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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Had my date with Hernando today! We'd never spoke on the phone, just did things via text, so it was exciting going to meet. I called him when I got there to find out where to meet him and it was like omg, you're not a catfish what a relief. So he took me to this Hong Kong restaurant that he likes and it was awesome but I was slightly out of my depth haha. The whole menu was only in Chinese so he talked me through it and there was stuff like Chicken feet and prawn rice balls and these sweet squishy things, all of which I somehow managed to eat with chop sticks :p They brought over like 7 plates of different stuff and so he made me try a bit of everything and it was all pretty nice apart from the chicken feet which I didn't like for the mass bones :p Trying to eat the gooey sweet thing was so hard with chopsticks but he found it hilarious so theres that. He paid for the meal which I felt bad about and I kept insisting i pay half until he said that his father taught him to always pay for the first meal when he's first meeting someone so I let it go :p We then went to Starbucks for coffee and to play his Switch. He's only played Mario Kart in 50cc so I had to show him how it's really done and he was suprisingly good though no champ like me. (It was also my first time on a Switch so to be typically hypocritical, I really liked it despite my constant bitching about it on here for months lol) He made a Mii of me while I had a break to finish my coffee that was getting cold: For those of you that don't know me, no I don't have a big beard or huge eyebrows :p We then went to Forbidden Planet which he thought was amazing cause he's never been to one before and I got a Pokemon hat. We finally parted ways and I gave him a leaving gift of a Kirby amiibo as he was disappointed when he first got Mario Kart and realised he wasn't in the game. Aside from a few awkward moments because I'm not used to dates it went really well! Next time we meet he's gonna invite me over to his and cook lobster! LOBSTER! Maybe he's just trying to kill me with food I'm afraid of.
  2. I had two interviews earlier in the week but both ended up being a bust. The first one seemed to go ok, I was quite natural and answered everything fine, had a friendly rapport going on but man, the second interview was baaaaaaaaad. Like, the worst interview I've ever had And it takes a lot to beat my first ever interview back when I was 16, believe me. Anyway, for some reason my mind was BLANK for pretty much every question, I was such a mong. I took ages to respond and in trying to seem calm I think I may have come across as uninterested. Ah well, onwards and upwards, I'm usually fine at interviews so I'll just pen it down to a one off pooper. Got another interview this coming Monday somewhere else so I'm gonna try knock 'em dead.
  3. I'm a bit late but I had my first go on a Switch today and I was impressed. It seems a lot more premium than I was expecting (the bezel looked horrible in promo shots but it seems fine IRL) and the Joy-Cons are cute. Played some Mario Kart with a Joycon each. I like the double items and rumble
  4. Damn, this looks slick AF. Really liking the new look. I loved the old forum design back when I used my computer a lot but now that I mainly come on here on my phone/ipad it was becoming bit of a pain. This is so much easier and clean on my pad!
  5. SEGA have been good at making mobile specific games but porting existing titles to mobile is always a pain due to the control scheme. I heard this actually does support Bluetooth controllers so it could have been a lot of fun on my iPad... but (from the sounds of it) the emulation is rubbish. I'm not fussed with those release titles anyway as I have them on anything and everything but I have been looking for ways to play Saturn games for a while now. Aside from actually going out and buying a Saturn it seems I'm still at a loss.
  6. I've never really been into anime but that show is amazing. I think it benefits from being 1 complete season unlike many others which just seem to go on forever. I often found myself very conflicted as to who's side I was actually on during the show but I guess that's part of the fun.
  7. Jesus, what a title. "Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time & Bowsers Minions" is such a mouth full.
  8. No man, I need you to hold me all week. It's gonna get sticky.
  9. I haven't been able to post in this thread for AGES but omg, I have a date on Friday!! Someone hold me!
  10. Looks like even more of a snore fest than Wooly World. I'll take this over a New Super Mario Bros game though :p
  11. It seems a bit too soon for Kirby, he gets SO many games these days, though I guess it doesn't seem as bad if you just look at home console releases and ignore the 3DS. This looks decent enough but for the first 10 seconds I couldn't tell if it was HD version of the late Wii game which kinds says it all. this does at least look more polished than that new Yoshi. What material is he even meant to be made out of? He just looks fuzzy and gross. Feels like they quickly whipped that one together with Wooly World and Paper Mario assets.
