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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Aggh, I had a free day and I was looking forward to getting something done but something has switched the wrong way in my head and I feel like I've spent the whole day floating aimlessly in the space between dimensions. Time for strong coffee or scotch.
  2. Yep. Fantastic. The survival horror genre is actually coming back. This'll probably end up on my next-gen game list but you can sign me up right now. I agree there's a bit of a Lovecraft edge to everything here.
  3. Live spacewalk on the ISS - http://io9.com/watch-the-iss-spacewalk-live-for-some-respite-from-the-476437083
  4. Yes, I think we need a thread for this. I can't even begin to imagine who (or what) isn't excited for the new album. I'm quite certain there are slabs of pavement that wish they could open itune accounts. The first track has now been released (officially, this time). It sounds good, believe it or not.
  5. Huh, finished on a 1-1 draw - my youths all played the game of their lives. Still dumping down into the middle league but future positives to be had. Sign me up for the cup if it's still open.
  6. That seems sensible security policy - we don't live in a world where sexes are treated equally yet and men generally don't live with the same fear of invasion of privacy or assault that many women do. I rather imagine their female customers would feel extremely uncomfortable letting a man into the changing area, even one apparently accompanying his girlfriend. I do rather imagine it wouldn't be long before some pevert with a phone camera and a Reddit account took advantage of it.
  7. Again, I'd just like to remind everyone - if you have ever spent so much as single penny, cent, yen, yuan, or bitcoin on any part of the Transformers trilogy in any format for any reason whatsoever, you are to blame for this. You. This is your fault. All of it.
  8. This is all very spurious - what's the definition of "violent crime" and how has this data been collated? They've listed 3 different sources but haven't explained how they've combined it. I'm not wrapping my head around Austria having a greater rate of violent crime then South Africa. In their own article the Police Minister points out it's impossible to compare rates from different countries because of they way they're collected, and that the biggest peak was in 1995 (ie, near the end of the last Conservative government), but then article immediately describes it as "a blow for Mr Johnson, who will today seek to reassert Labour's law and order credentials." It looks like they've written up the article enough to avoid the most obvious bias but pulled a nice big (misleading) graph out of their asses to distract readers. I'll bet you my trousers the graph takes up most of the print version of this story.
  9. "Source: Conservatives"?
  10. I'd like to hear her review before we declare that.
  11. I am going to miss the weather channel. I've defeated so much stress-induced insomnia by leaving that on.
  12. Anyway, looks all set for a grand race tomorrow. I hope Lewis can do it but I think Kimi in the tyre-friendly Lotus must be the favourite.
  13. I recently finished Deus Ex on the 360, and boy did that last half hour really leave a bad taste in my mouth. It's a decent game overall but has certain misogynistic themes peppering it that became utterly inexcusable in literally the final 5 minutes of gameplay. It's a super interesting game when it's a noir-detective action game, less so after when it gets bogged down in it's own fiction. Leave it for something else. In fact, just stop being a bitch and start a Ni No Kuni playthrough.
  14. I think you've precisely identified the pivot point. The whole problem is we're not only still dealing with the effects of everything she did but things she set in motion that are still going, not just but especially under the current government. The debate over her legacy is indistinguishable from the argument over everything happening right now. Hence the "patriotic" military parade being organised while at the same time "Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead" makes the Top 5.
  15. I just can't wrap my head around including a full military procession in her funeral, amongst other things. It's difficult to shake the impression somebody's chasing some imperial fantasy half-remembered from an outdated textbook. It's not as if she inspires the same cohesion as Churchill - I thought when they called it the "Thatcherite Military Junta" in The Young Ones I thought it was a tongue in cheek line. Now it looks like a descriptor that her supporters would welcome.
  16. Just bought the full season The Walking Dead game (the good one) on Steam for £8.39 - It's available at that price for the next 5 minutes if anyone wants it. Literally, less than 5 minutes at this point.
  17. New Rush traileeeeer. Still looking good.
  18. I would like somebody to explain why every shooter ever doesn't already look like that. I've waited so bastard long for a decent laser battle game.
  19. Aw, our little Cube's growing into a veritable tesseract. Happy Birthday geometry boy!
  20. It's not a totally inaccurate one, to give her credit.
  21. I woke up at 10am and didn't get out of bed until 11.15. Gil Scott Heron's "The Revolution Will Not be Televised" was on the radio.
  22. 1st trailer for Elysium - Neil Blomkamp's (District 9) new movie. It looks fucking spectacular.
  23. Just thought I'd post the trailer for Ron Howard's upcoming racing movie Rush (now in HD) in here. It looks like it could be as fabulous as I dared hope. There's something very Apollo 13-esque about the way it gets a camera right into the machines and the man/machine/danger realtionship, not to mention the period of the setting. Looking forward to it tremendously, I really hope it stands up.
  24. Hang on, I'm trying to get my head round it all - Are they setting it up as a sort of dedicated cloud-access-service console with everything saved and stored somewhere out in the ether? Is that what this looks like?
  25. I really hope this is as good as it could be. Vehicle movies are Ron Howard's spiritual mantle and the 60s/70s period is his bread and butter. I am looking forward to this just so much I hope I'm not disappointed. Looks fantastic.
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