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Everything posted by Jav_NE
That was my immediate thought as well, but there's nothing i want if they don't stock Nintendo games! I have at least like £20 on my GAME card that i could've used on Mario Party 9 - but that's gone now too. Guess i will have to settle for something else, though i really resent using up points on something i dont really want.
Ideally they should have an option to turn it off when you want to race seriously, say online or on your own to get a good star-rating. I thought you could choose what weapons to have in community races anyway? There is no way it would work for familly games though, that is where the true genius of rubber banding pays off. I have been beaten by my siblings who only ever play Mario Kart once in a blue moon when they visit. True, i don't try as hard and i do silly things on purpose for fun, but that's the whole point. It is fun. Winning is only important to online junkies and completionists, for the majority, it is about having a laugh, and Nintendo will never ever sacrifice that. There's always Time Trial mode
I have thought about doing that so many times! I havn't had to yet thankfully. The special levels at the end are really clever. They are small but require some real thinking to sort it all out. I like! Well, i like it when i figure them out anyway. I only have about 8 levels to go now. I wonder what happens when you finish them all? Probably nothing... i would cry if a new screen is revealed with another 200 levels!
I feel your pain. I have stopped trying for a while now as i got so annoyed. I have done all of the 150CC cups with 3-stars, it's just the Mirror cups that are tripping me up. I think the only thing to do is set aside some time and just keep doing it. Eventually you wont get as bombarded by cheating shells and, providing you raced a good fast line and got 10 coins each race (or as close as), the 3-stars should be achieved.
Subliminal thoughts of how to best capture the event, clearly.
Yeah it is around that number i think. It is the last level of the 2nd last set anyway, if that makes any sense! All i can remember was that a ladder took you to a section of red blocks to the side which was a dead end, but if you prepared the big white block underneath before you got there, you could just pull and create a gap to drop down to it which led to the top.
I love how no mentioned has been made of how she looks, yet the fact that she was masterbating furiously over the internet is good enough to determine that she must be hot. She could be a whale. Would explain the epic squirting results.
Jerzy Dudek?! That's a bit random! I only play it for about half an hour on my lunch break though, then maybe another 20 mins or so in bed as i don't have a good book to read at the moment. I might have to add in some loo-time to conquer it for good though! That's what i love about this game. It's amazing how a fresh perspective can result in revelations you never even thought of before. I just finished the rocket. Man, that was rough. Took me a good 5 or 6 tries. I don't even know what i did differently that made it work in the end! I have a feeling the final set of levels is going to put me in an early grave too by the looks of the first puzzle. I got nowhere with it after a good 10 minutes, and it was only small! Stupid ladders.
I know, but i am too lazy to make my own, and i refuse to pay more than £2 for lunch, unless it is a £3 sub and drink deal from Subway! I was gutted when they stopped their sub of the days. I do get bored of sandwiches though. I need to find other cheap lunch options in the city, but this takes exploration time which is best spent on Pullblox
Breakfast - nothing. I'm either asleep or rushing to work. I know this is terrible and something i often want to make time for. If i did, it would probably be toast and cereal (i love Crunchy Nut!!!) Lunch - weekdays consist of various sandwiches from Tesco, subs from Subway or baguettes from eat4less. Always combined with a pack of crisps and a can of drink. Sometimes i will be greedy and get a sausage roll or pastie from Greggs too. On rare occasions, i will have left-overs from last night's dinner. Dinner - usually one of the following... Something with chips (various types of chicken, fish etc) Pukka Pie with roasties and veg Chilli-con-carne Thai red curry with chicken Pasta bake or some other pasta dish Pizza Weekends get a bit fat. Lunch is more or less the same depending what we have. I'll sometimes have cereal and a variety of little things like hot crossed buns or yoghurt. Dinner is usually a take-away though, either curry or chinese. Maybe a Mcdonalds/KFC/Burger King on occasion.
That is a clever system indeed. I am still playing through the main game, but then i may be forced to look into downloadable levels if my addiction continues. I'm on Level 160-odd i think, on the deluxe levels. They are pretty cool and quite memorable - the clown was cool, and palm tree, and gentleman! They often have my mind going overtime before i work out a simple solution. Love it.
