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Everything posted by Solo

  1. Solo

    Halo: Reach

    Does anyone know of any good (and legit) ways of farming for credits? I'll have a look myself but was just wondering if someone has tried any methods.
  2. Doesn't that come with a mask of some sorts?
  3. The Road Loved the book and the film was still engrossing. Just, not... quite, good enough.
  4. I agree but... I wouldn't let ReZ see that.
  5. I think they're patching it in a week or so.
  6. Gamesradar have their review up (giving it an 8). http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/enslaved-odyssey-to-the-west/review/enslaved-odyssey-to-the-west-super-review/a-20100929105238369084/g-20090929164312709019 I think it's a case of story and setting over gameplay/graphics. It's the sort of game that unravels slowly and shows its 'magic' later on. I think I'll forgive the rough graphics (but how? Heavenly Sword was beautiful, why not use that engine?) and immerse myself in an engaging plot. But I'm going for Castlevania first; that seems to be a much more polished and 'proper' gaming experience (combat supposed to be hard as nails too).
  7. That price tag can fuck right off, no way. I'll wait for a deal of the week or something.
  8. Solo

    Halo: Reach

    Please please PLEEEAAASEE release new maps. QUICK!
  9. Oh great, another game using the Unreal III engine ZZZzzzzz.
  10. There's a good little article about this over on Empire's site. http://www.empireonline.com/empireblogs/empire-states/post/p932
  11. Whoa reviews are positive! Yipeeeeeee!
  12. Capcom said that with Dead Rising 2 you get a complete package; a beginning, middle and (full) end. Everything else (Case Zero and Case West) is just a bonus so I wouldn't get your panties in a twist.
  13. Same. I've been playing Case Zero and I'm just not feeling excited. I mean, I wasn't a huge fan of the original, it was fun, but had too many frustrating points (like the save system and the time limit, which is STILL THERE). Also is the finished game going to look better than Case Zero? Cos that looked really 'rough'... and slow.
  14. We have upstairs seating too; it's on a balcony (much like a theatre layout). These are conventional rows (with cup holders!). I just think it's a great place that really appreciates the proper cinema experience.
  15. Well I work here: It's call The Rex and we're in Berkhamsted (Hertfordshire). We're a bit different in that we only show two films a day, we're strictly against 3D (you'll have to make do with 2D versions of Avatar, Step Up, Toy Story 3 etc), we've banished popcorn, and we pride ourselves in luxury seating (as you can see above). It's a really nice place I urge anyone who lives nearby to check it out!
  16. Solo

    Halo: Reach

    Whoa cool. I can't seem to get the £5 pre-order bonus to work though
  17. To love and be loved! (And rule the world)
  18. The Eradicator Cos it ditches the silly red pants and he wears yellow shades, oh yeah baby.
  19. I'm having fun with it but... the updated graphics and remixed music are so unnecessary. It looks too clean and feels like a flash game (which I hate). I think it's because I've grown up with this game that I'm being so picky. Still it's hella fun. Sprites FTW.
  20. I've just started it and it's good but I already miss Nolan North and the grand pastel world he ran around in.
  21. Good deal. Only question is what are the chances of receiving it on Friday?!!!
  22. It's not based off of the movie exactly but it sure smells of cash-in.
  23. I'm still a little upset that they changed it from the last one. It had a decent enough story and was a good introduction to a new franchise and then they just scrapped it. Where are the reviews considering it's so close to release?
  24. But that's exactly what makes Mario so good!! Link is best left to explore
  25. I don't want to sound complainy and I love Brad Bird's films. I just wish they didn't go for someone who's only really done family friendly animations. I'd prefer someone like Joe Carnahan, Phillip Noyce, Paul Greengrass or maybe even Brian de Palma returning. But that's just cos I want M:I-4 to be a serious spy thriller rather than a summer blockbuster.
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