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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Josh64


    I'll believe it when I see some minecart models
  2. I played Dynasty Warriors AGES ago and really didn't like it, but this was back in the PS2 era, it'd be interesting to see how this one plays out. Other than Wind Waker, I haven't been a fan of Zelda for years, so perhaps a fast paced, no block pushing bullshit spin will be more up my alley, I guess we'll see! Even if it does get a good reception though, I can't see it breaking a million. Very few Wii U games have and they've mostly had Mario behind them. Heck, Wind Waker only just broke a million and that's a main entry (though admittedly a remake) We'll see, maybe if Wii U sales pick up after Mario Kart it will be possible. I really don't know how well Dynasty games sell usually! I just feel as though the market for that series wouldn't be on Wii U.
  3. @Glen\-i That's the main reason I liked it so much, I loved the art-style, if you can call it that, in making pokemon with as few polygons as possible. Maybe I'm just weird but I thought it made them all very charming :p Especially the way Golem would waddle around
  4. for the last 10 years it has been this, and I think it will never change:
  5. I've played my last online games now! (as I'll be out the house tomorrow) It really does feel like the end of an era, not just because WiFi is down, but because that was one of the few things that has kept me gaming! I've been less interested in games in the last few years and now I really don't see myself getting much else. As much as I've loved my Wii U, 360 and 3DS, they've never kept my interest in the same way the Wii and Gamecube did. I could say it's because the games just aren't as good now but I think maybe I'm just over it now. I mean, I have been gaming a long time so it would make sense. Heck, I'm not even sure when the new Mario Kart releases other than 'a few weeks' wheras every past release I've been dying for it to come out. Back in 07, I religiously kept up to date with all the Smash Dojo updates and did my own spin on them on HM-Fusion, but I haven't checked for about a month now and honestly, they were never that interesting for me in the first place. An end of an era in many respects! Other than the odd 'non-gamer' title like Tomadachi Life, I think I'm done here. It's been a good ride though. ...Now I just need to find a new hobby :p
  6. I've been flying CVs out all over the place the last week which is a refreshing feeling, I just told myself to stop thinking about the worst possible outcome all the time and it's made me a lot more free and open to many things so I'm hoping something comes of it! I've been so tempted to leave my current job the last few weeks (well for a very long time but it's only the last few weeks it's been affecting my sleep, free time etc), even figured out how long I'd last on the money I've saved, obviously it isn't the most clever option and it would mean losing my saved up driving and/or holiday fund but it's nice to know that if I really have to I can. Obviously though I'm gonna hang on as long as I can until I get something else, mainly because I know having a gap on my CV won't look good AND there's no guarantee I'd get a new job in the 4 months I'd be able to last with no job!
  7. I didn't end up pre-ordering, I'm still severely burned by Mario Kart 7 and franchise fatigue in general, from what I've seen though, this looks great! So I'll be picking it up day 1 (or thereabouts, depending on work schedules) - The one thing I'm conflicted on is the free game promotion! I was on a mad Wii U binge all of last year and so the only game I don't have in the promotion is Monster Hunter and I'm not a huge fan of that genre or title so don't think I should waste my time downloading it. In which case, I'm gonna do some searching and see which title sells for the most and just get a download version of the one I sell! Anyone know which one is selling for the most right now? EDIT: If I cba to sell any games I could just give away the code to one of you guys in return for something? PM me if you're interested!!
  8. admittedly I didn't play the GBA one that much but I wasn't a fan of what I did play. I love the PS1 title, the Wii remake and especially number 2 on PS2. In fact, I just can't wait to play the PS2 version much longer, I've waited so long for some sort of re-release on PSN and was hopeful (shortly after the Wii release) that number 2 may also get a remake but I don't see that happening now :p Either way, as much as I like the Klonoa series, this is probably the one entry I wanted the least! As I said though, I didn't play much of the GBA game so I might just get it and give it another chance.
