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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. Kinda but, it all just blows over me.
  2. Ah great Faz, someone who knows something! Ok well, the finnish is the tower, as that has the highest noise value (100). I probably shouldve shown a picture of the maze, you can only go to certain nodes from wherever you're at. I have the paths ive written, theyre at uni though il get those later to post. They go as in like valid_path(start, skull); valid_path(start,holly_bush); valid_path(holly_bush, skull); valid_path(skull,apple_tree); etc etc What i think its getting at is right, you start at 'start' and theres a few nodes you can get to from there, get prolog to choose the best suited node from the noise values of those. For instance, from 'start' you can get to 'holly_bush' or 'skull', we'd want it to choose skull as its noise value is 12 and holly bush's is only 4. Where the bubble sort comes in im not sure, i just know we need it. Ive added you on msn, il hopefully catch you online when im at uni! Hope ive explained it a bit better.
  3. Hey guys, Ok, heres the deal. I hate prolog. Unfortunately i have to take Knowledge Based Systems as one of my units at University. I cant for the life of me understand it, it just confuses me with other programming ive learnt. So, im pleading for help on some work i have to do. Take this maze: we have to do a search to find the best route from start to the finnish, the finnish being the tower. The best route should be found by looking at each nodes noise value. The values are as follows: noise_level(start,2). noise_level(holly_bush,4). noise_level(pond,2). noise_level(skull,12). noise_level(bones,10). noise_level(killer_badger,4). noise_level(apple_tree,13). noise_level(warning_sign,20). noise_level(bench,45). noise_level(tower,100). noise_level(spike,50). noise_level(large_toad,30). noise_level(pear_tree,26). noise_level(statue,28). I know that best search methods for doing this are either Best First or Hil Climbing search and that a bubble sort is needed somewhere but, i just cant do it. If anyone could help i would be so grateful, id even send you money. Serious! Need help by thursday. Yours begging, Jav
  4. 1 - Zelda OOT - When you wake up at 7am on a saturday and run downstairs excited to play a game, you know its damn awesome. No game has ever gripped me like this one. 2 - Perfect Dark - Best FPS there is, great strange story, hot main character, great weapons, aims, awesome multiplayer. Yes, its all better than goldeneye, you know it is. 3 - Mario Sunshine - I loved it, "its not Mario 64 blah blah" they all whined, good! I thought it was original and strived to get every shine and blue coin. And i did. Huzzah! Creative level design, inspiring use of the FLUDD, and nigh on perfect platforming precision. Gotta love those tripple jumps. 4 - Banko Kazooie - I loved Rare, and this game was just so fun. Better than Mario 64 it is. Yup. Does Mario have a sidekick bird who fires eggs and flies and shouts abuse at the game characters? Thought not. 5 - Mario Kart 64 - What can i say. Best racer there ever was. And it was the one game i could get my family excited about. We had and still have some great multiplayer mayhem.
  5. Try and get a job at Pizza Express, i tell ya, its the best job a student could have. Hours are flexible and mostly evening shifts which gives you the day to work or chill, you can get your shifts changed (hopefully) if people are free, you just say 'hey, do you wana do my shift saturday' and hey presto. But, the best part is, tips! Ive made £120 in 2 days. And thats on top of my pay, which ok, is minimum wage £5 an hour i think, but i rarely even have to use my account as ive always got cash in hand! Its awesome. Made £40 today on a 5 hour shift so, £5 an hour + 40/5 = 8 so an extra £8 an hour, put them together, im on £13 an hour, woohoo! Waitering is the way forward.
  6. Exactly. Ads are ads. If if riles you up that much you must be very shallow. People pobabl dont even take much notice, not least for the fact not many people actually notice them, and second, theyre used to multi-format sites and magazines and seeing a million ads for all 3 companies as it is anyway. Yes, were just about Nintendo but im saying the transition of being like you guys 'oh my god' blah blah isnt a big deal to the majority.
