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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Take a hint from Steve Ballmer, and go on stage screaming "HOUSE CAPTAIN, HOUSE CAPTAIN, HOUSE CAPTAIN! The other fucking guys are fucking pussies. I'm going to fucking bury those guys, I have done it before, and I will do it again… I'm going to fucking kill them."
  2. Other than the street cleaning and minimum wage increases, your country sounds well shit. You might as well change the name from "United Kingdom" to "Daily Mail Island". Yours sounds a lot better.
  3. It looks very odd. Most people will have the Wii on a desk, and you'd have to crouch down to be level with it. They'd be better off with an external camera like a webcam. That is, if it's real - I honestly think it's just covering USB ports and SD card sockets.
  4. Bastard swords > Katanas Shove your pansy little lightweight fish knives. This big bugger takes two hands to lift, and would shatter any katana it would hit into a million, tiny, very embarrassed pieces.
  5. Dinosaur Comics and The Perry Bible Fellowship are fantastic. There's a lot of shit web comics out there though, i.e. VGCats, PVP, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Megatokyo, and more or less every sprite comic ever. I've yet to come across a decent sprite comic, and I don't think I ever will.
  6. HDR looks great when it's used properly. It looks amazing in Half-Life 2: Episode One, especially inside the Citadel.
  7. I woke up this morning to a fantastic thunderstorm. Great stuff.
  8. We're talking about a government which calls the suicides of three inmates illegally imprisoned at a modern-day concentration camp "an act of warfare" and "a good PR move to draw attention". "Fascist" doesn't cover it. "Evil fucks" does.
  9. Jack

    Doctor Who

    Shit. Misread it. Eh, it's too hot today...
  10. Jack

    Doctor Who

    Torchwood's not Captain Jack's codename, it's the organisation he's working for. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torchwood
  11. Total Annihilation. It's an oldie, but it's amazing.
  12. Jack

    Doctor Who

    Awesome episode tonight. Gabriel Woolf is the man. Must say, though, Peter Kay looks shit in next week's episode. Phoenix Nights was funny, but he's been awful in everything else he's been in.
  13. I really disagree. It's precisely because it's inhumane that we don't do that. You can't justify torture by saying "He's done worse things". If you do that, you're on the same level as them. You've got to do things on a proper level, through a justice system. No torture, no execution, none of that shite. Otherwise, what makes you better than them?
  14. I get mine from eBay. Failing that, I usually try Forbidden Planet, they occasionally have a few. Also, if there's a Home Bargains store near you, give them a shot. I picked up a 1/100 Aile Strike Gundam kit for just £3 there.
  15. Pray tell, why?
  16. I pretty much agree with Conzer - it would have been better to put him on trial and imprison him. In death, he becomes a martyr to al-Qaeda's cause.
  17. I've been growing mine for nearly a year. It's painfully slow. I might have to invest in some straighteners. Though I didn't get the idea from it, I'd like it my hair to be the same Ray Za Burrell from Gundam SEED Destiny (the blonde fellow). Dunno if I'll dye it though. Probably not. Your school sounds like it's run by massive goons. A mate of mine got suspended at secondary school because he dyed his hair black with gold tips. It looked well shit, but he didn't need to be suspended for that. Not least when they didn't care about girls dying their hair.
  18. Most cards come with a a DVI to VGA adapter. My X1900 XT I got recently came with two.
  19. Jack

    Doctor Who

    It'd be awesome if they did bring Sutekh back though. I'm sure they didn't get Gabriel Woolf in just as a nice nod to fans of "Pyramids of Mars".
  20. Jack

    Doctor Who

    Death's never stopped anyone in Who before. Davros died twice before dying again in "Remembrance of the Daleks".
  21. I wonder how many people here have seen the Paedophilia special of Brass Eye.
  22. Jack

    Doctor Who

    The Doctor vs Sutekh, Round Two, I think. :P
  23. I like kids. Raw.
  24. Pandora keeps trying to recommend Dinosaur Jr to me. It's obviously total shit.
  25. That looks like a bad Dreamcast game.
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