  9. I'm glad you're enjoying DK It's one of my favouite games on Wii U - Though I have to admit I was the same as you. In fact, I was probably one of the worst people on here for bashing it before release. I was very against Retro wasting their time on another DK game and even badgered on about how they're not capable compared to Rare! And honestly, to a degree I still have that opinion on Returns, but Tropical Freeze is just so much better. I really wouldn't be against a 3rd and final instalment in the returned Country series now! I agree much more with his 2003 quote, the GameCube felt like a fantastic system by the end of it's cycle thanks to the crazy variety of games on offer, hopefully the Wii U can offer the same. In terms of his quotes, whilst I don't agree with his 'single title' view, you can perhaps see why he changed his mind. Afterall, between 2003 and 2013 saw the release of Wii Sports and Brain Training, both of which, can be argued, were largely what set the Wii and DS on fire. Single titles that changed everything. I know they weren't they only factors, but they played a big part and I think that's what he's getting at. And in regards to Wii U Pro Controllers, I really want one for Mario Kart but can't justify that ridiculous RRP, I'll only get one if there's a very good deal going on. I've already spent so much money on countless controllers.
  10. Oh man! Mario Kart Wii was a blast back in the day and one of the few online Wii experiences that is really great! A shame you're so late to the party but at least you got a few rounds in before it was over! As for me... I'll be playing my last online Boom Street this evening. I still don't quite know how to feel. I have my Birdo plush by me and I think I may sacrifice it later whilst crying uncontrollably into my wine glass. That's just one idea anyway. But in all seriousness, It will be a great shame losing Boom Street! Every week I have at least one game with some good friends over Skype which lasts a good few hours. I sincerely hope they release a Wii U version! No other online game I've played is so laid back but also tactical.
  11. I've purposely avoided the controversy around this game as I don't think my opinion would add anything. So, I'm more curious about who's actually getting it. I was really hyped for this, but all this hysteria has kind of took the focus off the actual game. After watching a few trailers again though, I can't wait for this! But there's still a lot I don't know - Such as... I've seen that Mii's in the game are ones you know - Can you choose to import these from StreetPass and (gasp) online? Or is it a simple Mii Maker affair? Has anyone played the Japanese version? I'm curious as to if this leans more in the Animal Crossing levels of customisation and gameplay or a more 'just see what happens' type thing like on My Pokémon Ranch (great game btw :P) Either way, June can't come soon enough! Crazily, I think I'm looking forward to this more than Mario Kart :p
  12. @Goron_3 I can already see a difference and it has only been a few weeks so yes, I'm very happy with it Starting to feel a bit more human again recently in general, though that will be complete when I've got my hair cut! It takes ages to get ready every morning now! And it's at the point where I have to wash it every day (because of the amount of hairspray I have to put in) which I've heard isn't very good for your hair! I'll be going shorter than usual this time I think, shed it all for summer!
  13. @Mokong - Yes, I'm still doing it! Though obviously not quite as hardcore as him :p I tend to do a different one each day on a 4 day cycle and its been working well so far! I've only missed a few days and they've been days when I've finished work late and have work early and feel like shit :p Or if I have a hangover, though I've only drank a couple of times in the last month so it's not been too many. After all this time I'm finally starting to SEE a difference! I could feel a difference for quite a while but it's actually pretty visible now! The days of squidgy boob are nearly over! NEARLY. Congratulations by the way! Your before an after picture since August 2013 is a crazy difference!
  14. I want Monster Games to bring us an awesome, HD, Excite Truck title! Fucking loved that game on Wii.
  15. I would love for more Mario characters too, especially Birdo. Though those of you complaining about baby characters, I know they seem like a waste but Mario Kart is for a much wider audience than Smash Bros. Your casual Mario Kart player would much rather have Baby Peach than Dixie Kong or Goombella, both of which they'd have probably never heard of.
  16. I hope they don't! I'm not ready for a new handheld I feel as though the 3DS has just started and still has so much untapped potential!
  17. I have to agree, the game looks amazing, as does the footage in the latest direct but good lord, that was awful! The voice over was tragic - One half was like a really bad Jeremy Clarkson impression (who I hate in the first place) and the other was like a 'How It's Made' clip. The music part of the direct was amazing though. One of those moments you'd only get with Nintendo. I just really hope this is not the style of Direct they go for with E3. (Though I really liked the Fils-atron video and Tomodachi Direct :p)
  18. This is really sad I loved that guy! And as much as I can hate the Mario movie now, I loved it when I was little! But of course, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is how I truly fell in love with him. That film man, my mom actually hates it now because I used to watch it so much when I was little.
