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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. It's all about the Chicken Madras with Peshwari Naan for me. If anyone is in bournemouth, head to the Westbourne Tandoori House, in Westbourne believe it or not. It has the best Madras ever.
  2. Hey guys, As a long-time staff member and forumite of N-E i have recently become curious as to where the market for online gaming websites is heading. Now in order to know where its going, i thought it appropiate to find out where its been. Which is where you come in; i only visit the same few gaming websites regularly, and thought it obvious that you guys would be the ones to ask about the industry on a wider scale. So lets analyse; we all know there are the big guns in the business, so what has made them so great? For each of these websites (and any other you find appropiate), try and think about the following: 1: IGN 2: GameSpot 3: Eurogamer 4: Games Radar 5: N-E (just for fun) What does the site offer and how is the user experience? What do you like about the site? What dont you like? What benefits do they provide for regisitering? What are their unique selling points, and is that clear? What is their best feature? Now, finally, the most important question; What would you like to see on a gaming website that you perhaps havn't come accross before? Maybe my ever-ticking mind with such nonsense will help evolve N-E :p
  3. Not a song that has changed my life, but i just love this line; It's never too late to be early, or try and maintain some scrap of integrity and certainty, i guess. Pulmonary Archery by Alexisonfire
  4. Congratulations all. It is a proud honour to be a valued member of this community, because it still rocks. I remember a time when i got awards... ah well. C'est la vie.
  5. You are being too hard on yourself, women have a way of making it seem like they're right. It's a gift they have, and it sucks. She's the one flirting with an old friend, she's the one questioning your relationship, but its you that gets the brunt for checking her messages, which you had every right to do (though you shouldnt have told her you did, maybe you couldve wriggled it out of her somehow, bided your time to see what happened). I hate the whole mistrust malarky, take myself, i have never once been disloyal to my girlfriend, or to any girlfriend i've ever had, but early on in my current relationship, my g/f couldve sworn i was cheating on her with a friend back home. Now, i can see why it looked that way; i had messages from her on my phone, i kept a letter she sent me wishing me luck at Uni, i'd told my g/f previously that i had once asked her out but got turned down and i walked her home once after a night out. Maybe i'm strange and i brought it on myself for keeping text messages and the letter, i shouldn't have told her either that i fancied her at one point. The truth was though that me and that girl were just friends. We'd kissed before i met my g/f, id asked her out and got turned down, and we remained friends. That was it. I didn't love her and merely had those things as a memory of our friendship. I tell you this to try and turn your perspective around to your girlfriends side. It isn't always how it looks. It's trajic, and to this day i wish things had been different for myself also, but sometimes it really is just in your head. I vowed never to speak to that girl again since my g/f asked me to; it was hard and i kinda missed her, but i had my g/f. I'm not saying you should tell your girlfriend to never see this guy again, as a victim of that, i know it sucks. She'll resent you for not trusting her. I'm saying thatif she does call you and want to work things out, just be cool with it. Keep your witts about you of course, but don't over think simple things. Unless you catch them kissing or anything like that, you have to presume she's being faithful. Girls flirt all the time, and so do guys; it doesnt mean anything.
  6. It's on tonight Love it, it's the only show along with Lost that i make sure i catch every week. It's brilliant, and guys who say it's just for girls clearly havn't watched it.
  7. I never noticed the uno, dos tres thing either! Wow, that's really cool. Though i feel stupid now, how many years has it been?!
  8. I was running out of ideas. The last thing i did for our 2 and a half year anniversary was buy her a small gift, then i buried it in the ground along this cycle route we were going to take. Anyway, along the route i gave her random clues and eventually, when she found the spot, i got the spade out my bag and dug it up for her (couldnt make her do it herself now could i!) and that was that! We carried on cycling in the sun She thought it was cool, i guess cause she knew i'd put alot of effort into it, and that's what matters. They dont like the clichéd roses and chocolates etc as its too easy to do. Taking them to restaurants soon isnt enough either, though works a treat in the early days.
  9. That's pretty amazing. who knows, one day they might find one that really is habitable with no speculation, and a bunch of humans will go start a new civilisation up there.
  10. Recently saw Click and The Last Kiss. Click was good, i am one of those Adam Sandler fans so i might be a little biased, but i did genuinely think it was funny and it had a darker side to it than his usual films. The idea is utterly stupid and unbelievable, but if you look aside that this is a really good film. 8/10 The Last Kiss was surprisingly good too; i wasn't expecting much, i thought Zach Braff would just come off as J.D, which he did, but it wasn't too bad. I really felt quite attached to the couples in it and hoped they would work it out. I think anyone whose been in a serious relationship will enjoy it for the different scenarios and feelings that they may have had themselves. Plus you get to see Rachel Bilsons breasts! (well, the side of one, which i think is a body double, but still). 7/10
  11. It makes me sick, i didn't watch it purely because it would make me hate all the fucking idiots being shown. Sort it out London.
