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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. One of many reasons people want a console with more power. If people weren't interested in extra power then we'd all still be playing stuff on PS3/360 so I don't get this argument about people being against powerful upgrades that just 'make things shinier' because extra power offers far more than just graphical upgrades. The Switch actually looks great, but for anyone that isn't into handheld gaming, it will be seen as inferior and weak.
  2. I picked up a preowned bayonetta 1&2 limited edition pack in really nice condition from game for £22! They have either got a really good price for that game or just accidently marked it up wrong because it seems a lot more elsewhere!
  3. I wasn't a huge fan of the red bars (mainly because I was crap at them) but everything else was amazing. I especially love the blue ropes that fling you in the air, have you do a bunch of flips and then launch you forwards. Possibly the most rewarding thing in any racer though is getting yourself a Super Sandwich! I so desperately want a Wii U release now, I need to calm myself down before I get too disappointed
  4. I probably won't get this right away as whilst I'm a big fan of both Apple and Nintendo (to the utter despair of many technology fans) I think there are too many problems with it right now. The price is initially off putting but that's because of how my brain and mobile games work, when I look at it as an eshop purchase it seems more than reasonable but the constant internet connection totally kills it for me. I'm sure there are other games, but there are none that I personally own that require this and it seems like such a pain in the ass and waste of data. As excited as I am to play Nintendo on iOS, I won't do it unless they sort themselves out. I guess I'll be eating cake with both hands for a while longer yet.
  5. That'd be really great if they released it over here, I see no reason why not. This is a stupid question and I'm 99% sure I know the answer but will the online work on Wii U?
  6. I saw that advert earlier and thought it looked like some phishing scam, that really does look cheap and lame even for Nintendo. They'll be using gross JPEGS of minions to advertise their stuff next.
  7. That worked really well! I also liked that you weren't limited to just casually listening but you could set specific songs to specific levels and it'd remember next time. The one stage will always remind me of Rick Astley now even though that SD card with my music is long gone/lost
  8. With the Nintendo Switch you can take gaming anywhere - On a plane, on the train, to a party! Why not the after life? As for Excite Bots Flink - that game was fantastic! A really great sequel, though there were moments where I thought they'd perhaps taken things a bit too far wheras Excite Truck was the perfect mix of racing and tricks. Nintendo pushed me to do naughty things with my Wii in order to play it sadly.
  9. YES! I played that Canada stage so many times, it was fantastic. I would die for another Excite Truck.
  10. The Wii U may be dead in the water but just because consoles are no longer being sold it doesn't mean software with an appropriate audience won't sell, Just Dance released on the original Wii this year along with other consoles and sold more on that than any of the other systems, proving that software can still sell to existing customers even if there are no new ones. I'd say Yooka-Laylee still had a chance of doing decent numbers on WiiU, given a lot of fans will be from the Banjo days and carried on with Nintendo but what makes the least sense to me is that I thought the core team were developing soley for WiiU and Team17 were porting to other systems. Did they change dev kits recently or something? Surely with the excess kickstarter money they got and the fact they produced most of the game with WiiU hardware in mind, it'd make more sense than not to still release for that system? I'll be getting it for PS4 I guess, it just seems a shame that a lot of backers were WiiU owners and now won't be able to get the game.
  11. I remember Reggie awkwardly showing the WiiU on Jimmy Fallon. They quickly played some Mario 3D world before its release (which included one of them clipping through a chunk of the level) and played a spot of Game&Wario bow and arrow stuff which was... Lacklustre to say the least. I'm glad times have changed though, the Switch demo was a lot better. But damn, Jimmy seems less sober than ever.
  12. @EEVILMURRAY ah I was forgetting about that one but at least he comes with 4 poses!