  19. I love all their previous music and dancing but this is by far their best one yet in terms of everything - The awesome song, the amazing video and... guest starring AKB48! Such a summer song!
  20. I'm on such a high from seeing Kyary Pamyu Pamyu live yesterday! It was so energetic and fun, and as much as I loved her when I first started listening a few years ago, I'd never imagined I'd actually get to see her in real life! The music, the dancing, the costumes, oh man. I want to go back already :p And despite the awful transport (especially considering we went when there was a tube strike) I love London. There's so much happening, I'll have to start going more often, though if I do then I'll also have to get much better at understanding trains and the underground, because good lord, I had no idea what was going on - thankfully the friend I was with knew where to go :p But as if seeing Pamyu Pamyu wasn't enough, one of my all-time favourite music artists from the UK, Frankmusik, was there in the audience right by me! I didn't get to speak to him though, I didn't actually realise until after the show :p I kept looking over thinking "man, he looks like Frankmusik" but kept telling myself, what are the chances that he'd be at a J-Pop concert at the same time as me, on the same floor, just a few seats away. Alas, when I got on facebook when I got home he'd uploaded a video of the concert from the EXACT angle I'd seen him. So bam, put on instagram "turns out @Frankmusik was there!" and good lord, he replied, "amazing show, right?!" It feels like I'm dreaming.
  21. @Goron_3 Thanks a lot for the advice and links, I've ordered the age defence for eyes! I'll get round to ordering the others on Friday when I'm paid again! My diet is something I really need to work on and seeing yours only solidifies that. It's not exactly bad it's just thoughtless. Some days I won't eat much at all until mid-day (or anything) and then I eat pasta or a sandwich (and not a healthy one either) or something overkill to make up for the lack of breakfast. I tend to buy dreaded canteen food when I'm at work too which is just battered everything. So yeah, I'm definitely gonna try and improve even if it's just a routine to start with so I'm not eating at weird times. And yeah, I started (light) exercising 2 months ago now. I stick to a bare minimum of 30 push ups and sit ups morning and night which isn't much but even that has made me feel miles better. In-between I've got a few new things to get me going like Kinect, not exactly the gym but it's a good replacement for sitting around on my ass in my free time I think :p Sadly! I got away with it for years and only had to shave once a month at the most (without my facial hair becoming noticable) but something happened when I turned 22, almost like a second puberty, and now I have to shave every few days My skin was bad for a while but I have started using a post shave balm which has helped loads. It used to feel like my skin got super tight after shaving!
  22. Seriously!? I can't believe it! I feel elated! I can't remember the last time I beat you :P and I agree about the no DLC, but because I don't wanna spend any more money :p
  23. I can't help but think the Wii U has already been left for too long. If Nintendo were ever going to save it, it would have been Christmas 2013. Everyone was saying the exact same thing back in December as they are now about Mario Kart - Marketing Blitz, new bundles, multiplayer Mario game and what happened there? A slight increase, sure, but too little too late. If they'd have kept steady momentum from Christmas and then hit us with this Mario Kart, it might be in another position, but again, we've been left with absolutely nothing since Donkey Kong. Sure, we've had a few okay VC releases and the odd indie games, but they should have been blitzing us with HD N64/GC online titles and all sorts to really get the ball rolling. I really hope I'm proved wrong, because I'm actually a huge fan of the Wii U, and have bought so many great games for it, but at this point even I'm starting to feel jaded and unenthusiastic about the console. We need more than one big game every 6 months because again, after Mario Kart, when is the next big hitter? WE DON'T KNOW. Nintendo have left us in the dark, for so long, about everything. It's no wonder that people aren't too keen on getting one from the outside looking in.
  24. Hey guys, so I was curious, what things do you do to make yourself look good? I've started this thread because damn, just lately looking in the mirror I've felt like donning a potato sack (like Resi 4) and running around with a chainsaw. The main thing is my eyes, I'm almost like a panda now because they're so dark underneath. So does anyone know what stuff I could use to make my eyes less dark/deadly? And in general, feel free to share your tips on how you look youthful/good on how you eat, what you do and what you wear!
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