Wait who is that aimed that, you're telling me to get Bad Company? Well too late buddy I have this game and I prefer it. We all know CoD4 is better, but alot of people (it's the most played game on Live atm) enjoy this game.
That film was a 15 in the cinema and only a 'PG-13' in America yet it's recieved an 18 on the dvd, there must have been some really hardcore stuff that got left out of theatrical, tis a shame because I thought it was quite tame violence wise.
Eurogamer have their review up of the DLC, they gave it 5/10.
They said that removing most of the rpg elements such as looting, and exploration you're just left with a standard shooter.
I'm not an analyst on games graphics or anything but FEAR2 looks similar to Killzone 2, they both look amazing in my eyes.
Feels a bit more open thant the first FEAR also seems to be taking a leaf out of Condemned 2's book.
I'll throw my hat in and also add that this installment looks like it's slightly lost it's way as to what Resident Evil is about.
I don't doubt that this will be a spanking hot game I just wish they'd go back to their roots slightly.
You know what I really want to play?.. the original version of Resi 4 before it was scrapped in favour of what we have. I don't know if it was a complete game but I'm pretty sure there's a playable demo out there.
Role Models
A 'PG' friendly comedy disguised under layers of unnecessary profanity and nudity. It doesn't really have anything interesting to say but boy there is some good humour here and it's always good to see Paul Rudd.