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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. Not on, for either sex. It is more than dancing. That's what people do when they want a little something more. Hugging, hand-shaking and the occasional thigh-slap are the only acceptable forms of physical contact to be given by someone in a relationship.
  2. Fbook link can be found on my blog. Link in sig if you so desire :awesome:
  3. - I'm Javid - I'm 25 - I joined this place way back in the n64 era - I was the reviews dude and admin (and C-E Elite!) back then - I was a videogame journalist at Imagine Publishing for 3 years - I am currently teaching english at a college in China (though am back in England for the summer) - I'm trying to learn mandarin (trying being the key word) - Favourite games are Zelda OOT and Super Mario Sunshine - Favourite music is rock, punk, metal etc though anything with a good tune will do - I hate reality TV - I love american sitcoms - I love Dexter. In fact, i relate to him far too much, its worrying - I'm the youngest of 8 kids in my familly - I love Nandos - Have a girlfriend. For 6 yrs almost. Though things are a bit rocky =/ - I love travelling - I cant drive (never tried to be fair, but i wish i could)
  4. Looks great Can someone "tag" the faces in a group shot so we can know who everyone is? A paint job will suffice :p
  5. Enter Shikari are one of favourite bands these days. Took a bit of getting used to at first, but it was worth giving them a chance. Plus, any band who mentions Sega and Golden Axe in their lyrics deserves props!
  6. Brilliant, thanks Chair. They're gonna love you!!!
  7. Yeah, have fun guys. Hope to hear some gossip and see lots of pictures. Go wild!
  8. I was highly confused the entire time mate! Haha. No, it wasn't too bad actually. Though i do remember you guys taking the piss out of us for leaning on the bar. Everytime i do that i think, shit! The aussies will have a field day! By the way, tough luck in the cricket lately. Pakistan have been having you guys silly, especially T20. My dad's been loving it (he's Pakistani) Thanks nightwolf! Hope you can knock something together
  9. I'm plain and simply addicted to media. I can't think of many times when i'm not using something electronically entertaining. Except when i read in the bath, but that's just my fear of being electrocuted!
  10. That's a good idea! I'll be happy to do that instead if others prefer it that way.
  11. Well, i dont know people as well as i used to, but here goes... Ashley - Leader ReZ - Lunatic Odwin - Wise Coolness Bears - Loopy Nightwolf - Piercings Shorty - Legend Nami - Bish Dan Dare - Critic Paj Meen Ah - Complicated Molly - Wondergirl Eenuh - Unprecedented Jayseven - Blue Bluey - Spontaneous Fierce_Link - Arnie
  12. I'm an unqualified teacher in China Just doing it to gain money while travelling around the world, but finding myself really enjoying it. Before that i was a videogame journalist at Imagine Publishing. Loved it, but got paid pennies. They exploit the fact that you play games for a living, and its criminal, cause it ain't easy keeping to deadlines. Free games and stuff was nice, but it still doesnt make up for the wage. Bastards. After this teaching stint, i dont know what i'm going to do. My first plan is to look into videogame PR as i made a fair few contacts and had some great drunken times with alot of them. Hopefully with my experience i can get a headstart with it. But who knows. I'll get to that in a year or so!!!
  13. First i should say thanks to those who helped me a while back planning a European Culture lesson. It helped a lot, and i'm glad to report the class was a success. The students loved it! They all want to go to Spain and Germany now! Anyway, i need to ask for more help (sorry!). I'm thinking it would be awesome to show videos of people, with all kinds of different english dialects, maybe even European accents, and see if my Chinese students can understand you. They will love seeing your faces, and will be very interested to know more about you (they are mostly girls aged 19-21 if you were wondering). So, to those who can, i want to ask if you can make a short video clip of yourself. You can include the following... - Introduce yourself - Introduce your familly - Where do you live? - What are your hobbies? - What do you hate? - What's your favourite food? - What do you do (occupation)? - What do you want to do in the future? You dont have to answer all of the questions. If you are uncomfortable sharing any information, then don't worry. Of course, you can be as creative as you want. If your hobby is dancing, then go ahead and show them (even if it is the ReZ spin *facepalm*). A minute or two will be fine. Oh, and dont speak too fast! Speak with your natural accent, but try to slow the pace. They will have too much trouble understanding otherwise. Please e-mail your videos to me at [email protected] if possible. I can always take them off YouTube though if that is easier. You dont have to post it here if you dont want, though i think it would be great if you could! I'm sure we would love to see it Thanks in advance for your time and help
  14. Any good time is preceeded by this belter. No matter the occasion. Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
  15. Haha, no i am not actually going. I think that eventually got through Brilliant, thanks for all of that!! I have been to Pompeii as well, it just never crossed my mind! Thanks for the help I will do! Currywursts are of course going to be mentioned too!!! Thanks to all who gave the time to think of some stuff, it will be helpful
  16. Erm, 1996 - Spice Girls - Wannabe, hello!!!
  17. I remember you Munch! The name immediately sprang to mind because it was awesome then, and it's still awesome now! :p I was probably an admin and C-E Elite back then if you can remember me.
