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Everything posted by Solo

  1. Just all sorts of wrong.
  2. (500) Days of Summer 100% true to life for anyone of you that has been in and out of long term relationships. 9/10
  3. Hmm I don't have this Rockblock solo. I'm missing quite a few, I'm crap at locating everything! I did use the giant meteor summoning solo a few times though I did it though in the end, like you said before I slugged through it one round only to get no where, then tried again and did it in 10 minutes, I didn' realise there was a merch stand on the left side haha. I just charged through with a load of headbangers and the giant speaker men. I'm not good at what units are good at what, I suck so much at RTS games. And yeah I'm doing mine on Brutal (as I can't be bothered to go through again for the achievment).
  4. Solo


    Well I'm 100% picking this up on Friday, who here would like to joing me on regular ventures, I promise that I will be awesome within like a day. 360 Gamertag - JB Whiting
  5. Loving the game so far. The humour and characters are a welcome change to the coldness of many games recently. @ Pigmarcher, I'm having troubles with the battle at the dry ice cave thingy, where you fight (Othelios?) minions. I'm never sure what the best units are, I keep getting stuck in some sort of stalemate and it takes me ages to progress!! What strategy did you use?
  6. If I follow this plan can i still get pissed on Fridays?
  7. Solo

    DiRT 2

    I have just reached 1000G on this yay for me!
  8. It's a shame volcanoes are his achillies heel! :wink:
  9. No no no no, no. I want the original or nothing else, remember Turtles in Time '2.5D'?
  10. Fuck special editions, what you really want (and paying for primarily) is what is contained on that thin piece of round plastic called a disc.
  11. The Hurt Locker Absolutely breathtaking, real edge of your seat stuff. 9/10
  12. With the delays of Max Payne 3 and Splinter Cell it's basically left down to Modern Warfare 2 to provide me with my holiday cheers. And maybe Borderlands, that looks pretty interesting.
  13. You can get Bad Company for about the same price
  14. I'm pretty much in the same boat mate.
  15. No that's a film about the end of the world or something. This is something else.
  16. I probably will pick this up on the cheap but after playing through Red Faction Guerilla I am most likely going to be disappointed by the lack of destructible environments.
  17. Yeah good point. Plus it would just be such a ridiulous twist even for Saw standards. Or maybe they could be like fuck it lets go all out for Saw VI and have Gordon appear with a prosthetic foot loaded with weapons and gadgets that he uses to fight
  18. Ah the 'Is Dr Gordon alive' rumours have been raging on for years! I've read that in the next installment he's the bad guy... or that he was infact behind everything all along, or something. It boggles the mind.
  19. Anyone know what the best site to import would be?
  20. If you haven't seen the sequels yet, don't bother, it'll tarnish your experience of the original. Or if you have, don't bother, it'll tarnish your experience of the original
  21. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron IV - Developed by Factor 5 - Utilises Motion Control Plus for complete control over your craft - Cutting edge graphics (for Wii) - Full online functions, co-op, deathmatch, team objectives - More realistic features, closer to simulation than arcade - Sandbox layout: fly where you want, tackle missions in any order (ala GTA in space)
  22. Terminator Salvation Visually astounding but I felt the whole thing to be just unnecessary. A lot of fun, jut don't go expecting a classic. 7/10
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