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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. I'm still here! And i still remember you GBA King. Good times were had! Sadly i dont log in these days anymore. Just snoop around and perve on you all
  2. Congrats. I worked over at Imagine for 3 years. Good times there and some great people. I'll warn you now though, there's a bit of a divide between the creative crew (photoshop/camera/your type of magazine people) and the gaming gang. I don't know why. It's like the creative lot think the gamers are all geeks and want to shag all the girls, and the gamers think the creative lot are a boring bunch of nobodies who dont do anything fun. There's truth to both :p Anyway, i hope you it goes well for you. Seeing you mention the place brought back a lot of memories.
  3. She's never been my cup of tea, and i think the fringe is a bit weird. Also, i dont know why, but everytime i think of Beyonce she reminds me of Tyra Banks. I swear they're the same person :p Rihanna on the other hand, now she's hot in my mind. Side-fringes > straight fringe
  4. Practically all of my chinese students have no idea about the Tiananmen Square masacre, its disgusting how little they know about their own country. As for the anniversary, i can only hope it reminds us not to go repeating mistakes again.
  5. Nothing really, apart from Nintendo paraphernalia. I've got a fair amount of models and toys. I always go out shopping for them in various countries, and get excited at the sight of a character i dont have. Come to think of it though, i dont actually have anything Zelda related - i think that's my next goal. But its just for fun, i dont go crazy about it.
  6. Sounds more like a "Lets celebrate how much we love Lady Gaga" party to me!
  7. I don't even notice it to be honest, because i watch shows i like which means i probably am laughing or at least smiling when the laughter track plays. People find different things funny, that's just the nature of comedy and our personal senses of humour. For example, i disagree about BBT - i actually quite like it. Sheldon cracks me up it. So, of course its impossible to get the laughter tracks right, but without them it would just seem a bit weird. It makes you feel like you are not alone watching the show as well and people like that. I think you should stop finding petty reasons to not watch things to be honest. How would you feel if you spent days and weeks making a tv show, then asked people to watch it and they said "no, its got a laughter track". I think you'd think they were pretty shallow, don't you?
  8. "Woe betide!!!" Me and my gf use this one all the time whenever someone is whinging about something. Its great! You have to really dramatise it to get the full effect. It works a treat getting people to stop whining about their pitiful problems. "Oi Vay!" It's a Jewish phrase for like "oh crap", think i heard it in something stupid like Sabrina the teenage witch, anyway, being young, i thought it was funny and copied it for a while. 'A while' just turned into forevermore. "Getting heel" This is something me and my brother developed in our younger WWE watching days. It has various meanings, from getting angry to getting pumped up. "Getting dangerous" This one is similar to getting heel, and again has various meanings, not related to the real meaning of the word dangerous. For example, someone could make fun of someone and we would say they were "getting dangerous on them". It has various other applications in everyday life though as well, maybe too many!!! "Stop hey beavis-ing" This came from watchin Beavis & Butthead. There's a moment where Beavis is trying to look at Butthead's test answers out of the corner of his eye, and he turns round and slaps him one shouting "hey Beavis!". We found it hilarious for some reason, and somehow started saying it anytime anyone was spying, or looking at something out of the corner of their eye, and it stuck. 10 years on, and we still say it. "Olé" This is a spanish cheer, but we use and say it differently, with a sinking town as opposed to a rising one with an extended last syllable, and we say it when something bad happens. I dont know why. Think it came from my brother who used to play online games with Spanish people, and then he spread it onto me when i played games with him. Weird. People often say me and my brother have our own language because of these phrases. It's terrible. Thankfully, he is far worse than me. I can stop myself using them around other people more than he can! My gf also gets angry with me for using american phrases like "awesome", "cool as" and "sweet". I cant help it, its just so much cooler than anything we say. Probably because we are a cynical nation at heart who dont like to like things. Probably also the reason why "bugger-ee-doos" is one of my common english-sounding phrases.
  9. Some classics in here!!! Hard to add anything great after all that, but i do remember liking Goof Troop when i was a little tyke. Also this. Not a cartoon, but i loved this show as a kid. The song is legendary!
  10. I'm with you. I hate salad cream. In fact, i hate all salad dressing apart from Caesar, which i can just about tolerate. Tuna i am a bit funny with, but i like Tuna Sushi for some reason. Probably because i drown it in Soy sauce. Coffee is another. I hate the stuff. It tastes like sweat. I only just came round to tea after working in an office for 3 years. I figured i'd have to try and like it in order to get in on the 'cha break' chats. I think i taught my tastebuds to like it. But i have to have loads of sugar. Apart from that, i'm pretty good with food these days. I guess in the last five years i just changed my opinion and started trying foods i usually wouldnt touch when i was younger because it looked or smelt funny. It's a stupid reason not to eat something to be fair, and i've found myself liking loads of new stuff. Mushrooms and Salmon are two examples. I wouldnt go near them with a bargepole in my teens, but now after giving them a chance i think they're pretty good. Travelling has also broadened my pallette. In China especially, i love eating Donkey. It's delicious!!! Though there are some foods i havn't managed to muster up enough courage for - chicken feet and cockroaches (or any other kind of insect for that matter) being amongst them. It's just wrong. I dont quite understand people who dont eat typically regular stuff though without even trying it. Like i say, i used to be a little like that when i was younger, and i regret it now because looks are decieving. I had a mate at uni who ate the same thing everyday - fish fingers, chips and beans. I'm not even joking. Every. Damn. Day. Unless we dragged him to Maccy D's, in which case he would only have plain hamburgers. He wouldnt try anything else because it looked odd or because it was different. Madness!
