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Everything posted by gaggle64

  2. Oh sweet Jesus Christ, please tell me you've at least eaten something today. >_>
  3. There's an argument for always-online in this day and age. That guy sure ain't making it though.
  4. Urgh, this has not been a positive campaign. Silver lining, still got a clutch of games to train up my youngbloods before heading back into the middle league. I'm not dead yet.
  5. It was at least as good then any given F-Zero or Wipeout title. I realise what I'm saying and I'll defend that if I have to. PS. Giantbomb are doing a LucasArts farewell stream tonight, looks like it's about to start. I'm doing a little work, so this'll be my background noise until about 2am I think.
  6. Twenty four years? That does explain the wreckage trail... Happy Birthday Bardy!
  7. Thyroid cancer, took the use of his jaw from him in surgery. Didn't speak a word after 2006. He had been diagnosed with cancer in his hip earlier this year too. If anyone needs to know what sort of awesome he was, here's his take on the idea of media causing violence -
  8. They service the nuclear reactors on submarines here in Portsmouth. If you hear sirens, start driving north. Fast.
  9. Movie related - Roger Ebert, the great American film critic, is dead. His last written words was in his online journal, published on Tuesday, announcing a leave of absence to deal with illness - RIP Roger. See you in the lobby.
  10. Ah godammit, Roger Ebert is dead.
  11. It was this, and it sprang on me while I was chilling out to Classic FM which is probably why I found it additionally infuriating.
  12. I was having a decent day until a politician said something on the radio that has made very very angry and now I'm full of rage without any specific direction to immediately channel it.
  13. I know but they did publish them and they are among the great titles associated with the brand. It just seemed pertinent to mention them. Yeah, LucasArts published again. Which reminds me, there's an N64 copy of Star Wars: Episode 1 - Pod Racer that I need to curl into a ball with. *cries also*
  14. Complicity is another of his great non-culture novels, I highly recommend you put it on your to-read list. It's full of neat touches, like a Civilisation-style videogame which he uses as a metaphor for the protagonist's fracturing state. But yes, Use of Weapons is mandatory.
  15. I tried it earlier and I'm stuck way down in "Precariat" - when I read the descriptions I assumed I'd be in "Emergent Service Worker" but with my currently limited social connections that makes sense. I did full set of reading on the new classes and I reckon they're not a terrible means of contextualising modern society. The 3-class trope probably hasn't made sense since the 80s.
  16. High-def time-lapse orbital footage of Earth from the ISS set to a lilting ambient theme? Why yes. Yes I think I will.
  17. Disney have shuttered LucasArts after weeks of speculation, cancelling all projects including 1313 in a move towards a "licensing model". It seems likely the LucasArts brand will become no more than a box stamp. This from Disney: This makes me sad - one of my favourite games on the SNES was the excellent Super Star Wars action/platformer, not even going into having published the likes of Sam & Max Hit The Road, The Secret of Monkey Island, and Star Wars: Tie Fighter. An undeserved fate for the one of the great gaming brands. RIP LucasArts.
  18. There are worse things a girl might aspire to then to emulate either. Personally though I think there are better female role models on this very forum.
  19. 10p off the discard shelf in the city library. I just couldn't walk away.
  20. One of my favourite writers Iain Banks (aka Iain M Banks) has terminal cancer and isn't likely to last the year. Boo. Boo-urns!
  21. All very nice though I was hoping they'd leap at a new overall design, but I'll deal so long as they've ratcheted up the analogue sticks some.
  22. That was a good start to the season but I'm rather wary of Clara's character (or relative lack thereof, so far). That's not to say she isn't an enjoyable presence but I am hoping we'll get a more fleshed out female screen presence rather then another female enigma-character. If Doctor Who has one flaw it doesn't always fill out it's female characters very well. I'd like at least one regular with her own agency who isn't a fortuitous tag-along, mysterious anomaly or his backwards-time wife.
  23. Some of them might have ended. Try the feed for the Red Eyed Frogs, they're getting ready to pop. http://eggs.channel4.com/meet-the-eggs/red-eyed-tree-frog/
  24. Channel 4 have had live streams of things getting ready to hatch over the past Easter week if anyone has some time to waste staring at things. I'm looking at a Bamboo Shark starting to get shifty inside it's pod. http://eggs.channel4.com
  25. I never thought you'd ask - you get in the oil tub, I'll get the vibrators.
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