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Everything posted by Solo

  1. Solo

    Dead Space 2

    Yeah I thought they'd make a bit easier. Thankfully the hardcore mode should prove a nice challenge for us DS vets.
  2. I'm more of a story-immersing FPS type of person so the OCD based score approach doesn't do it for me. EDIT: It sure is pretty though considering the Unreal Engine now bores my bollocks off
  3. Any Diablo/Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance fans might want to check Torchlight out, though I'm not sure when it's actually out.
  4. Haha genius. Reminds me of these: http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com/
  5. I really, really can't get myself excited for this game, despite how gorgeous it look. It might be because I don't like the Gears franchise. I'm hoping for a demo!
  6. This worries me, a lot. None of us want another Wolverine.
  7. As much as I love that song (and the whole album for that matter) I prefer Untitled on their debut. It feels like more of an intro.
  8. WTF is up with his hair! They've definitely managed to make him look like an 18 year old douche.
  9. Solo

    Dead Space 2

    You can get it on Wii for under a tenner!
  10. Another one? Didn't Revenge of the Fallen teach Michael Bay anything?
  11. I'm on the final mission. It isn't too difficult (certainly doesn't reach levels of frustration as with World at War). There are a few instances where you will throw the controller at the screen; notably storming down then up the hill in Vietnam and other parts where you have to fend off waves. Thankfully the AI doesn't spam 'nades any more, but they still pull of freaky headshots.
  12. Imax tickets went on sale like, an hour ago. I managed to nab 4 for the 18th Dec. Get booking now people!
  13. 2012 - I thought the world was going to end but like, it didn't.
  14. Yeah. It's more of a personal niggle but the overuse of fucking strobe effects before and after each mission AND, every time you go back to the main menu it has to go through a short, strobe-educed and loud cutscene. (I'd assume it's to mask the loading as the menu is its own sort of level)
  15. Solo


    Saw was gruesome and thrilling. The rest are forgettable trash yet somehow the soap opera-style drama keeps pulling me in.
  16. The title sequence to Alien I still think is the greatest thing committed to celluloid.
  17. All I can say from the demo is: how is it not 60fps?!
  18. I've ordered this, no joke.
  19. Solo


    Or bundled free with Platinum's follow up.
  20. Super Meat Boy (800) and Costume Quest (1200) should be out today on XBLA!
  21. Solo


    Eurogamer and Gamesradar both gave it a 9.
  22. I think they're adding a further 20 or so minutes to the DVD (on top of the SE re-release). Also here's a trailer. This version will open on Earth!
  23. This man speaketh the truth.
  24. It's £40 but, I think it'll be worth it.
  25. Solo

    Halo: Reach

    Does anyone know of any good (and legit) ways of farming for credits? I'll have a look myself but was just wondering if someone has tried any methods.
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