  12. That sale isn't bad, Galaxy 2 at £8.99 would be very tempting if I wasn't constantly making myself unemployed. As for Retro, I've heard a lot about them losing staff from different places on the forum over the last few days. Is this a recent thing? Or did it already happen before DK? And how many staff are we talking? Was there a reason (like when MS made a stir with Rare at the initial buyout) or just natural turnover?
  13. I think the ARMS song sounds like a rubbish version of the Mario and Sonic Rio Olympcs theme :p But you're right, I've barely watched any trailers and still can't get the damn arms song out of my head!
  14. It's funny you should say that as I thought the song was amazing. But yes, it does have a very SEGA feel to it :p
  15. There were hot rumours about Diddy Kong Racing Wii U a few years back (which obviously never happened) but I do wonder if such a thing could happen on Switch. The appearance of a bunch of Mario characters but no Diddy in Mario Kart 8 seemed to go along with the theory, as well as his growing presence in games (Mario Party, Mario Sonic Olympics, two amiibo). Grant Kirkhope has also been teasing for months about something he can't wait to show off at E3, though granted it was originally David Wise who did most of the DKR soundtrack. This is just me being hopeful, but also thought I'd just throw in my two cents of probably the only thing that could restore my faith in Nintendo as Splatoon/ARMS don't interest me and everything else right now seems to be a Wii U rehash.
  16. 15 mins on Rabbids thing (going into excruciating detail like the wool shop), Zelda DLC, more Wii U ports and some indie games that came out 6 months ago. Announcements: Western release of Xenoblade pushed back to 2018, Virtual Console to be discussed "at a later date". Just keeping my excitement in check.
  17. I went in expecting nothing and they managed to deliver just that. I'm certainly glad I didn't see this thread and get 'fucking hyped' for this steaming pile of Trubbish
  18. This looks like a joke we'd have put on the front page on April 1st, I can't believe it's real. The fact Switch didn't have a solid online system from day 1 is a joke, the fact that MONTHS into the system Nintendo do this weird half reveal with bits and pieces of information, still leave us confused/dumbfounded, then say it's not available until 2018 AND you have to pay for it is just... wow. They really have outdone themselves. I find it shocking they're able to shift so many when they seem so incompetent in delivering basic functions for nearly every aspect of the system. It still hasn't got Virtual Console, something the Wii had on day one in 2006. I think I'll have more luck using this:
  19. If they struggled to sell the Animal Crossing amiibo line then they're going to have a great time with these.
  20. I can't remember anything about Croc other than the fact I was obsessed with him at the time. I haven't played it again since I was really young, so I fear that it might be rubbish now :p As for this, I'll be picking it up. I remember really enjoying one of the PS1 games, either 2 or 3, but struggling with the first. Hopefully it will be a lot easier with the PS4 pads and analogue though.
  21. The curse of 2017 has raised its head once more. So yeah, I did two shifts and absolutely hated every second and kinda broke down before my third shift. I rang in sick that day and the following day before my shift after having not really slept I thought yeah... this really isn't for me and told them I'm really sorry to have messed them around but I won't be coming back. In the days since I have decided I won't be going back into care for at least a few years. I saw some horrible sights at the previous home and have had a bad time personally the last two years so I haven't got the energy to be there for people emotionally, which is a big aspect of that job, so I'm not able to offer the support they need and not able to cope myself outside of work. Whether by coincidence or because allied health getting wind of my departure, I got a call yesterday saying my therapy can start again a few weeks early, so I'll be going to that every Tuesday for a while. Hopefully that will help get me back to normal and in a job outside of care.