  13. For one reason or another I didn’t attend much of my final year of school but on December 8th 2006 I went skipping in with glee… why? Because my best friend was set to get a Wii at 3pm that day and he’d invited me to go back to his place and try it. The anticipation from both of us was astounding, and unlike past Nintendo releases it wasn’t just us frothing at the mouth at the thought of pounding some balls that evening as the whole world was desperate for this hot new device. We somehow managed to make it through the day without freezing ourselves South Park style and made it back to his house to rip open the box and grab hold of those thick magic sticks. We skipped Mii making and all the other jargon and went right into Wii Tennis, gleefully jumping and arm flailing across the room for hours like all the trailers said we should. It’s crazy to think now of the hours we’d spend on Wii Tennis as it’s such a simple game yet that’s something that proves you’re onto a classic. Just like Super Mario Bros or the Game&Watch, Wii Tennis was simple but it worked, was incredibly unique and felt like the future. As time went on, it felt like the Wii grew with my changing tastes and age. I’d been growing ever more uninterested in ‘normal’ games to the point where, after years of being desperate to try Twilight Princess, by the time I got my hands on it I could barely be bothered to get past the first dungeon. Yes, as the rest of the gaming world stared on in horror at the changing face of Nintendo, with titles like Just Dance, Wii Fit and WarioWare storming the charts, leaving classic adventure type games behind, I was lapping up this new form of gaming as I started to see games as a social thing to enjoy with friends as oppose to my early teenage life of being locked away trawling through dungeons. Thanks to a mix of incredibly unique titles, Nintendo’s changing demographic that grew with me and the time in my life where I was free to enjoy gaming with college friends in ways I never had before, the Wii is by far my favourite console of all time and holds plenty of genuinely misty eyed memories. I’m sad that we’ll never quite get that Nintendo back with how the gaming landscape has changed, their re-focus on classic type gaming and with a different leadership post Iwata, but I’m happy that we got to experience the biggest shake up in gaming and a healthy new lease of life from a Nintendo that looked as though they were heading the same way as SEGA. Whenever I mention how great the Wii was I prepare to be covered in hot tea spewed out of the recipients mouth, but the likes of Let’s Tap, NiGHTS, Mario Galaxy, Just Dance, Smooth Moves, Excite Truck and many more we’re unlike anything I could have imagined and a true product of their time that we likely won’t see again. Here’s to a unique, wildly misunderstood but fantastic console. EDIT: I don't share the same Galaxy luck as you guys but my first gay experience was after playing an evening of High School Musical Sing It on Wii with my friend. It was a shock to me at the time but consiering the game I should have seen it coming. EDIT 2: As for blunders, a lot come to mind, e3 2009 for example, but for some reason I always remember this comment: https://www.engadget.com/2008/06/11/nintendo-says-only-geeks-and-otaku-want-a-harddrive/
  14. I thought the Kirby amiibo was simple but this is something else :p
  15. Every time I see an N64 release I'm impressed and think "ooh, the N64 VC is getting a bit more fleshed out now, it should look great in a year or so" then remember we're in the dying months of Wii U. Now more than ever I hope the current VC gets transferred from WiiU to Switch, I don't think I could bare another slow trickle all over again. I've never played Excite Bike 64 but I have vague memories of really enjoying a bike game on my friends N64 back in the day so perhaps this was it? Either way, I'm Excite to try this out come Thursday!
  16. It's true that it would be foolish to have done it for this Christmas, but if they could have released it last Christmas as previously promised (and Miyamoto DID promise before anyone jumps to their defence) then it could easily have done a couple of million considering the high attach rate for first party software on the system and wouldn't have left so many Wii U fans sour. They could have then done a GTA 5 and released an improved version for switch, raking in money twice. As it stands they've messed around WiiU owners due to many failings, such as failing to allow appropriate development time, allowing the system to die so dramatically and by promising things that were clearly unrealistic. I just really hope they've learnt their lessons for switch as I can't believe we're in the exact same situation as we were with Twilight Princess. It's certainly a step too far for me and I won't getting a switch at launch. I don't know what my point is, I'm just annoyed about it and wanted to vent :p I didn't watch the new trailer because at this point it feels more milked than the Smash Dojo. To save you all time I'll reply to myself with this: “A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.” ― Shigeru Miyamoto
  17. I'd actually expect it to be mostly WiiU footage, isn't it a WiiU game through and through simply being ported to switch? I'm certain the only reason it has been delayed again for Wii U past March is because of porting problems and wanting to release it on Switch first. If it wasn't for this transformers tablet then we'd no doubt be playing Zelda this Christmas if not a few months ago. I can't help but think Rabbids and Mario is a truly awful mix but then I'm another person who only knows them from their minigame early Wii days, if what I've read about Rabbids Land is true then perhaps I don't have to be so worried. It still doesn't do much for the Mario brand or even the Switch in trying to start afresh and away from that whole Wii era stuff. Nothing says 'casual Wii' more than Rabbids.
