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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack

    Doctor Who

    I just watched the "Oh Mummy" extra on the "Pyramids of Mars" DVD. Bloody funny stuff. "I bring you Sutekh's gift of milk to all humanity" indeed.
  2. Join the Air Cadets then. I did it when I was 13, and I liked it. You get to fly light aircraft like the Grob Tutor, shoot on firing ranges, stay at RAF bases, do the Duke of Edinburgh's Award, and know that you kick the shit out of the Army Cadets.
  3. I find the entire idea to be a joke. You don't live in a free country if you're forced into service.
  4. "Uikon" is probably a horribly romanicised translation of "Wii-Con". Fairly obvious what that one works out to be.
  5. That's a pretty damn stupid opinion. A lot of towns which depended on industry like mining (or steelworking, to give the example of my own home town) were left adrift when the Government closed them down. We're not just talking about one factory having a lot of workers from one town, we're talking about the entire town revolving around it. If you close down the town's major work centre and don't provide any help to keep the place going, of course people are going to be pissed off. They can't just "get another job" when all the jobs were built around the town's major work centre.
  6. Jack

    Doctor Who

    It's on BBC3 tonight at 7PM, or you could download it from the usual places.
  7. Jack

    Doctor Who

    It was indeed the black Dalek - it has a lighter shaded base, and probably appeared blue because of the lighting in its final scene. As for the nodules being shiny, my new PC case is very black, very shiny and is quite reflective. Maybe Antec make their cases out of Dalekanium. :P
  8. Jack

    Doctor Who

    It was really, really good, up until the last ten seconds. Catherine Tate is a shit comedian, a terrible actress, and ruined a fantastic moment. Russell needs a punch in the mouth for writing that into the script. It would have been fine if it was a trailer, but not the ending of the episode.
  9. "Attack weak spot for massive damage", surely.
  10. Not one mention of The Thing yet? Blasphemy!
  11. You've missed the point. You can't say that Game X just "is" better than Game Y, because it's down to the individual. There's no measurable factor which makes some games better than other games. I could say Medal of Honor is better than Call of Duty - I think they're both total shit, as is pretty much every World War 2 FPS ever, but there's nothing set in stone which makes one game is better than another.
  12. It's not a case of every fan "knowing" that a game is better. That's impossible, because there's no quantifier for what makes a game better. Do I know any hardcore Nintendo fans who like both Mario and FIFA? No, I don't, not personally. That doesn't mean they don't exist though. People are allowed to like games they want to, you know. And if you're interested in playing Pro Evo on a Nintendo console, try looking up Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution for the GameCube. It's meant to be very good.
  13. Jack

