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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Starfox looks ok! But at this point I think I'll pick it up on the cheap. Jpop Fire Emblem looking good as always, will probably get that on release, and Mario and Sonic is always a must! I just hope it's up to the levels of fun seen in 2012. They usually have an awesome roster of sonic and Mario characters too so I was a bit saddened to seem them weird bosses from Lost World. I was pumped for paper Mario until I saw them cards on the gamepad. Will have to find out more about the game and if it does play like sticker star, which I suspect, then I'll give it a miss. I would have been pumped for Rhythm Heaven 3DS a few years ago but I'm kinda over that series now, especially considering that game is mostly old minigames which I've played to death before. SNES games on 3ds has come a bit too late for me :p would have died for some of them a few months ago but had a retro binge recently and played most of them titles in the past 6 months.
  2. My favourite Direct moment, I hope we get more gold like this.
  3. I don't know how many dev teams there are or who is responsible for what but looking from purely a game perspective, Splatoon seems like the last 'proper' release on Wii U. As the others seem like outside work, such as the porting of TP and Mario Tennis/Amiibo festival. Even Mario Maker, while great, can't have needed anywhere near the budget or team as a 'proper' new entry in the Mario series. As I said, I'm not up on 'who's who' within Nintendo so perhaps someone with more knowledge can give an idea as to what they've all been up to. Nintendo aside, Retro have been beavering away at something since Donkey Kong TP, which released 2 years ago and was no doubt finished a couple of months before its release. With that in mind, it seems that Nintendo's development is surely mostly in NX now, and has been for some time.
  4. I read somewhere the project robot thing (and the other one) are gonna be incorporated into Starfox Zero.
  5. Is there no 'General Pokémon thread'? I think there should be :p But I'm too scared to make it so this is the best fit. As a huge KPop fan, my worlds collided recently as love of my life Jung Joon Young, amazing ballad singer and more recently rock artist in 'JJY Band', sang the theme for the latest Pokémon film in Korea. This guy is awesome, so either this is a massive scoop or the Pokémon anime is massive in Korea, either way, it was a bizarre cross-over of worlds for me. The song itself is pretty good (but his mega deep voice could make anything sound heavenly), though the video is very jarring, as I've only ever known him to be a sullen ballad singer, so his over the top singing stances seem... odd. Either way, I love that JJY and Pikachu are dancing in a studio together, it's like some weird day-dream come true. I wanna catch him in a Pokéball //creep
  6. Mario Kart 64 on Wii U VC. There's a lot to be said for simplicity. I have Mario Kart 8 w/DLC but we spent far more time on this game tonight. The 64 game is far more accessible for casual gamers and fun from my point of view too. I can easily powerslide my way to victory in MK8 but the playing field really was equal all round with this, and I got bested far more times than I'd like to admit to. The 64 game also has a classy arcade feel to it, feels much more like a SEGA game than anything. Anyway, I'm drunk on red wine so I could just be rambling. It was worth the money for nostalgia alone (and the sound clips were way better back then, Mario is genuinely adorable in the 64-bit era)
  7. I've been an on-looker as oppose to frequent poster ever since my late teens now, so I kind of really enjoy the drama :p Jokes aside though, it seems like a much more light-hearted place and the staff are working their asses off to bring back that Nintendo magic that drew us all in as pre-teens, as the N-E Show proves. I hope we can continue that, forget all the stupid fanboy shit and just enjoy Nintendo for what they are, whilst enjoying our other consoles at the same time.
  8. holy shit, I just turned it back to the Mario Galaxy style and its made me sick with nostalgia. I had it on this skin for YEARS
  9. I'd love to see a Pokemon party game, the minigames in the stadium titles were super fun and the sheer amount of crazy Pokemon would allow for some pretty interesting ideas. With the prominence of Mario Party, the existence of poke park and the fact we probably don't need more party games right now, I'm guessing we won't see it.
  10. I'm still holding out hope for that rumoured Diddy Kong Racing Wii U to emerge as an NX title
  11. Whilst their games are always great, the section for their titles on that site just goes to show how few we get. At this point it's pretty much one game per generation. And their logo reminds me of a brand of batteries.
  12. Partly inspired by love the art, hate the artist - what things have been right up your alley and you were really looking forward to watching/playing/listening, as well as being told to countless times by friends, to only be disappointed by? My favourite videogame series of all time is DKC. I love the first game and the second game is flawless. But the third game, despite trying to play it countless times, just does nothing for me and no matter how much I've forced myself to play and tried to enjoy it, I just can't. I'm a big fan of the Walking Dead and was told by pretty much everyone I know that I HAVE to watch game of thrones because I'll love it but I really struggled through season 1 and didn't see the appeal at all, gave up after that. Finally, and this is probably my own fault due to over hyping, I'm disappointed by pretty much every new album I listen to. I'll get majorly into a band, love all their music and be excited as hell for their new release to only be disappointed as hell when I first listen. This usually changes after a few listens though.
  13. Rare had helped so much in the N64 era @Serebii and did plenty after the buyout. Sure they had a slight wobble initially dealing with the change in console and audience but I think any developer would. They went on to make some fantastic new series in Viva Piñata and kameo, Nuts and Bolts was great but scolded for daring to be different and Kinect Sports was the evolved version of the tech demo that is Wii Sports. Not only that but their upcoming title Sea of Thieves looks fantastic and is a return to their pirating ways, headed by Gregg Mayles who was in charge of Donkey Kong Country 2. To say they were 'done' before Nintendo sold them off is ridiculous. And I don't know if it was apparent the stamper brothers wanted out before Nintendo sold Rare but they didn't actually leave until 2007 so I'm not sure about that being a reason either.