  18. Haha yes, that's exactly what I mean! It at least seemed to fit the style of Inception
  19. Any news on the Apple Watch app? It feels like I've been waiting ages for it now. I barely play it myself these days as it just feels like a pain, what with the battery drain and lack of interesting Pokémon but I'll be tempted to jump back in when the Watch version comes out or the Gold/Silver mon are added.
  20. I'm not sure what to make of that trailer, it seems like a generic teen movie using the Power Rangers brand as subtly as possible. The characters also seem annoying AF. I was hoping they'd just go all out crazy with this and embrace the weirdness of it, have Tokyo Mirage Sessions level fights, crazy bad guys and mega electric guitars. Instead the suits are dull and gross whilst the music uses a few notes from the theme to that annoying 'BUUUU BUUUU' you hear in every film since Inception.
  21. Anyone know of any good WiiU console deals? My brother wants to get one for Christmas (I've already told him the console is now dead and the switch is out next year but he's adamant he wants one) - I've been looking a lot of places but it's £250 at best which seems crazy this far into its life!
  22. I finally got around to playing the demo and really wasn't feeling it. It feels very restrictive compared to MineCraft and especially awkward to control when not in a first person view, it feels like the difference between Super Mario 64/Sunshine to 3D Land/World in terms of how it compares so if someone is just after a creative building experience then this is not it. But then I realise this is meant to be more than just an MC alternative. From what I played I can see where the appeal is, especially as from what I can gather this has a full story with people that you can help etc, but it's not for me.
  23. Sorry for the hideously late reply - Donkey Kong Returns was fun but a lot of things about it annoyed me, the 'blowing' mechanic especially, not to mention shake to roll. More than anything though, because it was the first Returns in a while and because it wanted to come across as new it stripped away a lot of the DK lore aside from the obvious lack of Kremlins - the music, atmosphere and lack of extended Kong family was all missing. Tropical Freeze on the other hand gets rid of the stupid blowing mechanic, maps everything to buttons and feels like more of an actual 'world' than a bunch of obstacle courses in a jungle setting. The return of David Wise to make the music is a huge deal and really brings back some of that classic Donkey Kong meloncholy whilst having Dixie and Cranky by your side as well as Diddy Kong really make it feel like home again. The best thing for me though was the return of water levels. Water-based levels were such a huge part of DKC and I couldn't believe they were missing from Returns but they're back in this title and better than ever, Donkey Kong is now so angelic and flows so beautifully underwater, not to mention it has some of the best music and aesthetics in the whole Wii U library.
  24. I'm curious as to what will happen with Pokemon too. Those images were very interesting though, I had no idea the models looked so nice in the 3DS games until Serebii pointed out the 1080p versions, it really goes to show how awful the 3DS screens are :p I think the core handheld games could still work fine on the tv with better textures. The main thing to improve would just be the overworld. It wouldn't need to be anything dramatic, just make it look a lot nicer - I loved Tokyo Mirage recently and the overworld in that is as rigid/enclosed as Pokemon but still felt fine on the big screen so it can definitely fit. In regards to Skyrim, I had similar 'this is the Wii U all over again' fears. I think the main thing to remember here is that it's Skyrim on the go that's the big draw.
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