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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Jesus christ that's horrible. I hope the idiot who hit you broke their nose and gets their license shredded & burned.
  2. Battlefield 3 is free on PC via Origin. Buy the premium add on for £14.99 and you've got yourself arguably the best multi player shooter in recent years with a healthy community still going at it (and likely to be for some time to come, given BF4s trivials).
  3. Only one more long week before the slow season kicks in at the store, then I'll finally have some brain space to get some myself together. Until then I'll be having a breakdown in the staff toilet if anyone needs me.
  4. Mmm, not quite a thriller today but another tasty twist to the season, looks like they'll be plenty of hijinks to enjoy after all. Also top marks for Bianci and Marussia's first points, about time.
  5. I had no idea that was even a thing but I feel happier now knowing it is.
  6. Picked up ZombiU and Rayman Legends for cheap from ShopTo which was perfect, they were exactly the games I wanted for WiiU. Can't wait for next Friday now - end of the busy season at work and a new Nintendo console to enjoy it with. I have earned this.
  7. I want this to be so good so bad.
  8. The first reviews are almost relentlessly positive. Feeling pretty chipper about everything.
  9. I sometimes wonder if letting go of a home-console concern might not ultimately be freeing for Nintendo. It wouldn't be like what happened to Sega who had to get out just to make sure they could salvage something of themselves. A lot of what's wrong with the WiiU though has less to do with the pad and mostly with the back-office stuff: The behind-the-curve connectivity, the absence of information & support for 3rd party publishers. If they could learn these lessons they still have a clear identity to pursue as a family-friendly games machine manufacturer. However if even toddlers are acquainted with the hardware of rivals far better equipped to produce competitive products why wouldn't they throw the towel in and just use those platforms to make games they could sell to the maximum number of people possible? Imagine Mario Kart 8 coming out next month being available for the same number of consumers the next Call of Duty game will. They could outsell even the biggest publishers. They could dictate their own creative terms. They'd have Sony & Microsoft execs shanking each other for exclusives. They could keep their much more successful handheld platform, a fun & well supported device that exemplifies the company philosophy. The thing that tears me is if they do that will Nintendo continue evolve as something uniquely Nintendo or would the pressure of being in that end of the market shift it too much? I don't know but if I was in charge of the Big N I would definitely be looking down the road and wondering if a smaller operation might not offer bigger rewards.
  10. A small but significant loss: HR Giger, the artist who created the famous "xenomorph" for Ridley Scott's movie Alien, has died from a fall aged 74. RIP.
  11. That was an ok race, not a thriller but it ticked over. I'm glad Lewis is storming on but I would like more of a challenge for him up at the front. Hope at least the Red Bulls can make it up by mid-season. Good day for Grosjean, promising for Lotus. They needed that.
  12. Finished The Walking Dead season 1, then made myself a sweater. *immediately buys DLC + season 2*
  13. This looks like it could be fun - it's like somebody a decent 3D Sonic game with zombies.
  14. This seems like a sensible way to leverage their brand - there's so much god damn money in these things it's unreal.
  15. This weekend has been a quite spectacular weekend of not having anything to do and subsequently not doing it. I feel so fucking relaxed right now it's unbelievable. It'll be gone soon enough but right now I can still savour it.
  16. Okay so we've all got our guesses on what Nintendo MIGHT do at E3 but what would you LIKE them to do? Lords knows things haven't been as hoped recently at the big N, maybe they'd do well to listen to you. A revival of a forgotten classic, the new franchise of your fantasies, a fitting film adaptation - what announcement would make your Nintendo E3 one to remember? Personally I just want a brand-spanking new, in-house, HD Starfox game. It's 2014 godammit! Also a new Advance Wars for 3DS would be swell.
  17. If there really is hardware it'll probably be some kind of new accessory like a camera and/or a new WiiU SKU with more internal memory. The biggest thing it could possibly be is an early look at the next handheld but I wouldn't put money on that (though tenner says they go back to the Gameboy brand on the next iteration).
  18. Finally pre-ordered myself a WiiU (The Mario Kart pack, which will be out right at the end of my job's busy period) so I'm finally joining the set. Also X & Super Smash Bros, for whenever they come out.
  19. I bought that last month, I very much recommend it. It is a traditional documentary (unlike Senna, for example) but it's a beautifully produced work that earns it's feature-film format. Definitely recommended for fans and anyone interested in the sport.
  20. See, there's my problem with this. Maybe a PMC will be the villain trying to take down AMUREICA but I think we all guessed this was the plot before the Spacey trailer even came out. The real problem with PMCs is the lack of government oversight and the damage they can do in trouble spots on the public purse. We could have a compelling story about US soldiers trapped in some trouble spot going totally to shit and for one section they take it upon themselves to stop a group of PMCs terrorising a town in a Magnificent Seven - type situation. But then that would actually be criticising PMCs and AMUREICA rather than glorifying both. Also women. CoD needs some god damn female characters. And honestly anyone who isn't another glory-mcgrizzled-dick-gun-bloke. Anyway, my default policy stands: I might buy it if the multiplayer is good.
  21. Battle Ace War Call of Metal Duty Fall Combat Solid Field Fighter Titan? In all seriousness though I get why PMCs are a juicy subject (and plot device) for action/shooter games but we're well overdue for a campaign story with characters you can give a damn about.
  22. Ack, I hope it at least gets to the route of the problem at last.
  23. I'm predicting Mario. Lots more Mario. Every franchise Nintendo has will be converted to a Mario title. Mario merch. Mario candy. Mario stationary. Mario healthcare. Mario condoms. Mario weaponry. M-16s with Mario emblazoned on the side. For kids! Reggie totes one and fires into the crowd. They run, they scream but the doors are bolted shut with Mario padlocks. Reggie laughs and fires again, blood congealing on Mario shag carpeting. It is all Mario. There is only Mario now and forever Mario. Mario. Mario? Mario! Maaaaaaaaarioooo! Mario. Mario. Mario. The sound of Mario on the breeze. A dog barks in the night of Mario. The boot of Mario stamping on a human face forever. Mario.
  24. The Long Good Friday and Who Framed Roger Rabbit are two of my favourite films of all time. His passing pains me. RIP.
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