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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I still really enjoy my Wii and for some reason it still feels new, theres no way I'd even WANT to buy a new console just yet.
  2. I watch Jeremy Kyle, it makes me feel better about myself. I really don't like the people in my class at college, they are annoying and immature but they really like me, so I feel like a dick. I grin and bare it but I often feel like shooting my brains out when I'm with them.
  3. I want a proper Donkey Kong game! a true sequel to DK64, is it so hard for Nintendo to do it themselves without Rare? Yeah, we had Jungle Beat but I didn't like the fact it didn't have all the classic characters. We haven't got a Starfox game yet either! Why are Nintendo forgetting such key series? I want these before I shell out for another console :P And it really doesn't feel like 3 years, the Wii still seems so young and fresh to me. Maybe it's just the amount of fresh and exciting games that are still coming out, I remember the huge drought that the Gamecube had near the end and the Wii is completely opposite.
  4. That really is quite funny :P The same sort of thing happened to me with this guy, he really liked me and also kept saying over the top and out of order things. That wasn't because I was hot though, more because he was weird and desperate. Anyway, I found that telling him straight didn't work, so I full on ignored him and he got the message. It's pretty harsh really and I felt quite bad but sometimes its for the best.
  5. Oh man! Not your knee's! No wonder its playing like a fail!
  6. This game will always be in my heart. Perhaps an over statement but yes, I am another one who loves this game. I love the style and the music and yes, the controls. I'd suggest you don't give up on it just yet dazzybee! What kind of box did you have man? Make sure you have a hard surface and a decent box to play it on.
  7. Josh64


    This may blow you away It's probably wrong that I think this looks so good.
  8. I just can't believe how stupid that post is.
  9. Josh64

    Wii Music!

    I agree with everything RedShell says! I loved Wii Music, everything about it. Making my own versions of songs was just so much fun and the only thing I hated was the track list. I don't think it needs Motion Plus but everything else would be awesome. I can just imagine a Wii Music Channel now, my heart has skipped a good few beats.
  10. To be fair, some parts aren't great (CHAMELEON) but other parts were just brilliant. Flying through the city was one of my favourite moments in gaming and as a series it has to be my favourite. I love the characters and the music, the whole atmosphere is so magical.
  11. I have this guy on my MSN because he was a pretty cool DJ and introduced me to many good songs. talking to him recently, he's now known as FOX and that's his fursona, and he has loads of friends called 'furries'. They Dress up as animals and draw pictures of themselves being the animal. That's the first time id heard of this and I was kind of confused but each to their own I suppose. Anyway, got some good news today. The guy I like at work was about to leave and then gave me an awesome hug. It was such an intense embrace :P And then he asked me to go and see NEW MOON with him! I'm so excited, he was like, its a date then! a date with a gorgeous guy to see an incredibly gay film. Can't. Wait.
  12. Got this today and I'm loving it! Instantly I realised it's way better than the original. Finding out how much you have burned off after each game is great. Some of the balance games are really awesome, Im loving cycling and the marching! Can't wait to play it some more tomorrow.
  13. NiGHTS! Get it! I loved every moment of it. I hadn't played the Saturn version and got it simply because I found it dirt cheap and it's become one of my favourite games! Also, Excite Truck! Another game I randomly brought because of the cheapness yet I was blown away by how intensly fun it is! So fast paced, so crazy and really smooth!
  14. It's an epic film. As far as I can see there is no fake MJ but maybe I don't spend enough time analysing every second of the film to notice.
  15. I have the galaxy theme
  16. That trailer looked awesome! And Pikachu had his voice, so I don't see why they wouldn't. On Brawl, all of the Pokemon had their proper voices too, didn't they?
  17. This sounds like intense fun! I'm in.
  18. I've gotta get to oxford! Ive met about 7 gay people in the last 3 years. One of them being an ex and the other 3 being friends :P
  19. I don't get why this game is getting so much hate, it looks awesome judging by those new screenshots!
  20. This game should get rated atleast a 6. Oh I kid, just laughing at yet another thread that's been destroyed by talk of scores. Or maybe it was this same thread that also just got onto talking about the scoring system of games, just a few pages back. I don't know, but either way, would everyone just stop now. It's getting old. I came here to talk about... 6 HOURS GAMEPLAY! What do you guys think? Apparently the single player, when rushed through, lasts 6 hours long. That's pretty damn epic. For a side scroller obviously.
  21. Does anyone suffer badly from nerves? If so, how do you help prevent them. I am quite a nervous person, mainly because i'm overly paranoid. For example, when im walking to college by myself, I must have my mp3 on, if I don't I feel so edgy. It's a comfort thing really, knowing that if for some reason a random person tried talking to me I could pretend I haven't heard/ noticed them. It also takes my mind off the fact there are lots of people around me. Another bad aspect of my nervousness is that I tend to block people out and I dont notice anyone. Like I said with the MP3 thing, I block out everything with music and generally look around people. My friends have to like physically tap me or something to get my attention :P Meeting people for the first time is also a weird one, I just feel incredibly self concious. I will introduce myself and stuff and for some reason I can be over the top, almost to hide the fact i'm so edgy. So what about you guys, what makes you nervous and how do you tackle it?
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