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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. Not writing down my shifts at work and going in at the wrong time makes me angry, like today, im not on a 12-5, im on a 5-10. I got up and went into town and everything, for nothing! My own fault really but, hey, makes me angry nontheless! Im a pretty laid back guy though, it takes alot to rile me up. Im always the one reasoning with people to calm down and look for a solution that is plausible etc. Im the negotiator. Sometimes it annoys people that im unphazed by things though, serves them right for trying to get a rise out of me i say!
  2. I love South PArk though i'll admittedly say i havnt seen it for a very long time. I never catch it on TV and have never really been compelled to buy it until recently, which i havnt got round to doing yet. I never knew they had done so many! I had expected they'd be on about series 6 at the most, seeing that theres only a few series on DVd.. isnt there? Hmm. Alas, my favourites are very old, the one with Mr Hanky, the one where Cartman has a satellite in his ass etc.
  3. I've finnished my final year at University now. I got a high 2:1 in Multimedia Computing, go me! I got one 70 and the rest were 65's and a 68 i think, which is a shame, 5 or so marks more in each module and i would've had a 1st. Oh well, i'm just glad i got a 2:!, i had my doubts looking back at the year, too much slacking and partying going on! But thats it, im done! 2:1 for me, and im happy. Yey
  4. They're watching us...
  5. Does anybody buy and 360 magazines? I know this is a Nintendo forum but alot of people do own and enjoy 360's as seen in the other consoles board...
  6. Just co-incidence that the pronounciation of phonetically has to have a 'ph' starting else with an 'f' it would sound different i.e. fone-etically, the 'ph' takes away that extra 'e' so it sounds like fon-etically. Thats what i think anyway. It is silly though. And we wonder why Enlgish is the hardest language to learn!
  7. How could people have won the 250k Jordan? I thought it was live? =/
  8. England fans are so naive that way, they expect miracles. I see most other countries fans hoping for good things from their star players, if they get it, fantastic, if they dont, sure they're a little peeved but they understand and are realistic. The fans i see in thi country scream bloody murder and would castrate the players they expected to do well. I mean, remember the Beckham trip thing? Jesus, everyone wanted his head for that, hes just one guy in a team. England fans annoy me, i was out in town saturday and the mess and crap left by them all was a disgrace. Plus, why so happy? It was an own goal was it not? And we played pretty shit. Seriously, England fans need a good kick up the arse. Too optimistic when things go right, too pessimistic when they dont.
  9. Yeh i do wonder what the channel 4 show chooses to show us. The PEte thing has been crazy, he's hardly ever been on which makes you think he has gone all quiet, which he has done a little bit but i find it hard to believe that he isnt his same self most the time. Hmm, makes you think. They can so influence our opinions of them, unles you watch it live of course (but you cant hear a damn thing anyway, seriously, whats the point in watching it live when more then half the time they silence it?!). I think Grace will go, she deserves too, shes been a bitch, maybe not intentionally because thats the way shes always been where shes grown up etc, but se needs to learn so hopefully it will give her a wake up call. The funniest thing is seeing her still doing it! Saying things about Susie behind her back, and still with the bitching about Ashleyne and Richard! Its pathetic! And she thinks we dont like her because of her relationship with Mickey? Couldnt care less! Hes playing a game all the same, as soon as shes gone he will be all over Imogen i bet you. I like Richard, Glynn and Pete.. Susie seems ok too, and i dont mind Mickey and Ashleyne. Grace, Nikki, Lea and Lisa have got to go. All they do is bitch bitch bitch!
  10. Our country isnt bad, but what we do to other's with America is disgusting. Yes, i am mentioning Iraq, and dont think it will end there... theres oil in lots of places near Iraq and were just too damn stupid to fund renewable energy sources that we fund wars instead. This country sucks, were in the shadow of USA and we kiss their ass... how does that make us look? They are the most hated country in the world but all we care about is that they are the super power.
  11. Thats a good point, if they know what the triforce is for example then thats pretty sweet! If they dont then you can always lie and tell her in the morning! or keep the lie going for your own dignity, she's obviusly not cool enough to understand :P
  12. I couldnt believe it when NGC started becoming so slim, it was humiliating, they were by far the best magazine, full of charisma and humour and you knew they were just great guys who loved games and were honest and fun in telling you about them. I cant wait for their new development, whatever it may be. ONM is great though for now. I occasionally pick up Games TM but im not a fan of Edge, to me its all just a little robotic, theres no soul to them i feel. Games are fun, not a political debate, at least not constantly. I think they take it way too seriously, which is good is some respects for hardline, honest reviews, but wheres the entertainment? Its an aquired taste and one i think many readers take just because they feel reading Edge makes them classified gamer. Not the case.
  13. Pissed it down this monring here in Manchester. Now its just murky. But its still quite humid... grr. I've liked the sun, it puts you in a good mood though when its stuffy hot its quite the opposite, its strange. Im a summer sign though (cancer) so i love it! (apparently thats why anyway). I have had a few hayfever effects though too, i had to buy some allergy stuff which helps no ends! its great. I was sneezing like crazy before it. ITs bloody annoying, and whats worse, everybody knows you have hayfever and its embarrasing, you feel weak because they havnt got it. Psssh.
  14. The kid cant even pronounce pirate... it just doesn't rhyme with 'great' im afraid mate.
  15. As you can see from the Crysis picture also, the mountains in the background are actually quite different. It's incredibly difficult to generate terrain that looks precisely like its real life couterparts. I think they use random algorithms, or stochastics that generate random faces based on set parameters that make things like mountains, trees, snowflakes, water, fire... any natural phenomenon so, without as someone said spending countless ours/days/weeks/years going into minute detail, were a long way off actual realism, but it looks pretty damn close and thats certainly something.