  18. Hey all, I have a favour to ask... I've been roped into teaching a class on European culture, so i started thinking, who knows a lot about Europe? Naturally, i figured N-E would be a good place to start! I'm hoping some of you have been to countries in Europe, and if i'm lucky, maybe some of you even live there?! Countries i'm thinking of focusing on are... France Italy Spain Germany If you have been to any of them, i'd be very grateful if you can name some tourist attractions, festivals, maybe introduce some culture etc. Basically, anything you think Chinese students (mostly girls, aged 20) would find interesting about those countries. Obviously i can google such information, i'm not lazy, i just think a more personal approach with real experiences would be better. If you have any home videos or photos you dont mind me showing i would love to have those too. Wing them over to [email protected] Thanks!!! Oh, and this thread needn't just be for my benefit. Europe is afterall a very interesting continent, and a place from which our beloved site takes it's name, so why not discuss our European thoughts and experiences? Personally, i think the French are a bit arrogant and annoyingly patriotic against the English. It seems whenever i meet a French person, they refuse to speak English, even though they can do so perfectly well. Grrr, it really pisses me off!!! Then again, my experience of France is limited to Paris and Disneyland, so i guess it's not uncommon to experience hostility towards tourists there. What do you think? Thanks again for any help
  19. Wow, alot of hate in here for smokers. I just have a few things to say. First, i am a smoker. And no, i am not an idiot. I choose to smoke because i like it. Second. This sounds like a good idea. I know some of you think that paying for smokers to quit seems unfair because they chose to smoke and they brought the problem on themselves, blah de blah. You should remember that the tax a smoker pays is through the roof. When you go to the hospital, it is largely smokers that are paying for your treatments. Is it not fair that we can have the choice to have a piece of the same pie we pay for? Finally, yes, smokers choose to smoke. And yes, there are countless warnings about its addictiveness and health damage. That doesn't mean if there's a way to counter that effect, even if it is with money, that it shouldn't be taken into consideration. It would be like saying drug addicts shouldn't be funded for getting getter. Have we really evolved into such bitter beings? Its like you want praise for not smoking. Like you deserve a reward. Isn't your fresh air, clean teeth and chance at better health reward enough? Let alone the money you save anyway? Just seems petty to me to be angry at the fact smokers could get paid to stop. They have been ripped off for years. Frankly, i think they are due for a bit of payback.
  20. The problem we all have here is we are still alive and breathing at the same time as these 'greats' we are nominating. Case in point, i think of Socrates and the way he thought and challenged what we once believed about things. During his time, they thought he was mad, a corrupter of minds, and they sentenced him to death. Of course, what he said was later a massive influence on others and to western philosophy itself. My point is, we can never truly know who in our generation will be heralded forevermore as great. Only with time can the effects and influences of what anyone does now truly render them as a legend. Its the cliched test of time, but its true. As for football players, popstars etc being great, i personally dont think it counts. Regardless of influence and how they can enrich our lives and bring us together, it never actually leads to anything substantial for human kind. That is key i believe for greatness. Those exploring and researching space and our universe at NASA, scientists discovering cures and advancements for our living, that kind of thing. They really change our world. It is just easy to get mixed up because people in the past, as we are doing now, have heralded entertainers and artists as great (Thomas Hardy etc) and that has continued through the generations (some just doubled up as great thinkers too, like Da Vinci). It all depends on your definition of "great". But i dont think anyone will be writing to tell future generations about our entertainment stars and how they changed mankind as we knew it.
  21. I guess so, but ordinarily a DJ will apologise after the track if that happens and this guy clearly didn't as it was a rushed, fake airing. Either way, it would raise questions.
  22. Iun was right. The man is a DJ. He works at the radio station that he was listening to when the track skipped. He had just killed his wife that morning and wasn't at work. He had recorded the morning show in preparation for the kill, but hearing the track skip makes him realise that his alibi has fallen through so he decides to kill himself knowing that its all over for him anyway. I have to say, you got that very quickly man. You big cheat!
  23. Haha, yes, patience is key to mental sanity out here!!! There must be some things you like out here though Iun? Personally, i find it fascinating how much more they value their family and friends than we do in the west. When asked who they would phone in the entire world for example, every student said either their mother or best friend. Every single one. That's 800 students or so. Despite encouragement to think about celebrities and so on, they still stook to their guns. It was baffling. When a student is sick, about five others miss class too to look after them! Initially you would think its all a big fat lie for a group of students to skip class and go downtown or something, but no, we've followed through and investigated many times and it checks out. They just care way more about each other! Anyway, not to take away from the chinese bashing. There's plenty to whinge about too!
  24. Yes, and yes. Yes! But what did he do? You skipped to the end too quickly :P Nope.
  25. No. (he's going to work).
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