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Everything posted by Solo

  1. They look cool but I can't be bothered to do all that for a 5% stat bonus.
  2. I have a question: when you complete the game and start a new, are all the upgraded loyalty characters still in effect? Or do you literally start all over again, I'm asking because I want to go through on insanity and don't fancy doing all the side missions again.
  3. Yeah I felt bad attacking my own kind, especially when I was an alien; I just wanted to team up with my own species! Although I did find the demo a bit wank, I watched a few videos of the campaign and it looks fantabulous, so my expectations are sort of hovering in the middle.
  4. I read that it's going to run at 60fps!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Nooo noo, read what I wrote about it, his fandomness is blinding him!:wink: it's a really sloppyily made demo. Do not judge the final product from this crap. Aliens: Colonial Marines on the other hand will (hopefully) be the ultimate alien experience when that comes out next year.
  6. It's amazing how the alien faces look more realistic/believable than human faces (which look ugly and depressing).
  7. Ohhh the hours and hours I spent playing 'Find Luigi' on Mari64 DS, those were the sweet, sweet days. *tear* RIP your DS
  8. Yeah you're right it doesn't, also sometimes it doesn't recognize that I have unlocked weapons so I was stuck with default equipment for a few matches. It's a shame the stats (obv) won't carry over to the main game, it would've been a nice headstart as such. I actually deleted this yesterday to make room for the AvP demo (I only have a laughable 20gb hard drive). EPIC FAIL, time to re-dl this.
  9. Haha awesoooome! I have to admit, after first reactions being a little tepid (due to it feeling too similar to BC1 and my undevoted love towards MW) I am now loving it. I've had moments like you've just described drahkon and it greatly adds to the atmosphere. You actually feel like you're in a warzone. One time I planted the charge and was about to hide round the corner when about four guys came rushing in to defuse I was like shiiiiit so turned the other way quick, ran round the other side of the wall, luckily they weren't working together so well as all four of them were disarming the bomb. Too bad for them cos BOOM, I blasted the other with my grenade-launcher ''SURPRISE FUCKERRRSS!'', whipped out my Baretta and blasted away... ...I killed 3/4 so not bad going
  10. Yeah I agree with you and I've only played the demo, from watching the videos I can see this will make a perfect rental.
  11. This game (well, the demo at least) is shit. The graphics are U.G.L.Y, it's too dark (and not in a good way; marine torch sucks). All three characters have no weight and just don't feel right. Marine - There's no kickback from the pulse rifle, it just feels too light. The smart rifle, flamethrower and shotgun all look, feel and sound wrong. Alien - The controls were far too fiddly and you can easily get disorientated what with all the surface transitions. There were many chances to drop down on a marine only for the controls to get in the way and I ended up doing some lame claw attack. But then again the stealth kills can be activated from about a mile away. Predator - The map didn't allow for the Pred to really shine, as it was just a load of dark corridors and small rooms. I couldn't really find any decent vantage points, still, I can see the Pred will be the most fun to play. I'm giving this an unfair bashing because it's only one map, and an extremely crap map at that. I'm confident the campaign will be awesome, but I think the game needs some serious polishing and a huge dose of FUN injected into the multiplayer.
  12. I'm looking to get a cheap PS3 (second hand pref) but I was more leaning on getting the old premium, is it worth it or would any version do?
  13. I was about to criticise the fact that you seem to spend most of the time just recruiting people but then BAM a load of interesting side missions opened out in front of me... this game is huge!
  14. Unfortunately from that trailer it looks more like Sonic Rush animation than anything else. And how did Sonic 3 not feel like a complete game? I mean ok so the final boss was a bit anti-climatic but the rest of the game was lengthy, challenging and overall pretty epic.
  15. I don't find that it's episodic to be a problem considering each episode is meant to be the length of a full Sonic game.
  16. I'd much rather the soundtrack be closer to that of 3 and Knuckles than the first two, the music was wayy better. (Except Chemical Plant Zone which is the bestest Sonic tune in the worldz).
  17. I have zero excitement for this game, dunno why cos I loved the first. Unlike with ME2's universe I just don't feel the need to revisit rapture.
  18. Those are some mighty tighty whiteys she's wearing, one cannot deny.
  19. Sweeeet, probably for the best to not do a campagin demo, leave that for the release. I'm guessing it'll be a simple TDM style game with maybe one or two maps.
  20. Yeah they mentioned 'Deadpool' I googled him and they look nothing alike. Even his powers are different. Such a poo film.
  21. X-Men Origins: Wolverine What the fuck was this? I mean serious WTFige going on here. It looked low-budg; really cheap effects, hammy acting to the max and really seriously crappy characters. Basically Hugh Jackman has a hot girlfriend, then she dies and he gets upset, only she's not dead and didn't really love him, then she says she does love him but then really dies properly. He gets upset some more while Danny Huston keeps saying stuff about becoming the animal he really is which is ridiculous cos he's a human and can't change into animals. He spends about a billion dollars on making Wolverine indestructible, only for him to then say 'go cut his (presumably indestructible) head off' when it goes a bit tits up, talk about changing his mind! The most annoying character was Ryan Reynolds, he was some samurai guy who I thought was pretty cool (reminded me of Blade Trinity of which he was the best thing in it) then he just disappeared, no where to be seen for the entire fucking film, only to return right at the end looking like Baraka from Mortal Kombat II and somehow having like EVERONE'S POWERS. On top of that he had no mouth, making the one thing that made Ryan Reynolds fun to watch (his humour) completely void. I don't see how Hugh Jackman kept a straight face throughout this wank pile, and he even helped produce it! What a shame cos X-Men 1 & 2 are great, and 3 is a bit shit but no where near this poo stain level. One of the worst superhero films I've ever seen. It really, really sucked. 3/10 (because Victor dude was kinda cool)
  22. That's true, but I really want to have sex with her, I'm doing my best be nice.
  23. I've just purchased this but, arghhhhhhh I don't remember the first one at all! (it's been like 2 years since I finished this) Maybe there's a 'previously on' video I could look for
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