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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. Yeah well I guess that's the only hope isn't it, that it's just early stages dating around. You're right though, it is stupid to try and define stuff so early. That was my thinking too. I said that as well, I was quite honest like, I ain't gonna be strung along like some chump. You're probably right though, meeting somebody who's looking for something more might be the best thing to do. I guess in the meantime though it can't hurt to play things out with this one either :p
  2. I really don't know mate, it seems more of the 'have fun' ilk at the moment, though we both agreed there may be something there between us should things become more romantic down the line, it's just not what she's after right now. I'm not too bothered about her seeing other people as long as I still get to see her, but the thing is I don't have much chance to meet other people myself, hence the website, so its not really equal at the moment unless I spend time trying to chat to other girls online, which I really can't be arsed to do half the time! So yeh, meh, will see what happens. Could be good or bad.
  3. So the girl says she really likes me yadda yadda but wants an open relationship. She even went on a date with another guy yesterday. I mean, fair enough, we weren't a couple or anything, but this kinda sucks. Anyone been in an open relationship before?
  4. Isn't she also the bad ass chick in Nikita?
  5. Yeah, I know what you mean. Thing is, she joined the dating site so in her mind at least she's looking for someone new, hopefully me! Him on the other hand I don't know, but yeh, nowt I can do so not worth fretting about!
  6. I don't know how long ago they booked it to be honest, I believe they broke up earlier in the year but I don't know when exactly. Like I said, ive only met her a few times and I'm not exactly the jealous type anyway so I didn't quiz her about it. She just said they dated on and off for a few years at uni, decided they could never work but stayed good friends. I left it at that. I completely understand to be honest, and no relationship can work without trust so, just gotta see what happens. Guess I've matured a lot over the years!
  7. It's a good point, and I think this is what makes it harder for the men as the girls get so many replies and attention they really do start being choosy based on the smaller things like cats or whatever. It sucks really. Little update, the girl I've seen a few times has gone on hols with her ex, something they planned whilst still together but remained friends and decided not to waste it. I really hope they don't rekindle! Nothing I can do about it though
  8. You're a handsome bloke, take a picture that's less intense though maybe?! Just you smiling or something simple.
  9. As far as I know yeah. That's only because they've used it on me else I wouldn't have a clue they had that feature. Would definitely recommend sticking at it with these sites though. Yesterday with that girl was another awesome date. Spent all day in different pubs just chatting, went to eat at la Tasca and just had an amazing time. Day just flew by. Getting on really well so, yeh, definitely worth it
  10. Yeah, its really nice when a girl messages you. I dont know about OkCupid but on POF girls have a special button to 'show interest'. Basically a button that notifies the guy to get off his arse and send them a message if they like them. Not fair really, but it's a good way of knowing who might think you're cute with little effort on their behalf.
  11. Not your real name but not anything corny either I guess! I just met a girl from POF over the weekend. Was pretty awesome actually, she's really cool and just using a dating site because most of her friends are coupled up and no real chance to go out anynore for that kind of thing. Same as me really. I think Internet dating has changed a lot in that respect, whereas it used to have a reputation of being just for weirdos, it is much more commonplace now. Going to see this girl again tomorrow so it's so far so good really
  12. I wouldn't to be honest. It sounds like you are trying too hard. To be honest, a girl wont reply no matter you say unless they like your picture. I'm not exactly experienced at this but i did find that when i took a few minutes to take a good picture i got a lot more responses. In fact girls were saying hi to me first. So yeh, picture first. First messages can just say 'hi how are you' then really. Dont waste your time on them. If they like your pic and your profile, they'll reply.
  13. Mockingjay is a bit of a disappointment to be honest. Still worth reading, but lacking the excitement and the games from the first two books which are both awesome. Have yet to see the film, is it out on blu-ray yet?
  14. Jav_NE

    3DS XL

    Had a play on this in Gamestation earlier. Don't like it. Feels cheap. I hate the plastic feel and the buttons under the bottom screen are dreadful. Nice big screen and everything, but il be sticking with the classier, shiny original thank you very much.
  15. Bugger, i wont be able to make it, i have to collect my replacement car tomorrow in the afternoon. Sorry guys, i'm sure it will be an amazing weekend!
  16. Jav_NE