  12. How did you neglect her Flinky? I hate that excuse, like it's the mans job to keep the relationship exciting, it should be equal. If she was bored she should have talked with you and said she was unhappy, at least then you'd know and have a chance to change things for her, even though you shouldnt have to do that alone. Cut her out of your life if she doesnt want you back mate, you're only hurting yourself rining her and hearing what shes up to, and it'll stay that way if you want to be her friend. She obviously feels no remorse in telling you she had a date and kissed a guy. Enjoy being single for the time being, someone will come along eventually.
  13. Just the four-day-weekend for me, so far i've just enjoyed the sun and relaxed a bit. Bought me a new DS lite since my one broke after getting milk spilt on it (only cost me £12 with a game though!), so i've been playing on that. Today and tomorrow will be more of the same, i'll probably get a phone call from my parents tonight and tomorrow go to the beach if its nice with my girlfriend, then maybe out for a meal. I got a few eggs, one from my g/f, one from her sister and another from her dad. Didn't get anything from my own familly however! But to be fair, they'd have to send them in the post and they'd get broken anyway, so i forgive them.
  14. Drunken kiss i could forgive, but would be very very pissed off and recquire winning back from said female. Sleeping with someone else is cheating full stop, the complication is how commited you are to that person. If you still love them in spite of the indecency, then i would think it could be overcome if the cheater was tremendously sorry and vowed never ever to do it again and it really was a once off mistake. Again though, they'd have to prove this was true and that they are sorry and love you. It would take time to earn their trust back and hard work to forget, afterall the mental image of the cheater with the other person wouldnt be easy to let go off, especially if you knew them both. It can be overcome, but it shouldnt have to be. Cheaters are scum.
  15. I dont know how much it cost, but once i went to Starcity cinemas in Birmingham and went for the Gold Class. Must've been £20 or so a ticket; but you get waited on and get these kick ass leather reclining seats. It was awesome! Don't know if i'd pay that myself, my mom paid for us, but who knows, it was so cool i might've done for a film i really wanted to see. I never buy popcorn, though i sometimes give in to the nachos; i cant help it! As for prices of normal cinema seats, i remember cinema's in Manchester were pretty cheap with a student card, like £3-4. I got a shock when i moved to Bournemouth though, i think it's about £7 for an adult here. Bastards.
  16. Love her. Always will. Though she does seem to have gradually become more pop like. Ah well. She's hot and she's still good to me. Can't wait for the album.
  17. My B-series Sony Vaoi has been incredible. When it arrived i had the problem that it had an EU plug (thanks for telling me laptopsdirect... not), which was a pain. So i got a new UK plugged figure-8 cord to plug into the charge unit that only cost a few quid which makes everything all nice and simple. The battery life on it isnt the greatest, i think the most you can get out of it is 2.5 hours. I dont use it much away from a plug though so its not so bad, but i wouldnt recommend it for people who needed to work long hours without a power source as it will let you down. Other than that, perfromance wise and everything else it's been amazing.
  18. Happy Birthday for yesterday man, hope brum is treating you well!
  19. Play nice now everyone or i'll get Laikmosh on you!
  20. Hate it. Think its unbelievably shallow and i cannot believe it won awards over more funnier shows like Desperate Housewives that actually have content. Piffle. Just goes to show how fickle alot of our population is, how they can sit and enjoy watching a show about appearances.
  21. Beyond Borders Touching film starring Clive Owen and Angelina Jolie; the film that influenced her with her work for the UNHCR and child adoptions. Not hard to see why, the film really hits you hard with how poor conditions are in these lesser developed countries and of the danger there are out there with weapon smuggling and such. If there's anyone that can watch this without feeling their heart bleed, they have no soul. Beneath all that though, there's a nice love story involved too. I wouldnt watch it again, purely because it kind of feels like a once off experience, but it is a rollercoaster one, so for that, i'll give it 7/10.
  22. Nightlife is poor im afraid mate, i recall one street being the place they called the happening place to be and it just consisted of pubs. It was near town, just off princess street i think. Anyway, dont get your hopes up.
  23. Yeah, i cant get out of MK64 and back tot he menu without turning it off. Stupid really.
  24. So what if they do, you're only angry because you know you'd want one if they did, otherwise it wouldn't bother you either way and you'd stick with the Wii as it is. Won't happen in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with the Wii as it is, there's flash cards for more memory anyway and Nintendo arn't fussed about DVD players, let alone HD until its profitable to them. Don't worry, it'll be the colours and Wii-mote upgrade.
  25. I read an article that quoted the developer saying that, although interested in WiiConnect24 and online play, as well as DS connectivity, that it was maybe an idea for this games sequel. I dont really know why he'd do that, and it seems the game has been pushed back, now releasing in Japan in December whereas it was originally plannned as a launch/near launch game over there. Maybe they are implementing online stuff? I dont know, information on it is very vague. WIsh i had someone to translate those scans to see if there's anything interesting on them.
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