  22. I go for my induction day at the new job tomorrow. I've been really fucked in the head the last 6 months so this will be my 4th job in that time period. I'm hoping that I'm in a better place now though, I feel better emotionally but still fear my anxiety will go crazy again. The difference this time is I'm actively trying to beat it with meds and therapy so I'm gonna try and stay positive and keep reminding myself things don't have to go as bad as they previously have. I just want to shake myself :p like OMG JUST BE EXCITED FOR A NEW JOB INSTEAD OF WORRYING MY GOD.
  23. Some people (Twitter lol) have been angry at me for making snap judgements on this game despite having seen 'no gameplay yet' but I really don't care, I hate the rabbids and the concept of this so why should I wait until I've played it to form an opinion? I think it cheapens the Mario brand. If the gameplay is great and the game turns out to be fun then I'm happy for the people that like it, but for the same reasons I won't play a BRATZ game or watch the Minions movies, I won't be partaking in this because the main characters irk me so much. I'm just waiting for Mario Kart DLC announcements of 'Rabbid Mario', 'Rabbid Peach' and 'Rabbid Yoshi' to really push that roster into the 'all time low' category :p
  24. I have a long list of regular Podcasts, as I use them when doing housework, walking places and playing MineCraft so it's about... 70% of my waking life :p Retronauts is a great quality one that I've been listening to for about 2 years which gives interesting history, music lessons and sometimes interviews about retro games. The Kongversation is a (nearly) weekly Podcast about the DK Universe (So any games surrounding DK, Rare and Playtonic) - It's probably the least professional sounding podcast I listen to given the tangents and the nature of its whole concept but I like it for its weirdness and deep lore. After about 2 years of regular listening i'm finally starting to understand the endless in-jokes and almost bible-like view of the interconnected universe. The Bottom Line is a business show from the BBC hostd by Evan Davis, very forward and to the point. The Frank Skinner Show is a weekly podcast from Absolute Radio which I listen to all the time but that's super hit and miss for me. Sometimes I find it hilarious and other times terrible, it generally depends on how good/bad the topic is and how annoying the one co-presenter decides to be on that given week. This Week in KPop is a bi-weekly round-up of all the best kpop releases as well as discussions about the music videos. It's hosted by two 30-ish asian-americans working in Korea so it's nice hearing the opinions of someone closer to my age as oppose to 'liTERALLY SCREAMING' fan girls. Despite my avid (although somewhat waning) love for Nintendo I didn't have a regular Ninty podcast to listen to for a very long time but Radio Free Nintendo put a change to that fairly recently. I like it as the cast seem very balanced, not afraid to criticise and they seem aware of other consoles and PC, which is nice compared to other Nintendo things that always seem a bit too trapped in their own Nintendo bubble. Thirty Twenty Ten is another weekly one for me, which looks at movies, tv shows, games and music from this week 30 years, 20 years and 10 years ago. The 2007 segments always get me in a kind of 'holy shit that's ALREADY 10 years old!?' kinda way. From the same guys is Laser Time, probably my favourite of their podcasts, which looks at a certain pop culture topic each week. Some of my favourite episodes are one about the oldest media formats (the first ever recording is creepy as hell) and 'the worst song covers of all time' which is about as amazing as you'd expect. Bonus Time, like what I just mentioned but an extra hour long version about more personal topics about the hosts which is a patreon only thing. Like Ashley, I was really into Talking Simpsons but it has slipped a lot recently, I tend to just put it on when I've finished all my other stuff. They go on way too many tangents now and it's oddly political. They're my main ones, I listen to the odd episode of It Came From Japan (JPOP music, not too invested nowadays), Vidjagame Apocalypse (videogame show hosted by Laser Time and Talking Simpsons guys) which I listen to when it has games I'm intereted in and Retsutalk which I would listen to regularly but only gets updated a handful of times a year now thanks to commitments the hosts have. Still mourning the loss of The Gamebrit Podcast. Will definitely try not to get hooked on any more podcasts for a while as I don't think I could keep up with many more :p
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