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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Lol that d-pad, people didn't really fall for that did they? Then again I thought the rumours of a 6inch screen on a controller before the Wii U reveal were ridiculous.
  2. That looks gross, I'm so peeved the hybrid rumour is true as I can't stand the idea. It's gonna take a hell of a lot to get me on board with NX and Nintendo arent doing a great job with this whole "let's just not reveal anything" stance.
  3. Depending on the chapter he flips between amazing and terrible for me, I can never make my mind up :p
  4. Just Dance is primarily used with smart phones as controllers now so just because that game is coming doesn't mean there has to be a form of motion controller and I really hope there isn't. If Wii U was confusing then how confusing will a handheld/home hybrid with detachable controllers, middle screens and motion controllers be.
  5. I just finished the side story 'Barry Forever', he was always a bit weird but it seemed almost sweet but now he's just full on creepy.
  6. Sounds good to me, I'll be playing more again now it's on the Apple Watch, it'll make hatching eggs a lot easier!
  7. Why is everyone so bitter? Nintendo are making a very good business decision that clearly isn't taking up much development time and wasn't aimed at most of us anyway. I don't see such an uproar when they release the likes of Brain Training or Nintendogs. And to write off the entire mobile market just makes you look ignorant and out of touch.
  8. Thanks @FireMeowth ! I've done it now, I should have paid more attention to the unbreakable walls! I cleared the section and cleared one set of performa, now off to the 106! I'm getting a bunch of these double-up moves in the sessions now too, it's so satisfying having 4 or 5 sessions, then having a double up attack and getting another bunch of sessions, I never knew combos could get so high!
  9. It says to go to the tv station idolasphere to find the dragon shard but when I enter it doen't give any more details, do I have to literally seaech the entire dungeon again?
  10. I'm really stuck on Chapter 5, I just can't work out what to do. Can anyone help me?
  11. Yeah I heard they want to create a universe similar to what they did with Diddy Kong Racing (with its inclusion of Conker and Banjo), hopefully this time they'll have more time to realise that idea! And the game looks fantastic in that EuroGamer video, I really can't wait to play this now
  12. Yeah, digital only sadly it looks fun as always and I certainly MUCH prefer this art style over the big head 3ds models but the arcade version just looks so much better graphically and song-wise which is why it breaks my heart they're only localising this game.
  13. How have you guys been getting on with this? I'm on Chapter 3 and loving it though I have to admit I'm a complete noob. I haven't properly played an RPG in years so whilst I started on normal I did slip to easy when it suggested that I should :P Alas, I'm really enjoying it for the story and weird side-quests as much as anything. The battles look fancy and exciting but I don't know enough about RPG's to really dig too deep into it so I'm fine just breezing through on easy as I am and accidently triggering sessions haha
  14. I'm just giving up on this until the servers are sorted, hopefully all the buzz isn't dead by then :p
  15. Damn, at least I know now, me and my friends came across a Staryu that was 3 steps away wherever we walked, we thought maybe it just kept moving away from us somehow
  16. After 3 years of obsessively watching music videos of lovely places around the country I'd really like to go to South Korea, I could time it with a couple of live concerts too :p I'd love to go back to Japan, what I saw was amazing, but I was whizzing all over the place trying to take all the attractions in, it would be nice to go for longer and at a calmer pace. I've always loved the look of Canada, and I really wanna go fishing there too (it's the small things :p)
  17. It depends on the day for me, some days when I have crippling anxiety it can be exhausting just replying to texts and terrifying if the phone goes off but other days I can be out with any number of friends and feel completely fine and actively want to go out and do things and see people. I'm not very confident with people I've never met which apparently comes off as stuck up/stand off'ish as oppose to shyness, which is something I need to work on, it's not my intention but something I've been told by someone I ended up talking to a lot as my initial lack of conversations and eye contact made them think I hated them at first. I think I'm getting better at that though, as soon as I told myself it's just as awkward NOT talking as it is talking about something stupid/making a slight fool of myself, I found it was better to open up a little bit to people and not be a closed book all of the time.
  18. Thanks guys! And yes I'm having a blast!! Hit Akihabara today and spent ages in the many SEGA arcades and broke the bank shopping but it was amazing. I even sang with the maids in the cafe to get my bear burger, it was quite something. Have some awesome stuff from my shopping adventures too, like mint condition boxed Dkc 1 and 2 games, Kagamine Len RECIEVER model and all sorts of other stuff. Super Potato and Pokemon centre were especially awesome!!
  19. Thanks guys! And yes I'm having a blast!! Hit Akihabara today and spent ages in the many SEGA arcades and broke the bank shopping but it was amazing. I even sang with the maids in the cafe to get my bear burger, it was quite something. Have some awesome stuff from my shopping adventures too, like mint condition boxed Dkc 1 and 2 games, Kagamine Len RECIEVER model and all sorts of other stuff. Super Potato and Pokemon centre were especially awesome!!
  20. Yeah it's the silence that is getting me most, especially as the Wii U is completely dead. I agree that it wouldn't make sense revealing it right now after E3, I probably didn't phrase it right, but I just think in general from March and the fact it didn't appear this E3 is a very bad sign. Even if they didn't show games, surely we could have got a concept trailer like when the Revolution was first revealed. If we are still getting it for March then I'd hope for a September or October event at the latest.
  21. I'm seriously expecting a delay at this point, they're just being TOO quiet about everything. Has there ever been such a short gap in Nintendo history between unveiling a console and releasing it? The Wii and WiiU both had about 2 years right?
  22. No worries, I thought it was probably too good to be true but thanks for the Amazon link, that's an awesome price!
  23. The Wii Fit U meter is £4.00 on the official UK store. Does anyone know if this will come with a game code? If it does then I'm all over that but it has no mention of it anywhere http://store.nintendo.co.uk/games/wii-u/wii-fit-u.list
  24. I'm not sure, but I'd assume it would have objectives as Banjo did, similar to 64/Sunshine. The transforming worlds, collecting plagies to expand or create new areas and character transformations all point towards this having a lot of originality. It's certainly a modernised formula, moreso than the recent Ninendo titles that you keep comparing it to. And yeah, the modern Nintendo titles are tightly designed and fun to play but (3D World at least) are very linear, that's not particularly a bad thing if it's what you're after, but that's what I'm getting at, they're very different kinds of games despite both being platformers so if you're hoping for something like 3D World then it's no wonder you're not impressed with what you're seeing.
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