entrance - I have reason to believe that it is not without your reach of power to obtain some method by which you would be able to expunge my ailment entirely; in effect, I feel you have the means necessary to reduce me from a state of blarg to one of normality, albeit with the prequisite that this earlier defined state of normality carries with it an appreciable degree of moderation. I would be most grateful if it were possible for us to work together to reach a shared goal: that of vanquishing blarg and all that it stands for from my system, and perhaps from the Universe itself. It is my wish for you not to haphazardly discard my suggestion, but to consider it piece by piece and ideally come to some form of agreement. I trust this will meet with your satisfaction, and feel it pertinent to once again stress my hope for a collaboration and the felicity that such an outcome would bring me. Yours faithfully, Supergrunch
  5. Yep, it seems Ashley knows better as well as Bard. [locked]
  6. No, you do not 4chan, at least on here. [locked]
  7. Oh, I meant to write Camelot.
  8. I've read a few books on linguistics, and am trying to change to it at the moment.
  9. I am England, I will pwn all with my fleets. Twozzok: Our game is full now, if you can gather enough interest and/or people who want to play two games at once, you could start another. Edit: Have people already moved? You guys realise that we have the vital negotiations first, right? I've already sent out some messages.
  10. Right, so we can easily fomulate a theory: The root language had words for red and dead that rhymed, probably by chance. They likely followed the pattern: r [vowel] d d [vowel] d Now, as this language spead out into English, Danish, and German, vowel shifts occured, leading to three variants: English: red, dead Danish: rød, død German: rod, dod There were also changes to consonants - the lovely Danish ds you mention arose, and similarly in German the ds became unvoiced, and so we get ts. This leads to the words we have today: English: red, dead Danish: rød, død German: rot, tot
  11. *goes through languages he knows* English - yes Japanese - no French - no Spanish - not really Which languages do, other than English and (apparently) German? Edit: Aha! English, Danish, and German are all Germanic languages.
  12. Yep, it usually only depends on the sound.
  13. Yay, some linguistics! Basically, this depends on the rules you mentally follow, the most common of which is to use "an" before a vowel and "a" before everything else. The important thing here is that it's not spelling that matters, but pronunciation, which leads to some oddities, often with u and h: hotel = /hoʊˈtɛl/ = a hotel (pronounced with a consonant first) heir = /ɛər/ = an heir (pronounced with a vowel first) utter = /ˈʌtər/ = an utter (pronounced with a vowel first) universe = /ˈyunəˌvɜrs/ = a universe (pronounced with a consonant first) These problems are a direct result of the behaviour of u and h in spelling - u can sometimes represent a y sound, and h can sometimes be silent. Note the rules for usage of "a" and "an" vary depending on dialect - if you want to quote something as "correct", then I'd go with the above rules. In the past, people used to use "an" before all words beginning with an h - look at Capcom using antiquated grammar in Golden Sun - "You got an herb!". Also look at the first sentence of Northanger Abbey - "an heroine".
  14. Facebook - add the application, and join the game N-E diplomats. The password is Supergrunch.
  15. It's played over a long period of time, you have 3 days for each move, so unless you're going on holiday or something it should be okay.
  16. Firstly, just as with deafness, the vast majority of people who are classified as blind are not totally unable to see, they just have some form of visual impairment, with "true" blindness being very rare. People who are indeed totally blind from birth have no concept of vision, and thus do not visualise things in their heads. They do of course have dreams, but no vision is involved.
  17. Depends on why they're blind, but I see no reason for them not to if they have eyes.
  18. I don't know, you can have France or something. Yep, just one. I have a friend who'd play, but I say we wait for another forumite for a while first.
  19. Well I'll post up my answer for 8, even though Fish thinks I have a sign error... (I say he has a sign error) 8. a = -3 working: Edit: Okay, seems I was right.
  20. Incidentally, it seems that there's no option for draws in this implementation, which someone was complaining about. It looks like it won't matter all that much, provided people try to stop whoever's winning.
  21. No idea, maybe we get to choose once we've gathered 7 players. I want to be Russia, but I'm not too bothered.
  22. Right, I've created a Facebook game called N-E diplomats, and the password is Supergunch. I'll try and invite people, it might help to add me on Facebook.
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