That is unreal. Hope the dude gets some recognition for that.
Oooh, i would so get that if i had a Vita. One of my most played games on the PSP!
1: A - based on an agreement with the friend to share it. 2: I would probably try and talk the other cellmate into keeping schtum so we both get half the sentence, then i would toy with the idea of screwing him, but i'm not sure if i would. Depends how much i trusted them. If they wen't first and said nothing, then i would do the same. If i went first, i may talk, so long as i knew the guy couldn't ever find me when he gets out!
It's all in the face for me. Of course, a nice body helps, but a girl could have a smokin' body and yet if the face didn't catch me, i wouldn't really go there. I do believe you can be non-sexually attracted to people too. Look at your group of friends, we may not admit it, but we do select our friends partially based on their appearance. We like people around us to look nice, to fit in with our image.
Wahey, i completed my first Quest! I had no opion to start Quest 2 though. Guess i have to do Quest 1 again.... meh.
My instructor has tried to do that with me. He has taken me around all the test routes he knows that they use so hopefully i will be familiar with the roads. That's not a bad idea actually. I did a little googling and people also say Rescue Remedy works well too. I may nip into Boots at lunch and see if they have either of them. Even if it is just a placebo affect, that's fine by me! I need to also stop putting so much pressure on it. It is okay to fail, i know that, most people i know didn't pass until further tries, some even 5 or 6 times later, so i have to remember that.
Got my test on wednesday. Eeekkk! I'm super scared and nervous which i think will be my ultimate downfall. I need a way to calm my nerves because if something goes wrong i just end up a psychological mess and everything starts going wrong. That happened in a lesson a few weeks back. My last lesson yesterday was great though, so that's a good confidence boost. Any advice?!
Dungeons and stuff, you know what i mean
What gets me is how people put so much emphasis on how linearity = crap. Let's not forget that all games are linear, just to various degrees, pseudo freedom if you wish. There will never be a game where you can do anything you want - a videogame by its very nature is confined by the coding. But i digress. What i wanted to say was that it is not necessarily a bad thing that SS lays out a path to the next bit. I for one find it incredibly annoying in games where i have to backtrack all over the place trying to find the right person to talk to in order to learn where to go next. That's not fun. I want to get to the next part, get to the action and progress the story. That's just me though, maybe the fact that i've never been a fan of RPGs contributes to that. I guess what i'm trying to say is that the challenge of the game isn't in navigation, it's in the action and the puzzles when you get there, and at 37 hours, i think SS more than provided on that front considering how much time wasn't wasted searching around for where to go next. Handholding during the good parts though is a bit of a pain - and i agree that there were many unneccesary Fi hints that you couldn't avoid. Help should be given if the gamer wants or needs it, which they kind of tried to do as you can ask Fi for help, i just have no idea why they added extra prompts thrown in your face without asking though.
Do you need to get 10 coins onb every race for 3-stars too? I have done perfect GPs and still got shafted with a 2-star, and coins are the only thing i can think of as to why.
Yeah maybe, but hired heroes are normally level 1 and they don't even scratch this guy! I often waste my coins on puzzle pieces as well, but that's not going so well these days either!
It depends how long it has been decided that it will be a Wii U game - i'm guessing it was pretty early on, but then it depends on what ideas Miyamoto wants to implement to utilise the new platform, let alone the HD aspect. I'm confident it will be close to launch, if not at launch though. It is classic Nintendo to keep quiet about something like this.
I never get StreetPass hits I take my 3DS with me everyday to work. I walk through a bustling city, even through the train station on the way to the office, and i still only get like one hit every few days. It's crap. I havn't even completed the first Quest yet - i'm on the very last ghost, but it takes me ages to damage him. To be honest, it's lost all it's appeal. I dont know whether i'm doing something wrong or if people in Birmingham just dont take their 3DS's out with them. Meh.
That's a good point, i don't know if it works on the first encounter without the help of Groose. He is so slow on that one though, getting the toes isn't so bad.