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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. I finally gave in to the pull of PS3, but mainly for the Blu-Ray aspect. I'm thinking of getting a new HDTV as my one is quite old and doesn't have HDMI
  2. Ive had a few girlfriends in the past that i met online. Its fine, idont know people fuss so much, as long as your not stupid. See them on webcam first then you dont need to worry.
  3. Uni doesn't start until October though right? YOu've got loads of time, they take ages to process these things because they're retarded. I'm sure you've got a room in one of your choices if you applied on time.
  4. Moving the island makes sense, it explains why it's so hard to find. I just wonder what Ben meant by the consequences of moving it.
  5. You need to book trains early, and have a railcard for 33% off or whatever it is. I refuse to buy tickets any later than a fortnight before travelling anywhere, it really pisses me off how they can rip us off so easilly! Sadly i wont be coming to this as it's my birthday on July 7th. But i want to see lots of pics! Someone should do a live feed podcast or something too haha.
  6. I think it's gross as your feet tend to sweat alot, and they have been couped up in your socks all day, probably in shoes for most of it too, so they havn't had a chance to breathe. It's all well and good to say you change socks the next day but your feet get what, 10 seconds to cool off?! Take them off you weirdos!
  7. Stardust I was really surprised by this, i knew it might be good but i really loved it. Reobert De Niro was so funny as a camp pirate and Michelle Pfeiffer put in a great performance as the evil witch. It's nice to see her back in film too. Overall the story was just really nice and heart-warming, full of adventure and compelling the whole way. They dont make great fantasy films like this anymore, not that i've seen anyway. 9/10
  8. Yeah, maybe a map isn't entirely necessary but as i said before, an on-screen indication of where you are as you enter a new area would have been nice. Or even signposts that you can read like in Zelda just to tell you where you are.
  9. Happened to me too! I had to restart. Anyway, i found the last chest (obviously!) but that really annoyed me. I don't even remember how i got there, or how i missed it all the time i was searching. It's bizarre, and it just fortifies my opinion that they need to adress the navigation next time around. Then i got to the boss dude.
  10. I'm stuck as well. I dont know where to look for the fourth chest (at the highest point of Wither Falls apparently). It's really annoying that places arn't labelled, i don't know where Wither Falls is and there are loads of waterfalls around so i cant even hazard a guess. I got frustrated and had to stop playing as i was going round in circles. Its a shame because they could avoid all this nonsense with a map or on-screen indications of where you are when you enter them.
  11. I'm glad i'm not a woman with their petty calorie RDA, i'd be obese if i was.
  12. You have GOT to be kidding. It was a shocker. See the Indy thread. 4/10... at best.
  13. Saw it last night and i agree with you all. What a crock of shit. Harrison Ford was fine as Indy, there were even a few funny moments and exciting action parts, even if they were OTT. But the story... Oh. My. God. How did they even pitch such a stupid and crappy storyline?!
  14. That's true for the phone lines, but this is on TV. You can see the girl you're talking to live, and there's nothing X-rated about it. That's what i was getting at. Are people that desperate for friendship, or even just desperate to chat to pretty girls that they would phone up to speak to her at such a cost.
  15. I was bored the other night and so i decided to see what other channels there are on Sky other than Sky One, Paramount and E4, which is all i watch. Somewhere amongst the radio channels i came accross a chatting service, and it got me wondering what kind of people actually phone in to it. Basically a pretty girl sits on screen and viewers call up to talk to her at £1.50 a minute. That's it, just talk. Nothing else. Now, i'm not one to judge, but at least you get something exciting from sex chatlines. Sex sells as we all know. But to just speak to someone you dont even know on the tele, privately of course, just because she's pretty, i mean what the fuck?! Friendship sells too apparently. These people must be very lonely or have little to no self esteem. I guess you really can put a price on friendship, but what's next? Will they start a service to play games with pretty girls on XBox Live or something?! I really doubt there's anything they wont do to try and exploit the lonely anymore.
  16. R Ewe Blind is a classic tramp caption from Bruce Almighty... along with others i can't remember.
  17. I remember Jo, she was one of the only girls on this forum back int he day. Good times. Looking good in the pic too, although it does appear as if you are naked
  18. I'm sure it's very comfy rokhed :p I sleep on either side. I sometimes try and lie flat on my stomach but it never works. I like flat pillows too. Big ones hurt my neck.
  19. Yeah, i knew that already. But it doesn't explain anything unfortunately. From what i can remember Claire just wondered off. I had half a mind of thinking that Miles killed her somehow while they were camping and Sawyer was asleep. He's definitely done something as he wasn't suprised about her disappearance.
  20. I just watched the episode again and i'm confused. What's the deal with Claire? Is she dead?
  21. Those Irn Bru bars take me back to my school days. We used to by them in bulk from the cornershop and sell them for double the price at lunch time *chuckles*
  22. Diet is actually worse for you than the normal stuff, hell the guy who came up with Diet Coke wont even give it to his children i heard. It's because it contains an evil ingredient known as aspartame. "Concerns about aspartame frequently revolve around symptoms and health conditions that are allegedly caused by the sweetener. A total of 92 different symptoms and health conditions were reported by physicians and consumers. Questions have been asked about brain cancer, lymphoma, and genotoxic effects such as DNA-protein crosslinks." That sounds alot worse than a little sugar to me.
  23. Donkey Kong 64 was immense! What's the matter with you people?!
  24. Dom Grohl? It works, you should introduce yourself as his half-brother or something to girls, they'll fall for it hook, line and sinker.
  25. What i dont get is why they had a filler episode not long ago. I think it was the Jack and Kate future one. I thought because they know how many episodes there will be now there wouldn't be any crappy ones, but i guess not.
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