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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack

    Doctor Who

    I'd love to see the parallel universe Cybermen fight the Cybermen from our universe. "EXCELLENT!".
  2. Jack

    Doctor Who

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc1jgYeQk4o Oh my.
  3. You'd have to be a collosal goon to OD on weed. I think you'd probably have to eat a nine-bar or two to come anywhere close to ODing.
  4. There's nowt wrong with hip-hop. Stuff like 50 Cent is shite, but Roots Manuva, MF Doom (And the side projects like Madvillain, Dangerdoom, Viktor Vaughn, etc), and the Beastie Boys are really cool. OK, I admit it. Baiting uptight fanboys is always fun, no matter what they're into.
  5. That's a very open minded attitude, isn't it? Way to go on starting a topic because people think your musical tastes are shit, and then saying other people's musical tastes are shit.
  6. Don't go to drug parties then. Better yet, try to find some inane shite which stoners say (and I've heard/spoken a lot of inane shite) which can't equally be applied to parties where everyone's drunk. Me, personally, I've had some fucking amazing times on drugs, but I've had some equally awesome times without them. You tend to find those kinds of parties when you live with a straight-edge guy.
  7. To be honest, that just sounds like emo music. Not the good kind of early nineties emo though, I'm talking about the recent stuff.
  8. You must go to some really shit parties.
  9. Gravity can already be simulated by using centrifugal force. Spin a space station around fast enough, and you can simulate Earth gravity (1G).
  10. "Stormy In The North" by The Wildhearts.
  11. You can already do this with phone cameras. The concept's called "moblogging".
  12. Jack


    The Neighbours topic is far more damaging because it's there.
  13. Jack


    I could, you know. I don't "have" to like a band because someone says so.
  14. Jack


    He's right though. Most power metal is shit.
  15. Jack


    Roots Manuva > Insane Clown Posse
  16. The top of any tall building. Do it on top of the car park they did "Shinobi vs Dragon Ninja" in. I haven't seen the "Last Summer" video for ages ago, but doesn't it have an American style high school and American cars? Same with "Last Train Home" - American cars and American subway trains in the video, as far as I can remember.
  17. "Rooftops" is a pretty sweet song. They need to get rid of the shit haircuts though, it's like they look a bad parody of themselves now. Also they need to stop pretending to be American in their videos. "Shinobi vs Dragon Ninja" was the best video they did.
  18. The current white population of the United Kingdom is 54.85 million people, or 92.1% of the total population. I don't think we need to worry about white people becoming an ethnic minority in the UK.
  19. Our host culture is the result of thousands of years of multiculturalism. Britain has taken on lots of things from pretty much every culture which has entered the country.
  20. That's an excellent board, actually. I'm using one in my PC right now. Not had a single bit of bother with it, and I've overclocked my A64 3000+ (1.8GHz) at 3800+ speeds (2.4GHz). Go for it!
  21. Jack

    Doctor Who

    Rose is in no way the worst companion. What about Adric? Or Leela? Or Tegan? They were all rubbish.
  22. Do you believe that every crime should be punished with the death penalty then?
  23. You don't scan your face in. You make a caricature of yourself, in a create-a-character mode. That character can then be used in certain games, like future Wii Sports titles.
  24. Looks like I'm still looking for that good sprite comic.
  25. I agree with this. I worked in a factory as a summer job last year, and there were quite a few Eastern European immigrants working there. This country owes a great debt to immigration. There was a great deficit of workers in the 1960s, and most of the shortfall was made up by immigrant workers. Most of the jobs taken by immigrants are low paid, unskilled work. Street cleaners, factory work, hospital workers, etc. Basically all the jobs that most people think they're too good for. Get rid of immigrants working in those fields, and I guarantee you'd notice the difference immediately.
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