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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. I quite like Coast 2 Coast and would be way more interested in playing that on Switch than any earlier games
  2. Outrun is overrated..
  3. I picked up Banjo the other day for that price too The XBOX logo on the box still feels a little wrong..
  4. Pretty much the story of my life.. I completely agree about Yoshi's Island. It's way too irritating to even breath the same SNES air as Super Mario World!
  5. I ordered a 400GB microSD last week for £82.99 I've had 128GB pretty much since launch but it's now full and I knew 200GB wouldn't last me for the duration of the system. I hate paying that much knowing that I could purchase a few games instead but where would I store them, eh..?
  6. I didn't have much of a problem with Bayonetta 2 but when I finally played the first game last month, it was much more difficult to time dodges and activate Witch Time (I feel like the window for that was perhaps stricter than the sequel ) Despite heavily disliking every single character, I liked Bayonetta 2, for the most part, and gave it a more than respectable 8/10 for N-Europe. By the time I went back and ploughed my way through the original, though, I was tired of the relentless button mashing and was kinda glad when it was over. I'm not excited for the third game (I haven't been a huge fan of the majority of Platinum's output) but I'll still be interested to see how it turns out
  7. Game of the Year discussion is largely lost on me this year as I haven't played any of the 'big' releases.. and don't have any real intention to. My lack of interest in super heroes means Spiderman was never on my radar and nothing I've seen of it has done anything to encourage me to give it a go. There's also the fact that it is an open world experience, something which partially turns me away from Red Dead Redemption 2. The main reason for me to be wary of that game, however, is that it's a Rockstar game. I've been irritated too often by most, if not all, of their previous games (including the original Red Dead Redemption) and the criticisms levelled at their latest '10/10' release are basically everything that has turned me away from their other games and I feel like I'd find it all to be even more obnoxious here! God of War is a franchise that has never really appealed to me but while the new direction of the latest entry seems of more interest, I simply haven't been interested enough to drop money into it when I have been focused entirely on Nintendo consoles for the last 6 months while me PS4 has become a YouTube machine to keep my son entertained Having said that, it has been a disappointingly weak year for new releases from Nintendo in 2018. We've had a few rereleases of great games across Switch and 3DS but there has been nothing on the level of Super Mario Odyssey to look forward to. Super Smash Bros Ultimate could be the killer title for me this year but other than embracing the history and representation of multiple Nintendo franchises in the other Smash games, I've never really been overly into the fighting. I hope to become way more invested this time around, though So far, my personal games of the year are games I have definitely enjoyed, and continue to do so, but in my heart I don't feel like Mario Tennis Aces, Wario Ware Gold and Dark Souls Remastered are worthy of 'GOTY'.. but I feel like they are probably in my top 3, for now!
  8. If I get a chance, I might play through it on the SNES Classic but there's no way I'll be trying to go for everything as I hate the way some winged clouds are hidden and that all of the red coins are disguised amongst the standard yellow coins meaning that you have to check every inch of each level just in case there's something there
  9. Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are all better than Yoshi's Island.. ..though, at least if I play it this time I'll be going with the SNES Mini version as I've only ever played the GBA port
  10. I think choosing Game #3 is a bigger offence than declaring a dislike for Super Metroid The selection of games this month isn't immediately appealing.. which is strange because none of them are bad.. yet none of them really excite me right now, either! I'd maybe go for Game #2, even if I think it might be the weakest of the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy..
  11. Maybe there will be a PSOne Classic next year with Dual Shocks and 20 different games..
  12. I reckon I'll eventually get the game (I had a decent time with the motion controls during the demo though maybe it'll be impossible when the difficulty ramps up ) but I don't want to pay the current asking price.. I'll wait
  13. I've been playing Dark Souls offline so haven't even been tempted to go online and use summoning at this stage and the main reason for that is that I'm trying to figure things out for myself and, ultimately, tackle the challenges with perseverance and learning. It may eventually get to the stage where I feel I'll need help and be more than glad for the help but I have noticed that the mere mention of Dark Souls seems to make everyone suddenly want to offer advice and tips that haven't been asked for. Perhaps I'll be desperate for help at some stage but for now just let me enjoy the ride
  14. Haha.. and here's me struggling to overcome the Bell Gargoyles This is my first ever Dark Souls experience, though.. and, so far at least, I think I kinda love it too
  15. I was there, to be fair.. I'm just reiterating it now
  16. In terms of control, Super Mario Odyssey is probably the best Mario game date for me but I'm pretty sure I prefer both 3D World on Wii U and 3D Land on 3DS.. and both Galaxy games.. and Super Mario 64.. It is a brilliant game, obviously, but I suspect the follow up will be even better.. and yes, I feel that way of Breath of the Wild too
  17. After I completed Super Mario Odyssey and got all of the moons I'm pretty sure I was apprehensive about the possibility of ever going back through it again. I felt like just playing to get to the credits would be way too quick and easy to provide enough satisfaction while attempting to collect every moon again would probably be too much of a slog. I absolutely loved the game, of course, but, like Breath of the Wild, I'm not sure the structure lends itself particularly well to repeated playthroughs.
  18. Surely that had to be an option..?! I also hope they allow you to tilt the system in handheld mode for aiming
  19. Wave Race: Blue Storm is one of my absolute favourites and my love for it continues to grow with each passing year where we don't get a sequel..!
  20. I heard from reviews that you get more in the digital version of the game than the physical so maybe it could be worth downloading the game as well..?
  21. The heart wants what it wants..
  22. I totally agree! They're not the right fit for F-Zero unless they get a lot of help from Nintendo!
  23. I still listen to EZA pretty much every week but they haven't been as enjoyable, recently. Perhaps a part of that is down to a lack of really exciting Nintendo news (I don't even bother with Friend Code ) but things like 'Recruit Me' at the start of the podcast is total nonsense and I don't like it..
  24. I actually like that we now have more or a reason to play with motion controls so, while I haven't tried it yet, I'm excited to try it after having beat the extra trials in Adventure mode this afternoon
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