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Everything posted by Solo

  1. Didn't think the double bill was all that amazing apart from the
  2. What! It's a great game man. Yeah it was repetitive but it was so nice to play and it's beauuuuutiful.
  3. Okami 2 Viewtiful Joe 3 But now we're just going way off topic. Wouldn't you rather have a REmake 2+3 with Resi 4/5 controls?
  4. I think that's what he meant.
  5. Thats because you can't go back to the lands you've healed once you're at that point, you need to load a previous save before the final boss or start a new.
  6. Let me in on this list making thing! Solo's Top Ten of the Year 2008 10. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 9. Cloverfield 8. There Will Be Blood 7. No Country For Old Men 6. In Bruges 5. Hellboy II: The Golden Army 4. Happy-Go-Lucky 3. Juno 2. Wall-E 1. The Dark Knight Honourable mentions: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Speed Racer, Funny Games U.S, Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. I saw a total of 56 films, some gems, some stinkers.. and a whole lotta mediocrity.
  7. I'm going to throw a spanner into this nice conversation by saying this game is God damn awful.
  8. They're evil and cursed, they make you play shit games no one would normally touch, and they have a really addictive quality which saps the good will out of all human beings.
  9. Try this - X X X Y X Y A Y X Y B then (after the grab) A Y X or A X Y or A X B This will also get the combo achievement.
  10. Well, Superman Returns is a superior film to Iron Man, comics or no comics. I see no tears.
  11. Possibly a third Z.O.E?
  12. This game is wonderful and there's a massive plus point about the game which I think no one here has mentioned and (IMO) it's that the camera is perfect, it never gets in the way and follows the Prince perfectly. Something that other games of this genre rarely nails. *points at Sonic and Tomb Raider Underworld*
  13. Noo! I was a huge Rogue Squadron fan. Imagine Rogue Leader HD on XBLA/PSN.
  14. No it is because they used his photo without asking him or informing about him not being in Alien³, he then threatened legal action so they paid up.
  15. The Day The Earth Stood Still There's a decent Sci-Fi thriller hidden away in there it's just a shame the film's message is delivered with the subtlety of an Acme anvil. Keanu Reeves was good, though. 5/10
  16. Dude, I wasn't being serious or criticising the film. I think that was a gutsy move and IMO paid off well.
  17. So we could be in for a long haul of sequels before we see Mikami step in and redefine the franchise by slightly altering the control scheme and shifting the camera more.
  18. I'm not sure, Wolverine looks a bit mediocre, but then I'm not exactly a fan of comics so the cameos don't phase me. It's gotta be better then The Last Stand at least.
  19. Or better still, the Terminator could've gone back to when Sarah Connor was being born or something, put a cap in her mother's head during labour.. perfect.
  20. I haven't even heard of half those games, aren't you going to purchase the obvious ones too?
  21. Solo

    Fallout 3

    Ah that'll make a nice early Christmas present from me, to me.. thanks!
  22. I really can't get over the Werehog levels (admittedly I haven't played it yet) but that Hilary review did seem overly harsh. It looks like a decent rental.
  23. I know it's not a film but RAWWWW. In other news, here are some pics of Lana Lang as Chun Li kicking ass in the new Street Fighter film. Most likely will be trash but man she's hawt.
  24. Bowfinger and Dreamgirls were OK.
  25. It's definitely one of my most wanted of the year, loved Sands of Time and this just looks breathtaking, the 9.4 review on IGN helped too. If you order from play you get it in sexy packaging and two free Sands of Time skins for your Prince and Elika, temptings!
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