  14. Around Christmas I knew I had the week with intense family interaction and a lot of downtime, along with plenty of gifted Nintendo points so decided to finally see what this Minecraft stuff was about and got the Wii U Version, assuming it would fill the festive gap. Alas it caught me more than I'd ever imagine, now over 90 hours in on the Wii U game. After finding out about my recent obsession my friends convinced me to get it for 360! I'm very impressed I can get a Banjo skin but that aside... damn, I like to waste money. Luckily I bought this with credit from my sold 3DS or 'ultimate dust collector RPG only machine' as it's otherwise known, so no big loss.
  15. The reason Nintendo do lazy shit like this and release it as a full price retail game instead of a £20ish eShop title as it should be is because they know they can. I bet it will sell pretty well for a Wii U title. The only time this hasn't worked is very recently with Amiibo Party and Smash Tennis Ultra.
  16. "Why do they have to complicate things?"... I could be wrong but from what I've read in interviews, this seems like Miyamoto's thing lately. As soon as I heard he was adamant about the second screen being integral to the experience I was worried.
  17. I love my Mii but I actually prefer the Avatars, they're pretty cute and the customisations are /amazing/. I got a Space Channel 5 tshirt and a damn Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg hat Same here, I loved PilotWings Resort SO much and I think a big 3D Mario is a must. I LOVE the Galaxy games but a return to the 64/Sunshine worlds would be amazing. In Sunshine you can always see another island from another part of the game, geographically relating to the whole of Delphino. I've heard Miyamoto wanted all the levels to be connected but couldn't due to technical limitations. I would personally LOVE to see that come to life, a massive Mario world with things to explore and do. I think it would, the Mario brand on titles used to work wonders but I think it can be a bit off-putting now. I love the fact Boom Street had Dragon Quest characters in it too and it's what caught my eye. Had it been just another full Mario cast I wouldn't have been so intrigued to check it out. And finally, WE NEED A NEW EXCITE GAME. Excite Truck is so much fun, it's a tragedy that it's been 10 years and we still haven't got an Excite Truck 2. Excite Bots was also crazy fun but I think the tricks and stunts went a bit far and took away from the racing too much. Truck was the perfect mix. That game online, holy crap, I can't begin to imagine.
  18. That's not Tokyo Toys by any chance is it? If it is I'll be hiding in there from now on, ready to pounce on you and take you to my cave.
  19. Oh man I'm jealous, L is amazing
  20. This is my gripe with the Wii U, I have a lot of games for it and enjoy them a lot but there's nothing ground-breaking. 90% of the games Nintendo have released on the Wii U could have been done back in the GameCube era with a slight graphical downgrade. But I totally disagree on your Spin the Bottle statement! That's a fantastic party game and one of the craziest uses of the Wii remote I've seen. Shits all over actual Nintendo party games like Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival. I agree with Smash, I actually think that's one of the few ambitious games Nintendo have done this generation, with their support for DLC and superb online, vast roster and bunch of new modes, it was fantastic. Pikmin 3 to GTA comparison is ludicrous though. GTA 5 was such an expansive game, that had scope unimaginable in the PS2 era, with a great story mode and fantastic online. Pikmin 3 however, whilst great, could have easily been released exactly the same back in 2006 on the GameCube. I don't see anything new or exciting there other than flying Pikmin.
  21. Starfox Adventures was the first game in the series I played so I totally loved it. I re-played some of it about a year ago and still found it enjoyable but I didn't get that far. I love that dinosaur speak. Also: NOBODY EVER BRINGS ME GIFTS ANYMORE
  22. Nintendo's main problem right now is lack of ambition. For some reason in the Wii era they slowly went from the majesty of Galaxy to 2D platformers. Now we have 2D platformers everywhere and if they're not 2D, they're semi-3D like Mario 3D World. 2D games don't appeal to kids and as the article said, kids don't need simple games, if it's appealing they'll happily step up to the challenge - as they did with 3D movement for Mario 64 back in the day. I don't think they need to totally change the way they are and ditch Mario and Link, they just need to be more ambitious, release a modern-day fully 3D Mario title, have more new IP like Splatoon and improve online. It's 2016, if kids are at risk online then the problems are gonna stem from their mass use of mobiles and iPads, not gaming.
  23. That sucks about Street View, that app was /awesome/, especially viewing places in a spinny office chair :p I have a lot of fond memories of me and my friend checking out the holiday resort we were gonna visit a few weeks before going. It also had highlighted tours for you to go on, some of which were really interesting. I checked out a Japanese monkey park and the inside of some underground anime club. I really don't get why people always shit on decent apps because they're not games or streaming services, this was being moaned about before it was even released. This one really doesn't make sense though, surely it just uses the same servers as the website? It's not like Google are gonna take down actual Street View on PC's / tablets any time soon? So I don't get the need to discontinue.
  24. I tried Okami back when it first released on Wii and couldn't get into it. As for TP, this just feels like daylight robbery on Nintendo's part. If this was a digital release for about £20 then fine but a full retail release for some new textures? They could have atleast added some damn fur to the wolf. Starfox Adventures looks better than this.
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