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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Just looked back on this thread. This whole situation sounds like bullshit, it's really lame she stood you up like that. Again, I'm probably way too late for this but if the person you like has a boyfriend, whether the responsibility lies more on her than you, you have to think how you'd feel in that situation being the other guy. Not only that, but if she's willing to do that to him, what's to say she wouldn't do the same to you? I was always told if someone bitches/gossips about other people you know, chances are they'd do the same about you, I feel as though that kinda applies here. I've heard many similar phrases. As a result I don't trust many people. So I guess you probably shouldn't listen to my advice. I wish you the best either way :p And @Animal I'm glad you read my post, I was dreading having to tell you face to face, or indeed, keyboard to keyboard.
  2. I'm happy being single and don't go on any dates, I cba dealing with another humans emotions. I feel like I might be a robot. The thought of having to be involved with another person scares me to death. Is there something wrong with me? (I might prefer that to be a rhetorical question.)
  3. The 3DS will probably die fairly quickly in the West but it'll live alongside the NX for a while in Japan, in the same way the PS360 still sell pretty well in the West despite their successors being out.
  4. How credible would you guys say these sources are? And yeah, the best approach is to be as open as possible to save any confusion. I liked how they released that short but sweet statement about the 3DS outlining exactly what it was before the big blowout a bit later on. Saving everything for e3 doesn't always work as the Wii U reveal confirmed.
  5. I'm not too fussed on most badges as they just clog up my screen but I'm obsessed with the AC fish. I wanna get as many as I can! I also love the new icons for Mii plaza and stuff, the toad ones are so cute and I'm so happy they have them as the original icons have always been ugly as hell :p How often are the free games? I've spent a fiver so far on a new background and badges which doesn't sound much but.. In the space of one day it is haha. These fish are gonna be the end of me.
  6. @Magnus - It's good but it doesn't come close to matching Elite Beat Agents, sorry! Gameplay-wise it's similar but doesn't have the awesome cut-scenes and crazy spins that game had. Still, it probably is the closest thing we'll see to it again so if you like vocaloid music you might wanna give it a try, there's an eShop demo!
  7. When I initially saw this I paid no attention to it but after downloading it yesterday... man, I'm obsessed. I love crane games and can see myself getting obsessed with this, hopefully I can keep control of my spending :p
  8. I found Marth without a funny face so naturally I had to add him to the collection of Amiibo with wonderful hair I got Project Mirai for 3DS! I loved the Vita/PS3 games but hated the art-style of this new one so I initially passed it up. After playing my friends copy though, the music is even better and it has an extra touch screen mode that plays like Elite Beat Agents so I had to take the plunge.
  9. Haha, Nev and Zefron are constant inspirations, though can you BELIEVE he's not gonna be on the UK series? Sickening. But yes, I'm all seriousness, it's my food intake and I can take control, I've just gotta stop letting myself go wild. I've done it many times before and I'll do it again!
