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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. My favourite in the game was Bulbasaur, but from the TV series it has to be Psyduck! He was hilarious!
  2. My girlfriend went out on thursday night and got absolutely wasted with her friend. They are so bloody stupid they took drugs off some random guy who ended up following them all the way home. So they come in the door and wake me up, begging me to get rid of some stoner. I call him a taxi and get rid of him. It's only th next day we realise the little fuck stole both of their mobile phones and my fucking DS! Thankfully my gf feels very bad about the whole thing and says she has learnt her lesson. Best of all though she is buying me a brand new red DS so i cant stay mad at her for too long.
  3. That guy on the right is a spitting image of Ralf Little
  4. I loved it back in the day. The Rock, Stone Cold, HHH and Kurt Angle were my favourites, especially when they were involved in one way or another as the jokes and backstage scenes were incredible. It's nowhere near as good these days, although i do watch it occasionally and find i am midly entertained. I just wish The Rock had never left. He was so good at everything he did, even when he was heel, and to see him in crappy movies just breaks my heart. Come back Rocky! I also miss the tag-teams. I'm a big Jeff Hardy fan and loved the Hardy Boyz. TLC II is by far the best match ever. I was happy to see he had a match at th elast PPV which was pretty awesome; he did a swanton bomb off a truck in the parking lot onto the ground. It was sweet (although you could see the matt they used for him to land on :p ).
  5. It depends on your style. Some skinny jeans can look good on a guy, most notably on emo or hardcore music type kids, but they have to be black or grey as blue doesn't work at all. You have to be quite skinny for it to work as well obviously.
  6. I think Wanted looks awesome. Yeah so it looks completely unbelievable, but so what. It looks like great action and it has Angelina Jolie in it. That has me sold :p I'll hopefully see it soon.
  7. They have to bring them back. I don't know one person who wasn't excited when they returned so they must've sold really well. E-mail them lots and see what they say :p
  8. Incidentally, a mate at work had a set list from his friend who went on Tuesday i think and it was completely different to yours. They played that Always song which my mate really wants to hear so he's afraid they wont play it now after seeing your list! He's going tomorrow.
  9. I hate MGS in general, and i'm not ashamed to say it. Anyone who has studied or knows anything about game design knows that it is really quite poor. Nevertheless, Snake is iconic to alot of people so what the heck, if they enjoy it then thats good for them. Still wouldnt give it anything more than a 7though personally.
  10. They have some great classic songs but i dont know half of that set-list they played =/
  11. Shame for Turkey, they deserved to win, or at least they deserved ET at the end of the 90. I just hope Germany lose 5-0 or something in the final to punnish them for how rubbish they have played.
  12. Some films look better than others i've noticed, for instance Harry Potter looked damn sweet when i watched it last night.
  13. I had some great but at the same time shitty news. Our housemate, whom we hate and dont even speak to whatsover, said he's moving out. So that's the great part. The shitty part is now we have to pay his rent which adds like £120 to each of our outgoings. Fingers crossed we can renogotiate with our landlord (who is my g/fs dad's mate), but hes a bit tight-fisted so it wont be easy.
  14. We have a retro sweet shop in Bournemouth that sells Nerds. I love it. They also have Frosties and all sorts of old sweeties i used to love.
  15. Same here. C'mon, lighten up. It was years ago. Maybe at the time it was a massive shock but having seen how the Americans have abused it i really have no sympathy whatsoever. It's all a massive excuse for their "war on terrirism" which is actually about nicking some oil. Fucking Americans, we shouldn't get dragged in by their patriotic propaganda. Seriously, they've killed more and done far worse things since it happened. 9/11 was a drop in the pond, but oh no, western people can't die, that's horrible. Let's just fuck over all the eastern world for our own gain and turn a blind eye. And some people act as if America was the victim! Bollocks.
  16. It was out a similar time to that band who sang "You only get what you give" wasn't it? For some reason those songs remind me of the same era. I can't remember who sang it, it was a bald guy and video was in a shopping mall. It was a good song at the time, but it annoys the hell out of me now.
  17. Indeed they will. Whatever happend to Fruit Tellers though? They were so good but i never see them anymore.
  18. I used to love that song too! It's a great summer track. Takes me back.
  19. I hope you mean that as in you just dont like them. That's fair enough. But if you're implying they are a band that encourages such a thing, or even sound remotely miserable enough for people to want to do that, then that's just stupid, because they are no way like that.
  20. To be fair, people enquired. It's just a funny story thats all, lighten up. It's not like he was here saying "oh my cum is immense" on his own accord was it?
  21. Legend. Absolute legend
  22. That's upsetting C-cup is the best size on a lady i'd say, so for a man... good lord.
  23. I like Batman Forever too actually :p Jim Carrey all the way.
  24. Depends. Was it a really long period of running? The only exercise i get is cycling to and from work. A couple of months back though we had a staff football tournament that lasted all day long, so i was pretty knackered by the end of it. I couldnt walk properly for a good week after that, i was in so much pain. It could just be that you used muscles you dont use often too much. Give it time. And have baths with some radox in or something to help
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