  11. Same here, there were no idiot kids when i saw it, thank God!!! I think most of the younger kids were watching Shrek as well, so that avoided any cryers in the vicinity. It always helps to go to a cinema that isn't so easy to get to without a car if possible. I find you avoid most pesky teenagers that way.
  12. I eat way too much chocolate and crisps when i am living at home at my parent's house. She buys too much and it's hard not to have a nibble everytime you walk past the side table where she puts it all. She also buys a ridiculous amount of take-aways. Thats not her fault so much, as she's a nurse and has pretty inconvenient shifts, so she can't cook for us very often, so she usually just leaves some money for us to order in or fetches us a BK or Maccy D's. I complain about it, but truth be told, it is awesome at the same time! I'm just glad i'm only here for the summer. I'm sure i've already put on weight! As for ideas on what to eat, i always like some cereal for breakfast, maybe with a Miller yoghurt and a banana/apple. That's about as healthy as a breakfast for me gets. There's nearly always a pack of crisps there instead of the fruit. For lunch, see above, as i'm never awake early enough for breakfast. However, when i am up for a full day, lunch will usually be something on toast. Beans, ravioli, eggs, spaghetti - depends how i feel. As for dinner, my favourite home-cooks are Thai red curry, pasta bake and chilli-con-carne. No idea how healthy/not healthy they are, but they taste good! And they are very easy to make. Oh, have you ever tried Cous Cous? My gf used to make it for me. Mixed with some roasted vegetables, gouda cheese (i think) and sweet chilli sauce, it makes for a nice lunch. And i think it's quite good for you (apart from the cheese).
  13. To be honest, i like a bit of hair down there on a woman. It's sexy i think. My gf wont grow any though, she hates it. I like clean-shaven too but, i duno, think i would prefer a little something. Tidy though, not bush-worthy. A line, or a triangle, or something. But not too short. That just looks tacky.
  14. I get them a little, not too bad, but worse than my gf. Its ridiciulous. We will be in the same room sleeping somewhere with mosquitoes, i'll get absolutely mauled one night, and she will wake up absolutely fine. It's not on. I get a bit paranoid and end up spraying myself tonnes with repellant, it seems to do the trick! What annoys me most is where they choose to bite. I wouldnt mind if it was on my arm or something that isnt easlly iritated, but at the peak of your arse crack?! Or on the back of your ankle, and, quite possibly the worst place i've had, in the crease of my hand between thumb and forefinger. That was soooo annoying! Why do they do this?!?! Having said that, i have had good luck against bed bugs. My gf has been mauled by those blighters on two occasions and i have laid next to her in the same bed and not been bitten once, mwahaha! Bed bugs like me, mosquitoes dont. Or should that be the other way around? I dont know. The chinese have a saying that if they bite you, they like you, because they are "kissing you". Nutters.
  15. My dad has a massive bald circle on his head, but he's not completely bald and he's 70 now so, i'm hoping i will be okay. Compared with my older brothers im doing well too. Most of them started thinning out by the time they were my age, but i've still got ridiculously thick and curly hair, so its all good. I'm really bad for getting my hair cut though. I go to hairdresers like less than 5 times a year. Maybe that helps?!?!
  16. I have razor shaved my balls before. It's not so bad. It only itched for a day or so as it grew back, not for a whole month. Maybe i have super fast-growing pubes =/ How does one deal with nostril hair? I have noticed two rather annoyingly long ones that that are almost at the point of sticking out. I would die if that happened! But i cant pluck them as i dont have long nails
  17. I shave maybe once a week. My hair grows quite fast but i just cant shave everyday. It hurts It just feels more satisfying to shave when you've got a fair bit of growth going on. I feel i get a closer shave as well. I tidy downstairs on occasion. I have shaved it all off before, but it takes alot of effort, so i just give it a seeing to maybe once a month or something.
  18. I was thinking that! It was a touch of genius anyway. So funny. I cant believe they have a special toy for it as well. I have to check that out next time i'm near a Disney store!
  19. Just watched it in 3D tonight. Loved it. Absolutely brilliant. Couldn't have asked for me really. Great story and new characters, some quality comedy at times and purely heart-warming throughout. Pixar can do wrong.
  20. You have tried them though right?! Each to their own i guess. The price of Nerds is criminal. I love those too. And Frosties. Mmmm.
  21. Pick 'n' mix all the way. Fizzy Cherry Colas Bananas Coconut Mushrooms I nearly cried when Woolworths closed its doors. I've yet to find a worthy replacement
  22. We used to go by the moniker "Baldilocks and the three hairs". It served us well too! We won loads when on holiday in Spain.
  23. The change has been negative for me. The problem lies in the foundation of these forums. It was predominantly a gaming discussion platform, so thats why we just had general discussion as an added extra. However, as the years have gone by and the community has grown, general has become the most popular forum. It seems to me the easiest solution is to satisfy the larger demand with sub-forums. We can no longer say that this is a gaming-only forum. A majority of our members have other interests and like using this place to discuss them. That's something you have to accomodate for. So, yeah. I'm up for sub-forums. You only need three: Music, TV & Movies and Reading. As for HWYD, yes, i'm glad that has gone. It is better suited to individual threads to encourage discussion. But, other threads worked, like UIG. You cant group all the big threads together as one singular cause of stiffled creativity. At the end of the day, some of them worked and some of them didn't.
  24. I think i'm 5ft 11", but i always just say i'm 6ft if someone asks. It's only an inch of a lie!
  25. Exactly as it sounds, a slap on the thigh! Say a girl says something funny, you might laugh and pat her leg in the moment. Thigh-rubbing however is a definite no-no.
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