  10. Nintendo need some guidelines in place, everything feels so disjointed. For starters, they need to agree with their first party developers across the board a standard online set-up. Some first party games let you jump into a game from the friend list, some don't and some don't even let you play with friends at all (Mario Tennis). Not only that, but whenever the do make progress, instead of working on it, they wipe the slate clean and start over. Mario Kart 8 is great, but its online isn't as good as it was on Wii. Instead of building upon and improving the online structure of the Wii game, they just started over. DLC also seems all over the place. Mario Kart has great pricing, Smash seems oddly high and Splatoon, whilst initially giving away for free was great (as it was pretty bare bones) their recent offerings of new levels are also free - from a business stand-point this seems absurd - After a bunch of free content, I know plenty of people that would be more than happy to start paying for new Splatoon levels. They also just completely ignore fans. People were desperate for Nintendo Land DLC, they had all the assets in place and needed to showcase the GamePad more so what did they do? Not bother. It might be too early to say, but Mario Maker is PERFECT for DLC and they're being oddly quiet on the whole situation, if they pass that up then I have no idea who's responsible for these decisions. Then you have controllers. One game requires a Wii Remote, one a Wii Remote Plus, one also with a Nunchuk, one the Gamepad only, one doesn't support the Pro Controller, another supports everything. You can use a Pro Controller in some games, yet if they GamePad isn't turned on, the game won't work... Why? I can see why Nintendo want to give developers free-reign to do what they want to keep morale high, but sometimes they need to put their foot down, perfect example being Retro. Letting them create ANOTHER 2D platformer when the console was inundated with them already was SUCH an idiotic move. They should have requested some sort of 3D adventure. Nintendo have completely lost most gamers, hence the lack of Wii U sales, so they need to do their best to keep Nintendo gamers but they're failing to even do that. Ask most fans and Mario, Zelda and Metroid will be in their top 3 frachises. We didn't get a proper Mario title, no matter how much people try to tell me otherwise, I fail to believe that 3D World is anywhere near as ambitious or fresh as 64, Sunshine or Galaxy, it's lacking. Then we have Zelda which we're STILL waiting for and Metroid which we're clearly never going to get. So for me to get an NX they're going to have to at least sort out the above. And if they can't get online, marketing, third-parties or hardware right, they should at least try to appease the core-fans and give us ONE proper entry per generation of the top franchises we know and love. This Zelda Wii U title should have been a priority, I don't care how, but they should have got in new people simply for assets whilst the core team work on gameplay and design or something because Wii U's big title is going to release too late and have to be ported to the NX. They made this mistake with Twilight Princess and instead of learning from it, they made the same mistake again. I think a lot of people would have jumped on board this year if Zelda U was this Christmas release. They need to sort out their output and scheduling for NX.
  11. I haven't got it yet so I can't judge too much, but I watched a few (fairly long) gameplay videos and it seems to take the slow plodding pace of Mario Party (its worse aspect) and expand on it greatly. Is it all pretty much luck based? Where is the gameplay? These are genuine questions, not snarky rhetorical ones :p I want to like this game as I love party games AND Animal Crossing.
  12. @Animal That sounds like heaven. But yeah, I'm not sure where to begin, I'm back to struggling to bother getting out of bed ATM so maybe exercise is something I need to motivate me, gotta get me some of those natural highs.
  13. I guess I need to stop being lazy and beat you at those Just Dance's! I could really do with it because I've put on a lot of weight recently (about 2 stone in the last year) but I'm still in the denial stage. I did start to try and lose weight but then just lost motivation and went back to eating away my problems. As it stands, that's another problem for another day :p too many things on my plate (pardon the pun) but Just Dance can be the start (of something new)!
  14. Damn, it's back up to £18 else I would have took the plunge!
  15. Yeah you're probably right, I just feel of all the franchises, DK is hideously under-represented considering its importance. But yeah, if K.Rool was gonna be represented I guess it would have been Sakurai's decision in the early days of development that would have been more likely than a public vote.
  16. I like this on-going theme of guys with big swords and fabulous hair being in Smash. The more the merrier. And I was excited for this in the same way I was for Mega Man, I don't have much of a history with either franchise but know it's a big deal for many people (and for Smash) and they look like fun to play so bring it on! I'm just REALLY hoping we get K.Rool before the DLC ends, surely he'll be pretty high I'm the ballot?
  17. I finally started this game today and oh man, I've loved every second so far. I got it for the Yuji Naka game and thought I'd try the U one when I've completed it as an extra, sadly the impressions you've given of the Wii U version are what I expected. It's a shame they had to completely change it. So yeah, the game. MAN. These are the kinda titles that made me love the Wii so much, the camera is a bit rubbish (could have really benefited from Motion Plus like what's seen in Wii Play Motion on the shooting mini-game) but everything else is awesome. The controls are generally good though I have got stuck in tree's and behind rocks a few times, I'm still not sure if that's the games fault or mine though :p But yeah, I love everything about it, I was MADLY in love with NiGHTS on the Wii and this really feels like his vision of a 3D NiGHTS, it's like NiGHTS mixed with Gravity Rush (another favourite of mine). The atmosphere is nice and Rodea as a character is awesome. The weird semi-CGI cutscenes are also so SEGA Dreamcast it makes my heart melt and some of the world are surprisingly complex, though after years of party games and Just Dance, maybe I'd just forgotten that the Wii can handle 'proper' games too. I'll get stuck back in tomorrow! Like you said, it's a tragedy this wasn't released earlier on Wii and even worse that the name has been tarnished by an inferior port/different game.