    Man, I didn't know that. That sucks, but yeh if it helps them end the show well and as they envisioned it to end then it is a good thing. I might have to read te books too.
  17. Put me down as a maybe for this! I hadn't really thought about it, but i might be able to go. I would be back at work on the monday though, so i would have to leave on sunday. I'll have a look how much trains/coaches are as i guess driving down would be a no-no. Stupid London.
  18. Jav_NE


    I've just been sucked into the dystopian world fad after reading the Hunger Games, so i picked up some recommended books the other day to fill the void. I havn't started them yet, but they sound good. Divergent by Veronica Roth is supposed to be brilliant, and likewise is the Knife Of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. Obviously they are not horrors, and i am wary they are flagged as kids books that adults will enjoy, but hey, i am looking forward to reading them, and they are both the first books in trilogies i think, so if they are good i will be set for a good few weeks.
  19. I still can't decide whether to get this or not. I always wanted to, then i played the demo which was average and a bit floaty as others had said to control. Then there's the fact everyone says it is better on consoles. I dunno, i prefer playing games on a handheld these days. I'm too lazy with consoles. On top of that, there's a possibility i might get a Vita for my birthday. If i do, i've heard this game is better on there, but then again having a new platform opens up loads of new games i would want, Uncharted, Everybody's Golf, Resistance etc. Somehow i dont think i would buy Rayman with those options. I saw it for £15 for PS3 in Asda the other day though and was tempted. I think it's maninly because i have nothing to play at the moment that excites me. I havn't quite finished Kid Icarus yet, but i've gone off it a bit, i've also grown bored of Mario Tennis, so i would like something new to get stuck into really. Decisions, decisions.
  20. They need both really, not either/or, but it seems that's not a possibility. MM remake would be awesome if they do as good a job as they did with OOT. Didn't they outsource that game's development anyway? Can't they do that again, and have Nintendo primarily focused on something new?
  21. No i haven't, i would like to though. Be nice if there was a regular time people played like with the Mario Kart 7 league.
  22. It wasn't bad actually, i quite enjoyed it! It was raining quite bad as well so that was good experience. My worry now is driving for the first time alone, in a hire car that will most likely be petrol based (i learnt in a petrol car at first and then changed to a diesel which i found a lot easier for some reason) and having to drive from birmingham to pretty much london on my first ever drive. The car (i have no idea what car either) won't come until monday morning, leaving me no time to get used to it or anything. Argh! Any advice?
  23. I was seriously tempted to pack-up and go back to China or join my mate in South Korea teaching again after seeing how hard it is to find work in this stupid country. I have finally found something though thank God. Systems Support Trainer. I quite like the sound of it actually, as it will be largely training and teaching people which i love, not just boring IT techy stuff, which i'm crap at. It is decent money and I get a company car, but i have to make-do with the fact that i'll be travelling alot on the road and probably away from home monday to friday most weeks. I'll see how the job goes. I might really enjoy it, as i have no problem being away from home, i just hope i work with some awesome people else it will likely be really lonely and miserable. I'm hopeful they will have similar interests to me though based on the job and type of person they were looking for interview wise.
  24. New job starting soon, with a company car! Will be lots of travel, driving around the country, which is pretty intimidating since i have never driven on motorways before and literally passed my test 3 months ago and havn't driven since. Eep. I got my old instructor to take me out on dual carriageways yesterday which was pretty scary, and he's taking me on motorways on monday which will be even scarier. I desperately need the experience though. In other good news, you can see my mug in the new issue of ONM. Check out the On Tour picture on the Gallery page. It's-a-me! In Egypt! That was a nice surprise, i wasn't expecting them to use it so soon.
  25. I've become a little bored with the game now to be honest. Playing the single player cups is boring and too easy, the mini-games are a bit meh and short-lived fun, and i'm not too enthused about playing online. *sigh* I guess i should put some time into getting some coins and buying some stuff, but it seems so forced and not entirely enjoyable. I wish there was more of a challenge and unlockables to the single-player experience besides clothes.
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