  7. Welcome. I think you've gotten the wrong impression of the kind of people or attitude here. There are many different gamers here, some of which may actualy play xbox's and ps2's and such, but that doesnt mean they dont like nintendo, hence being on a nintendo site forum. General chat is probably the most popular board for the most regular members because we like to have fun, again hence why everyone is so friendly (ignore the banter, thats their way of saying they love each other). But seriously, i guess were a mature kinda place when it comes to gaming matters, everyones opinion is valid if they back it up and communicate in a well recieved manor. Have fun, theyre a friendly bunch really, probably the easiest to fit into if youre around enough, if not then it doent matter anyway so whats the worry?
  8. Hahahaha, i used to work in Pizza Hut, and i'll have you know, we are very efficient at our restaurant! ahem! And yeh, the pizzas are pretty greasy, you should see the kitchen staff, theyre filthy, cool guys but, damn they need to wash their clothes every shift, which they blatantly dont.. not to put you off, pizza hut pizzas are great. I now work at Pizza Express though :p As for chicken, i know what you mean Platty! Theres one here in manchester called Finger Licking Chicken, chicken burger from there hits the spot every time, its making me hungry just thinking about it. Though you do have to pay for BBQ sauce, whats the deal?! I got hammered last night but suprisingly didnt go to get anything to eat, think was because i just needed a bed! Kebabs and Curries from these little take outs here are awesome too, medium chicken curry, with free naan for £3-£3.50, it kicks ass. However, theres nothing worse than waking up in the morning with a hangover and smelling the remains of the night befores munching, curry and kebabs especially stink, chicken isnt so bad. Urgh. Worth it though!
  9. I read in the Metro today that they are also changing the vendin machines so no fizzy drinks or sugarary chocolate/crisps! I would be well gutted if i was still at school and couldnt get a fizzy drink for break! Thats just obsurd!
  10. Fucking freshers.
  11. Is Closer by NIN the 'fuck you like an animal' one? Cause that is a great one to do it to! Also, in a more dancey cheesy weird way, 'Push It' by Salt n Pepper has been a good one haha. Also, probably the dirtiest song ive ever heard which only spurs you on further, is 'Fuck the pain away' by Peaches. Great beat. Dirty lyrics. Perfect, haha. Doesnt matter though really, Placebo has been good, i guess anything that has a good beat!
  12. [maybe spoilers, nothing big though] I saw it the other day, wasnt bad. I liked the refreshing era they chose to base it on in these whole zombie flicks. Usually its argh theres zombies coming, run away, find post, whereas in Land of the Dead its already at that stage, theyve made post with a highly secured building for rich residents, and a lesser secured area of town for the poorer, the zombies live in other towns trying to go about every day life and the humans have to break into those towns to steal supplies, obviously at some point having the zombies follow them and whey hey, you have your movie. Theres a few cool twists in there, and as someone said, theres a few gorey parts and lovely head shots and blood. Wasnt that scary though, was more a 'whats going to happen' film i thought with a bit of action. I do have to criticise the whole zombies learning how to do stuff though, i mean come on, theyre dead.. it makes them scarier that they learn how to shoot a gun and use a road drill (?!) i guess but its a bit far fetched... mind you the whole thing is far fetched.. so, forget this whole paragragh existed! :p Overall, id give it 7/10, its exciting enough and refreshing in some ways but soon ends up your classic predictable zombie flick with an ok ending (i though they couldve done better) but you wont regret seeing it.
  13. I smoke around 5-10 a day, i wont lie, i started because i was always around my girlfriend who smoked and when we got drunk id go 'give me one!' then i brought my own one day and it was all down hill. Im not addicted though, i could stop, in fact i go quite a few days when i just dont feel like one. Its only usually habit that urges me, like after eating or when drinking, or if someone else is smoking, its rude not to! I joke, but you get what i mean. I fucking hate people who piss and moan about it though, unless they have a baby near by or are pregnant, get a life, havnt you got anything better to do than get angry at someone for smoking at the bus stop or what have you. No-one who smokes ever blows it into peoples faces, when i didnt smoke i had no problem with it so i duno why people do. Its not the end of the world. If smokers follow the rules and do it where theyre allowed then theres no problem, i can only condone anyone telling someone to stop if its somewhere they shouldnt like on a bus or in a non smoking part of a restaurant etc.
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