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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I've no intention of purchasing or running my own vehicle until The Final Crisis of Capitalism happens, at which point money will be worthless and we'll all be competing in various death sports for gasoline and water anyway.
  2. I've thought about trying this but I heard mixed things at launch. If they've switched things up though I'll keep it in mind next sale.
  3. Oh thank god I passed at last. That's lesson & test money I don't have to spend any more.
  4. Going to get back into ZombiU at some point this year, just as soon as my anxiety can take the hit. Also finish Remember Me and as much of Dark Souls as I can before No Man's Sky comes out (whenever that is), at which point I will swap my 360 out for a PS4.
  5. All right, 3rd attempt at getting my driving license tomorrow. Writing this in here because I refuse to not be positive. Only just failed last time. I know I can do this. I'm going to do this. THis is going to happen.
  6. If that's your regret then buying Destiny is probably where you fucked up there.
  7. That's exactly the sort of pricing I was hoping for. So long as the library is decent anything up to £20 for an occasional month of access would suit me fine.
  8. My cousin (who tends bar) informs me that Martinist once stumbled in asking for a bottle of champagne. When informed they didn't have any he stumbled out and returned 20 minutes later with an empty champagne bottle in hand.
  9. My sister gave me some fancy tea. You need to use an infuser with it and everything.
  10. Yep. I've finished 2nd from the top trophy three times in the past. Damn you Odwin. >.< I'll go in for the cup too.
  11. Yay, finally pulling my way out of the bottom league. Everything's coming up Milhouse!
  12. I'm sorry to hear that Iun, my condolences to you.
  13. As much I think people loading up on all of them are insane (and I mean that affectionately) it does highlight how much money Nintendo has been missing by not tapping into the figures market more then they have been.
  14. So, are these worth the money? I might buy one for Smash Bros fun but am I right in reading they can only store one game's worth of data?I'm just not sure how that values as a novelty going forwards.
  15. I recently took part in (one engagement of) the ongoing battle between the BRAVE Alliance (and it's allies in the HERO coalition and beyond) VS the infamous Pandemic Legion. We whuped 'em. My ship looks crappy because even a stacked computer, and definitely not my laptop, can run that amount of stuff smoothly without turning the graphics down to "potato mode". This is what all those spreadsheets eventually add up to. - I'm one of the blue dots that emerges from the stargate at about 2 minutes in. See if you can spot me.
  16. Should I pre-book the ambulance?
  17. Bumping this thread up for a live event - NASA's Orion space craft is about to embark on it's maiden test flight. If successful this is the vehicle that will take the first human beings to Mars and beyond in years to come. Launch expected 12:05 GMT. Watch Live Here
  18. I do like the little football robot but this really only confirms we shouldn't expect a new Star Wars from JJ, more a Star Wars-themed slurry poured through a funnel.
  19. Work noght out. Lot's of scotch. Boss terrifyingly in need of positive reinforcement. Home with cheeseburger, mostly angry about JEV not having a seat confirmed for 2015. No spell correction used in this post, thank you.
  20. I've gotten back and started sinking deeper into it recently and I'll tell you, it's a tough galaxy out there. Success has a lot more to do with how long you're prepared to stick with it rather than how many raw hours per day/week. You will struggle, you will suffer, you will be repeatedly beaten and robbed. You've got to be slightly mad to stick at it. But once you get hooked up with a good base of people and learn it's systems, nuances, and economic currents, the universe can be yours. That trailer does not lie.
  21. Out in New Eden, on patrol with the fleet.
  22. I can't believe I forgot which presents spaceships in a manner normally reserved for porn movies with billion dollar budgets. The 2nd one is their most recent and coincidentally features chat from the Alliance & Coalition I'm part of (Brave Newbies & Test, sister corps in the BRAVE Alliance - part of the HERO Coalition.)
  23. I can't get Christmas or New Year's off because "too many people are taking holiday (read: "The other supervisor is taking holiday and I know we're supposed to have a 3rd but I can't be bothered to get it sorted").
  24. He sort of has to, there's only two in the village.
  25. Unfortunately I'll be working while the race is on but at least I can have nap before hitting up iPlayer and having my heart attack then. Lewis never just fails, it's either an utter catastrophe or nothing.
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