  18. I think if Twilight Princess HD is announced they'll probably remain tight lipped on Zelda U as to not steal Midna's thunder.
  19. Damn, that intro music still gives me chills
  20. @Serbii - I didn't know there had been at least one new game per direct so that is interesting, either way, there's still such little information on already announced games I wouldn't mind just a blast of info on the titles we already know, namely Starfox and Paper Jam.
  21. I don't know what to do, I totally forgot about this until I got an email saying my pre-order has been cancelled (changed my card a few months ago and forgot to update on the Nintendo site) I'm wondering if it's worth the money now. I feel as though I should as I love Yuji Naka and PROPE and was so eager for this back in 2011 but now... I'm burnt out on games (patty games aside) so feel as though I'd be wasting money. Then again I LOVE NiGHTS on the Wii and I don't care for the Wii U version of Rodea so if I'm to get Wii Rodea I'd have to get it fairly close to release. Damn, I just don't know. GAME have just the game (with the Wii version) for £40 so I might get that without the art book and stuff. I wish we could just buy the Wii version off the eShop, for goodness sake. The hoops we jump through to be Nintendo fans, honestly, I could be a trained dolphin by now.
  22. I'm working when the Direct airs which is a shame as I've been gagging for one for ages. Quite honestly, I don't expect anything new, and wasn't the whole 'unannounced WiiU games for this year' a mis-translation? I fear people are holding onto that false comment with too much hope. I'll just be happy to hear more about Starfox, Paper Jam and to find out exactly what the hell Amiibo Crossing even is. Oh man, and more on that Jpop RPG, loving the look of that. I can't see us getting anything else and I refuse to believe Twilight Princess HD until it's officially announced. What's the deal with Smash? Will we be getting new DLC of the top requested characters from that poll or will we have to hear the results first before anything comes to fruition?
  23. Yeah I think Stadium was good the way it was, it was a huge deal back then given how big Pokemon was, so to see those gameboy battles played out in 3D was awesome. If they were to have this gameplay style they'd have been better off keeping Stadium as it and releasing another game, an 64 era version of Pokken Tournament, both games could have sold quite well alongside each other I think, especially given how big Tekken was on the PlayStation at the time.
  24. I really like the look of this app but this is the kinda gimmicky Wii-era crap I lap up, whilst I think a lot of people are over that sort of thing. But time will tell, Nintendo and Dena have no doubt put masses of time into this so I'm sure they know what they're doing. I know they said they're only ever making original content for mobile but damn, I wish they'd get a bit looser with that rule as there's a bunch of games that'd work just as well or even better on mobile. Whenever I play Kirby Rainbow Paintbrush for example, I always think how much better it would be to be able to play it on my crisp iPad screen, especially as the graphics are so nice. Captain Toad, Nintendogs, Kawashima, WarioWare, Rhythm Tengoku... Nintendo have so many quality titles just dying to be on mobile yet they insist on original games only.
  25. I really hope that online multiplayer is some extra content we'll see as a result of the delay. The local multiplayer in Starfox 3D was so awesome and even though it was one of my first 3DS experiences, it's still my favourite to this day. I remember reading an interview with one of the lead people for the game (no idea who it was) saying that they would have loved to put online into the 3DS title but it was merely cut because of time-constraints. Whilst I was peeved at the time, it was understandable because as far as I'm aware, the 3DS struggle and lack of software on release was the core reason for the remake in the first place. Hopefully they can finally fulfill the online multiplayer dream with this entry. Either way, online or not, I'm really looking forward to this game despite the general negative feel most people have towards it. I've always just loved the camp nature and non-serious attitude of the Starfox world. The gameplay is fun and arcadey and I always love the cheesy voice acting.
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