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Everything posted by Solo

  1. You heard correctly: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/323369/zelda-skyward-sword-review-a-rare-perfect-score-in-edge/
  2. Solo


    60fps on this bad boy!
  3. I've only played it briefly but my god they've done a bang up job on converting it. 1600 points is a steal I'd say.
  4. I'm a few hours in and it's a great little game. Pretty much Metroid Fusion meats Aliens. For anyone who's played Alien3 on the SNES then you'll know what you're in for.
  5. Hot damn. Hope it's gonna look that sexy on PS3/Xbox.
  6. Hot damn. Hope it's gonna look that sexy on PS3/Xbox.
  7. So has everyone's Shopto orders yet to arrive? I'm not home yet but I was hoping for it to be there waiting!
  8. Totally agree. I've been getting pretty sick of visual effects (with the likes of Transformers, comic book films etc) but then Rise of the Planet of the Apes came along and renewed my faith.
  9. One side-kick is never enough for Sonic Team! WE WILL SEEEEE.
  10. Since it is using Infinity Ward's engine will it be running at silky smooth 60fps?
  11. And so it begins.
  12. Hmm, not terribly impressed. I'm nitpicking really but I was sort of expecting 60fps (after Sonic 4) and this is meant to be Sonic in the past so why does he look like regular Sonic's retarded twin? He's never looked like that in the 16bit era. Still, music is nice.
  13. Lindsey Lohan as Lana Lang? Really?
  14. Solo

    The Hobbit

    That's all well for a TV show, but for a film you want to keep that cinematic feel with 24ps. It also keeps it in line with the Rings Trilogy.
  15. Solo

    Crysis 2

    Now go through it on Supersoldier difficulty.
  16. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Well IMHO I thought it was a beautiful (but yes, flawed) little animated sci-fi yarn. Screw those who said they all look dead-eyed. I find it still looks fantastic to this day! So there!
  17. Hmm, so I've deleted all my previous dlc (for I am using the puny 20gb HD). Anyone know if this effects the new one? (save file wise)
  18. IMAX for this baby definitely.
  19. Supposedly the film is shot in a horribly ADD style. Think Bourne Supremacy only a million times worse. I can't see this being great but better than the woeful Skyline I hope.
  20. Solo

    L.A. Noire

    Laura Palmer on the left?
  21. Solo

    L.A. Noire

    I agree with you about the plasticy-ness and the frame-rate is probably gonne be reeeheealy inconsistent. But like Mafia II I believe it'll look a whole lot sexier on PC. Oh wait...
  22. That poster makes me want to eat my fist. The previous version is much easier on the eyes. This isn't showing in my area (Hertfordshire) so I'll need to take a trip into Londontown. I heard the Barbican has a lovely cinema.
  23. Solo

    L.A. Noire

    Wow. I mean, wow.
  24. Solo

    Dead Space 2

    I'm pretty chuffed that you can now change the difficulty in New Game +; making my Zealot run-through a minor annoyance. Anyone attempting Hard Core I suggest you play it through at least twice first, use mainly the Plasma Cutter and Force Gun, and even perhaps get the DLC armour and weapons.
  25. Solo


    No, I don't have tumblr because I don't want to post any complaints that I have for the world to see.
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