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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. What hobby or entertainment did you view as a passing phase before getting completely invested? When I think of my love of KPop I think of it as a passing phase but then tonight I was listening to a live album by Shinee and getting really nostalgic with every song that came on and that's when I realised I've been listened obsessively to KPop since 2013 now. I still always think of it as something I stumbled upon a few months ago. I was interested by the crazy style and upbeat music initially and checked out one or two other bands before it snowballed out of control and I didn't realise. Now I listen to Korean music almost exclusively which... Is kinda weird when I consider I have no real connection with the country :p Anyway has this happened to you guys with anything before? TV shows? Authors? My Little Pony?
  2. I like the designs of all these starters, the dog dolphin seal thing is my favourite. As far as Ken Sugimori is concerned, I just miss the old watercolour art-style which I think was his style/influence.
  3. Lego City is genuinely ridiculous for loading times. I never got very far because I found it unbearable and it really takes you out of the game having to stare at a loading screen between places, I hadn't experienced loading times that hideous since the PS1 days. And the music just pissed me off in the end.
  4. That's from 2010. They stuck to their word!
  5. I really love this game but I haven't completed it once yet. I keep going back to levels I've done to replay and get better scores and slowly make my way through the Lylat System. I guess I've slipped back into 'casual' mode so I'm taking my time with this. It's nice to read comments on here about how fun the game is and the controls though. I genuinely think they're fantastic, the reputation this game has garnered is unjustified I think.
  6. They're taking the places of existing Minecraft characters and as I love both series I find it quite charming, I can see how it could be off-putting though, especially if you're not used to the Minecraft look :p And with 40 skins, new music and textures I think it's pretty good as a free download. I'm also nearly 100% sure the reason this download is coming out is in preparation for a boxed release. I wouldn't be surprised if this was on-disc content and they had a Mario skin on the cover.
  7. I've been playing this obsessively on Wii U so I'll be getting that pack in a heart-beat - It has DIDDY KONG!
  8. I've started putting highlights from the YouTube videos on our Instagram! If you're into Igers and all that, you should check it out! https://www.instagram.com/n_europe/ And awesome stuff as always, the highlights always look so fun, I'm always so tempted to join but my shift patterns are all over the place so I'm never available on a regualr basis >.<
  9. I've heard the Diddy Kong Racing 2 rumour for so long now I just assumed it to be true, will be sad if we don't get something along those lines.
  10. Dang that looks nice, I'll probably have to wait for payday though so I hope they have plenty of stock
  11. Dang, I need this so bad! I will definitely pre-order the special edition. And I checked out that trailer, looks really nice. I also checked out the intro, whilst I knew I shouldn't, I just couldn't help myself. But DAMN. If I didn't want it before (which I really did) then I sure as hell want it now.
  12. Ah, well it will be worth the wait! I haven't got Shovel Knight, I've heard great things but after playing the demo I think it's too hard for me. It's the same reason why, as much as I love his design and the music, I just can't get into the Megaman series. And I hope you enjoy Lego City. I never completed it. I enjoyed what I played but I got it early on with my Wii U alongside a bunch of other games and never ended up going back to it. I should probably return to it at some point, the loading times just really dampened the experience for me though.
  13. I'm enjoying this game far more than I thought I would, and really love getting to grips with the controls of the chicken and airwing, I genuinely think the controls add so much to this game, and I wouldn't be enjoying it anywhere near as much if it used traditional controls, but then I'm a stickler for new control methods, I loved all sorts of stuff on the Wii, even Monkey Ball Step & Roll, and I love the globe spinning controls of Kid Icarus. Where this game really comes alive is the dog fights though - Man, they're good. I never thought I'd like having to look at two screens, but locking onto an enemy and flying around on the main screen whilst aiming and shooting on the GamePad feels truly awesome. I noticed a lot in the Wii era that after the Wii Remote wore off, no matter how awesome developers used it, a lot of gamers just wanted a traditional control scheme. I can't help but think the same has happened here. Now that everyone has given up on the GamePad they just want traditional controls but if this was a launch game I think it would have fared better, both the game and the GamePad itself, but I guess that's Nintendo's fault.
  14. That's awesome DK is THE best platformer on Wii U, and that's saying a lot considering how many there are! Such a good title, I'm so pumped for you to play it. And @Dcubed - Oh man, if this is a new Excite Truck or Excite Bots I might need resuscitating It's been FAR too long for games as awesome as those to make a return!
  15. I know that Pit himself has a different voice actor than the early trailers so you should check it out, it's really great. I think it's nothing to worry about though, just get an outsider to collaborate with if they're not confident enough in themselves.
  16. I've always hated dual analouge control, which is one of the main reasons I don't play many FPS games, the gyro controls are awesome and didn't take long to get used to at all. The only time it does annoy me is when you HAVE to look at the gamepad, during cutscenes and stuff, but even that I can handle. The game is hard though, especially for a Star Fox noob!
  17. I like miitomo but my timeline is broken, some days I'll see posts from today or yesterday and other times it will show me answers to 'what's your favourite bread' from a month ago.
  18. The launch games will have to be amazing for me to buy this at launch, as Nintendo royally screwed up the Wii U and 3DS launch. At least with the 3DS they got things back on track, but I feel pretty burned on the Wii U as we're still without Zelda, didn't get a proper Mario platformer and they killed the console off early. Not only that but I've been holding off getting a PS4, so I have a bunch of games to get when I've got back off my holiday and get one.
  19. I fear for this forum in 2 years time when they announce an 'NXK'
  20. I was told about it on the Nintendo VIP forums and joined soon after, posting endlessly in a barely coherent way about my love of Donkey Kong. Calmed down for a few years and infected HayesMates/HM-Fusion with my annoying posts instead. Came back around the relaunch into Revo-Europe and used it as my main source of Nintendo news for years mainly as a lurker until about 2011 when I started pestering/falling in love with @Ashley and got the new name of Josh64.
  21. Hatsune Miku Future Tone, I'll get a PS4 as soon as it's released!
  22. Lylas Wars sounds far better than Starfox 64! And I want this game but probably won't get it on release. Let's hope they make plenty of copies of it.
  23. When I was really into my 360 I was more than happy to. I don't care for party chat but they would NEED a decent messaging service, one that sends actual notifications to the other player. Game invites too, trying to set up a game on Wii U is a nightmare. They'd also just need to up their online choice in general - Mario Party, Nintendo Land, MAS Olympics and starfox should have all had online options for example. As far as free games are concerned, I'd be happy with a couple of free VC games a month.
  24. As bad as the graphics are in NSMB, it's the music that really annoyed me. Half of it sounds like a polyphonic ringtone
  25. Had a fairly good week but just came crashing down today for no apparent reason. I woke up after a normal 7ish hour sleep and just felt exhausted and down as fuck so... I went back to sleep until 5pm - Literally just let the day slip by. I think night work is fucking up my sleeping pattern and making me a bit isolated too. I had to cancel plans today as I just didn't have the will-power to get out of bed. Alas, tomorrow is another day! As I say, I've been a lot better these past few months, I guess I was due a major dip.
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