  16. I have the Samsung 24" (or 26", im not sure =/) and its amazing playing the 360 on it. Its not a huge tele as you can tell, but its the best i can afford and its a nice size in my opinion, much better than a DVD-TV combi that i had before! My only gripe is that freeview looks shocking now when you see the qualityof the 360, some programs are worse than others but it really makes me want to get sky HD. Way to expensive though. Bastards.
  17. * maybe spoiler, but old stuff * Orange League was awesome, partly because Ash actually had a chance without it being the end of all things Pokemon. If he won in the official championships or whatever in the 1st series, that would be it, he'd be the Pokemon Master, end of. Plus, the strories were more about tasks as he tried to get those badges, not as someone said, meet someone with problem, become rivals, beat team rocket, decide to be friends. It got annoying. -------- Anyway, what are some of your favourite episodes? Other than the actual Orange League tornament episodes, i liked the one with Snorlax eating all the oranges... that was hilarious. It's actually really hard to pick favourites actually! Does anyone know where i can get the series's on DVD, ive looked in HMV and shops before but they only have the films.
  18. Yeh, Mario on your Xbox? It's just not right! I wouldnt mind a Jo Dark one, that would look cool.
  19. I think people are getting carried away with a really low price, sure it will be cheaper than PS3 (not hard to do that) but i wouldnt be expecting prices less than £150. In fact, £150 seems too cheap. Id hazard my guess at £179. Either way, as they say, it will be the cheapest and a very competitive price. Anything less than or just over 200 is a steal for something this great.
  20. To take the question seriously, i say it depends on the state of the relationship. Ultimately, do you want her to hate you or would you like the window of friendship and/or getting it on again in the future. You must consider these questions very wisely young daters! As someone said though, dont do the ignoring thing, its childish and cowardly and you're wasting your time as well as hers. Tell em straight, hopefully they wont castrate your balls... whatever you do, always do it in public, away from sharp objects and with an escape plan if the situation gets ugly and turns into a 'conversation'.
  21. Sex is great, when you're both in the mood. When its just one of you thats horny, it doesnt work. The other isnt passionate and its a chore for them, plus its not really fair to demand that off anybody, i hate it when im not in the mood, im just too kind to say no. Its difficult though, cus if youre not in the mood then you might just hurt their feelings anyway, either way, sex is a mind game! Sorry your first time sucked, my first time was great, i was drunk, she got on top, i didnt have to do a thing, sweetness haha. But, its different every time so dont be downheartened mate. Plus as rokhed said, dont set your expectations too high. Not everyones a porn star. Lay off the porn even, its manufactured so why flood your mind with fake scenarios. This will be a good thing for you in the long run.
  22. Im kinda ok. I mean, im finnishing Uni this year which is good and bad, i've got exams this friday and tuesday of which i have to revise for now since i hadnt the time before having my dissertation in yesterday... its all a bit stressfull. I cant wait to finnish, but then the whole 'what to do next' syndrome kicks in, which is scary, but im quite looking forward to the excitement of it. Finishing Uni also brings up my relationship ti a head. Some of you might have read a while ago we live together, we split up but decided to see how it goes. Were still seeing, and with oooh about 2 months till out tenancy runs out at this house, its a bit strange not to know where we stand. I think we love each other which is great, i love her, our personalities just clash and i dont know if it can be helped. So, come end of June, if we havnt progressed, it seems like i have a decision to make. I doubt she will want to live with me again if thats the case, so, next dilemma. Do i stay in Manchester? I dont have many friends here. I do have a job. And Chrissy is of course here. Though i may be too heartbroken by her to want to stay. So, next option, moving back home to Birmingham. Good points, free food, no rent, lots of old friends (if theyre there too, im not sure how many will be but there will be a few). Bad points, no job (though maybe i could transfer), and, ultimately, no independence and no girlfriend. Ive loved living out from home, it would be a step back to move back in with familly. So, i dont know. It could all go right and i would be happy, or it could all go wrong and id be a bit meh, what can you do. I guess either way i wont be miserable so thats good.
  23. Off topic but, im ready to get my HDTV! Only thing is, i've just seen all the extra costs for warranties and such. I've never bought anything electrical before, but for a 23" TV ,£80 for 2 years warranty is a bit silly isnt it? (though it is on top of the 1 year manufacturer warranty). I know some of you have the 23" Samsung HDTV, should i bother with the extended warranty? Usually i wouldnt bother but if it breaks i wont be a happy bunny. TV's are quite reliable arn't they? I havn't had one break on me ever i dont think, not in the short time of 3 or 5 years (£114 for 5 years warranty). Im very confused. Id very much like to save my £80, but is warranty a big scam or not?
  24. Dont know if announced yet but Kameo co-op and other skin/theme downloads on the marketplace apparently.
  25. Revolution all the way. Though i do own a 360 and will be shelling out for a HDTV just for it.. =/ Thats just my lust to play PD0, Kameo and other upcoming games in sweetness. That being said, it doesnt bother me too much. I need a new TV anyway (tiny DVD combo TV just doesnt cut it anymore) and im all about innovation and new ways to play games. I will never buy a PSP, and never in my dreams even consider a PS3. I dislike Sony, i dislike what they've done and what they're trying to do to the games industry. Its disgusting, it really is. I really hope the PS3 fails, they go bankrupt and cant even sell steroes and TVs anymore. They dont deserve the right. Samsung seem to be leading the electronics departments these days so, who knows, maybe it will happen. Die Sony, do us a favour and just die. Either that or just leave the games industry to the masters who actually try and entice new ideas and innovation so it grows instead of merging with other pointless media. Gaming doesnt need any help to be popular.
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