    Doctor Who

    I think a Dalek/Cybermen alliance would only work until the Daleks activate whatever the Genesis Ark is (Perhaps a "seed" to create more Daleks. I'd probably collapse if it turns out to be Davros). The Cybermen outnumber the Daleks by a few million to four. If the Daleks manage to multiply, they've no reason to band together with the Cybermen anymore. They've already done that a couple of times in the show's past. Nicholas Courtney played Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, but he first appeared in the show as Bret Vyon in "The Daleks' Master Plan". I'm sure other actors have played multiple roles in the show before.
  14. I do live in Europe, yes. Specifically, Durham. Pop in for a cuppa if you like. If casuals buy games based on films and music, does that mean that GoldenEye and Donkey Konga are games for casuals? I don't think it's particularly difficult to get Japanese games either. The DS is totally region free, so ordering a game from Play-Asia or Lik-Sang isn't any more difficult from ordering from Amazon or Play. Of course, you've got to go to places like GameFAQs to get translation guides and such, so there's that extra element of effort there. I don't think playing Japanese games means you should say you're better than other people though. It doesn't bother me that FIFA is the best selling game. I'm not interested in football, so it doesn't affect me. I also didn't know you can't be a Nintendo fan if you like both FIFA and Mario. Where's that written down? Can you not be a PlayStation fan if you like Mario games?
  15. I've played Jump Superstars, and it's nothing amazing. It's a sub-par Super Smash Bros clone, with anime characters thrown in. Without the Dragonball connection, people wouldn't take notice of it. Likewise, FIFA isn't anything special. It's come on in leaps and bounds in recent versions though, probably because of Pro Evo becoming more popular. It's gone from being terrible to average. And what exactly sucks about the charts? The games you don't like are in it? Other people in "having different tastes to you" shocker. Of course if you're going to put a obscure game up against Harry Potter, people are going to pick up the Harry Potter game. People see the name and recognise it, so they buy it. You see a Zelda game, you recognise it, you buy it. Same thing. It's funny you should mention Ico, because Shadow of the Collosus sold really, really well. It went into the charts at number one, and even though it's just as shit as Ico is, I'm amazed it sold as much as it did. There's clearly room for both big-budget tie-ins and obscure quirky games, so I don't know what people are upset about. Without the big-budget games, there wouldn't be the budgets for more adventurous projects. I'm willing to bet (read: hoping) that Michel Ancel did the King Kong game so he could fund Beyond Good & Evil 2.
  16. Have you tried another power supply? This was happening to me ages ago until I bought a new one, and it worked out fine.
  17. Here's the most recent top 10 all format chart I could find, for June 11-17: http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6152931.html?sid=6152931 1: 2006 FIFA World Cup 2: Hitman: Blood Money 3: Tomb Raider: Legend 4: Dr Kawashima's Brain Training 5: Pro Evolution Soccer 5 6: Sensible Soccer 2006 7: MotoGP 06 8: Animal Crossing: Wild World 9: Championship Manager 2006 10: Football Manager 2006 Look at that! Two quirky DS games in there. In the all-format chart nonetheless. Brain Training is outselling Sensible Soccer, an established property. And other than the football games featuring licences for real player names, I don't see a lot of "tie-in rubbish" in there. All of these games started off as games, not as films or books. I really don't. Enlighten me. And "hardcores" buy brands they recognise. Mario. Metroid. Final Fantasy. These are all brands, you know. I bet you recognise all of them.
  18. Quality's entirely subjective though. You might not like FIFA or Need for Speed, but a lot of people do. And I'd argue that a lot of quirky titles do make it out over here. We Love Katamari, Trauma Center, and Phoenix Wright being three recent examples. Christ, I've even seen bus adverts for Loco Roco. It's not like Japan has a monopoly on weird games.
  19. That looks like the first level of Sonic Adventure - a first generation Dreamcast game.
  20. What does buying licenced games have to do with being a "casual" gamer? A lot of people on here wank themselves silly about Jump Superstars, and that's a licenced game. In fact, it's because of being a licencing nightmare that the game won't come out in the US or Europe. This topic reeks of elitist knobs scared of people taking an interest in their hobby because they want to be "hardcore".
  21. Jack

    Doctor Who

    For me, this episode summed up a lot of what Doctor Who is about. Particularly this scene: I think a lot of kids will have gone to bed last night and had nightmares about Cybermen marching down their street, into their house, up the stairs and into their room. This is a good thing. Dude, you like Dragon Quest. That automatically makes your opinion null and void.
  22. Jack

    Doctor Who

    Dude. We're on the verge of seeing an all-out three way war between Daleks, Cybermen and humans. The only possible way it could disappoint would be if the Slitheen turned up. As an aside, I've finished reading a couple of Sixth Doctor books - Killing Ground and The Shadow In The Glass. The first one's a Cybermen story, and the second one is the Doctor versus Adolf Hitler. Good stuff!
  23. I'd rather ask why Frank is hanging around in drug dens if he doesn't know what they're doing. The website is even better. For instance: http://www.talktofrank.com/azofdrugs/h/ Who the hell calls LSD "hawk"? I think they've been bearded.
  24. God, tell me about it. Mushrooms and heroin in the same category? Good going, you fucking morons.
  25. I define a casual gamer as a gamer who doesn't spend hundreds of pounds each year importing games like Obscure Japanese Boring Level Fest RPG #518 and Super Cute Puzzle Fun Happy Time Go!! Go!!, doesn't own any t-shirts with badly translated quotes from 80s arcade games, and doesn't care about the criminal injustice of high street games shops putting big-selling gaming hardware at the front of the shop ahead of stuff which sells less.
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