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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Kimi was an absolute class act, didn't put a foot wrong and drove to a typically cool & smooth victory. The Ferrari race pace looks solid again and the red Bulls are quick but clearly not indomitable. Sutil really surprised me as well, Force India could be the team to spring some surprises again this year. Troubled day for Merc, strategy didn't work plus reliability issues but they've still got decent pace, hopefully they can build on it and get Lewis into the mix. Only shame is Mclaren, hope they can come back into it like they have before. Looks like this championship may be everything we dared hope. Fingers crossed it carries on in this spirit.
  2. Just got back from a late night showing of Robot & Frank and I loved it. I wouldn't say it's a perfect movie but it's one of those imperfect movies that still managed to reach something truly great. Frank Langella was brilliant as he always is and it addressed his relationship with the robot in exactly all the way I hoped they would, avoiding cliché. The social satire is broad but works and the study of our relationship with technology is genuinely poignant. Some of the supporting characters are underdeveloped even for the limited time they're on screen but it doesn't manage to distract from the central relationship and the main character's struggle with his isolation. Recommended to anyone who wants something to walk home and still have to sit for ten minutes, just mulling it over. Incidentally, for a film about isolation and the way we use technology to manage it, watching it late at night all alone in a 150+ seat auditorium before trudging back past neon laser bars built over a historic dockyard provided a disturbingly appropriate atmosphere.
  3. It's all true. I've seen him play and if the game ran long enough he could bankrupt Vegas & Reno. Me, barring the odd lottery ticket I'm not a gambler. The fact I won the only sports bet I've ever placed is something I might fancy on my epitaph.
  4. That wasn't a match, that was a massacre.
  5. Fair enough but I'll be expecting somebody's genitals to be well-bruised come Good Friday.
  6. Oh, put a little extra stuffing in your bra and ask him if he'd like to buy you a drink already. The world is full of anonymous baristas to lust impotently after. Inaction has no purpose, by it's own definition.
  7. Please not another Vettel year, I don't hate the man but I'd rather anybody else grab it. Maybe if we hit Newey on the head with just the right force he'll only be slightly better at building & developing cars than everybody else?
  8. Something something "classless society" something something.
  9. Even by Sky Sports standards that's some overblown intro music. Quick spotters guide:
  10. Lost day, total mental block on everything. Not what I needed. Oh well. Scotch and late night Cracker it is then.
  11. The more accurate comparison would be to say Hitler had some good points about racial integration. There's so much barely-disguised misogynistic (amongst other things) hatred spewing out of this man from every orifice it's blinding.
  12. I only very recently started watching Anita's videos and I must say it's they're refreshingly honed and precise pieces of researched opinion on the open Youtube platform. I love my video games but the obvious & consistent gender disparity in their themes, design and stories across the medium has often made me feel uncomfortable (also movies, also literature, also comic books etc.) Here's someone who's clearly equipped to call this shit out in an honest and informed way and I feel the nature of the vitriol she's received in response demonstrates the need for her opinion to be aired. Also, I've seen a little of AmazingAtheist's videos and I genuinely believe he needs a therapist.
  13. I do like him but he is like a big ol' 8 year old isn't he? On the subject of Australia, here's just one example of why I wish something over here would broadcast it's V8 racing series. Also, Mclaren likely to use Honda engines from 2015 - maybe in their classic red & white livery?
  14. Just looked in a mirror. Good lord I'm handsome.
  15. Can't say I'm comfortable with our current news priorities.
  16. How about the classic Cracker? Robbie Coltrane is an everything-addicted psychiatrist lumbering from one end of 90s Manchester to the next chugging hard scotch and chomping on cigarettes like pokko sticks. Every now and again he throws some punk into a table and says something subtly misogynistic before lumbering off to tell the Chief Inspector he's a prick, scotch-cigarette-gambling-cigratte-scotch-infedility-cigarette-scotch. Christopher Ecclestone plays the DI and is yet to go bald (unfortunately).
  17. And suddenly I get the impression of a dynamic, professional, passionate, self-assured human being.
  18. Try it. You claim you've tried everything else. You've got nothing to loose. And try to be more positive for gods sake. (Can I just clarify one other thing out of curiosity, is your site how you actually make a living or do you have income from elsewhere?)
  19. I agree. That's why you're going to stop telling people you're a "freelance journalist" (which is usually code for "unemployed") and start telling them you "run a very popular video game website" because you FUCKING RUN A VERY POPULAR VIDEO GAME WEBSITE MOTHERFUCKER.
  20. No it isn't. That's the most interesting thing about you. You could be a skydiving nudist and it'd still be the most interesting thing about you. I don't fucking know anybody who runs a popular games site, let alone the most read independent Pokemon site on the fucking internet. Running that site is the thing that demonstrates you are an intelligent, accomplished, passionate, fun human being. Without that you are, at best, Captain Nice McNormalguy and nobody wants to date him. You know why? Because he's boring. He's not the guy who has studied hard to develop an important skill. He's not the guy with a fun passion for something millions of other *adults* enjoy. He's not the guy with so much enthusiasm for something he built a fucking awesome website for other people to share. There are no "Normal People". There are people who have got something to share and people who fucking don't. You have something to share. Stop hiding it.
  21. Hot damn I feel so much better today. Slight headache and dealing with some mucus but after a solid 9 hours good sleep I am feeling ready to rock and roll again. Maybe I can still infect someone I don't like...
  22. I hope you're not still omitting the fact you run a very popular games website. If you're a nerd, be a proud nerd. Try doing something like replacing one of your OKC profile sections with something more personal. I used "6 things you can do without" for "My 5 celebrity crushes" and a couple of people messaged me just for that (in spite of a profile picture that makes me look like a member of the council from Avengers on casual Friday.) And be positive. Project positivity. When you message people, message them because there's something you find genuinely cool about them and tell them that. (Also, make sure you've got the "online in the last week" filter set correct. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything. )
  23. There's an entire 12% of my Tumblr dashboard I'll finally be able to understand.
  24. I want to say something along the lines of "I wonder what's going in his head" but after calculating it the most likely answer I keep coming up with is "not much."
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