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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. That's awesome Animal and Jay! Good times are ahead I'll add a little happiness too. Taking the girlfriend to Bath for the weekend as a birthday treat. I really hope she likes it.
  2. POF is full of skanks and knobs, but i found OKC to be marginally better (but also has its fair share of time wasters). Not tried any that you have to pay for, I imagine they might be a little better, if only because the idiots can't be bothered to pay.
  3. Interesting experiment, and totally true. Girls I've spoken to (friends and girls I met) said they were bombarded with messages, so much so that it was more of a nuisance to even bother looking at a message unless they really liked the picture. Hell, the girl I'm seeing off there still gets emails saying she has messages now and she hasn't even logged in since we met! It's a different game for each gender I suppose. For the guys it's getting noticed, for the girls it's sifting through the crap. I don't know which is worse to be honest.
  4. Well I did say it was kinda good in a way! Been seeing each other for 3 months. I kinda hinted that the moving-in talk was a bit premature and she said exactly what I was thinking, that it's no way something expected soon but nice to think about as a possibility in the future, so yeh, good times!
  5. Any chance of a meet up? That's quite a long time chatting
  6. Though obvious, i quite liked the summary and added clarity which that little moment gives to be honest. I wasn't sure how i felt about the film as a whole when i came out of the cinema, kind of felt like a bit of a let down and anti-climax at the end. Still, i'd probably watch it again.
  7. Yeah Jay, why not, if you're leaving you've got nothing to lose have you! Just a bit of fun/practise :p Not sure if this is good or not, but the 7yr ex came over last night to collect the rest of her stuff she didnt have time to take last time. I have seen her once or twice in the last 8 months or so, and it wasnt really that weird to see her yesterday either, but it was a little melancholy all the same. Especially as she wasn't so sure staying in touch was a good idea as her new partner is a bit funny about staying in touch with ex's (to be fair, my current gf was a bit intimidated too, which i understand as it was a long time we were together). I guess its hard to convey to others how completely non-romantic our relationship is anymore and have them believe you. The phrase 'just friends now' can never be completely believed by others, which is a shame, as that is 100% all it is. But anyway, the good thing is i have loads more free space at mine now, a clear conscience with my new gf and (hopefully) a bright future with her. We handled the whole thing maturely which i just love about her. True, she did get a little worried and upset, but she never took it out on me or questioned me about it more than needed. I think i may have found a moderately rationally minded girl for once! (and they are rare in my experience!).
  8. Just ordered something from there today! Mind you it was from the marketplace and i cant remember the last time i ordered something that was direct from them. I always check both amazon and play to compare prices and just generally go for the best offer. This time play won out, but they are both great with different products. Hope this continues to be the case.
  9. Settlers is awesome. I am unbeaten in my last 5 games
  10. That's just because you don't want her discovering all your sordid little secrets Jimbo. I know your kind! The gf is talking alot about moving in and stuff, which i dont mind as it would be nice at some point. But after 3 months, it is just nice to think about, not actually plan. Maybe towards the end of the year, but i get the feeling she would move in next week if i asked! Not a bad thing obviously as she clearly loves me enough to do that, and i love her too, but its a bit crazy to be ready for that so soon isn't it?!
  11. Any good? Thought about it myself, but reviews weren't great (no character, not mario kart blah blah). Just want a fun multiplayer game to be honest, Nintendoland is getting over-used. Some new year spending... Fancied a new t-shirt Weekend away in Bath, with tickets to the Roman baths and Thermae Spa. Need a bit of relaxation in the miserable month of January!
  12. I would say working first and foremost, but i am on the internet at work most of the time anyway :p Other than that, on a daily basis i am either at home or a hotel, watching TV or a movie, playing a game, reading, having a bath, eating out or sleeping. Will go out and see the gf too a lot of the time, mostly weekends if i am working away, and we'll do the usual stuff, cinema, restaurants, live shows, theatre, bars and pubs etc. There used to be some swimming/badminton/ping pong in there as well, but i've been lazy over winter. Hopefully i'll get that in more regularly again. I'll see my mates once in a while too, maybe once a month, that's about all we can stand of each other
  13. I saw the ad for this which sparked a little interest. I thought Netflix had the worst selection of the two? (older, more classic stuff i heard rather than new stuff). I'll be interested to get one or the other though on the Wii U if it is good quality, decent new selection of movies and tv shows in HD etc.
  14. My year started pretty crappy, then got quite depressing before gradually getting better. Started off in a job i didn't like, back from china, bored, skint, hating england etc etc Worst few months of my life followed between march and may - got made redundant, didn't get paid (still havent!), didn't get a job i really wanted, and relationship of over 7 years came to an end. Bad times. Though i did get my driving license (woop woop). Things started picking up in june. Got a new job, good pay and company car. Over the summer i enjoyed the travel aspect of it (i work away most weeks) and being in hotels and new cities with new workmates etc was great for me to get on my own feet again. Started looking on dating sites around august/september for some female attention after encouragement from new workmates. Had a few dates, met one or two nice girls but generally didnt lead to anything substantial. October was the best, went to China and saw my old friends and students over there again. Most importantly though i got to chatting with a girl i really like who has now become my girlfriend here at home. November and december were great following that, went to Alton Towers, went to gigs, she stayed with me for a week in my hotel when i was working down south, went to brighton together and just ended the year on a real high with the best holiday period i can remember for a long time with lots of family and friend time. I'm in a much better place now than 6/7 months ago. Hoping this year can only get better. A new job maybe where i dont have to travel so much, but i'm pretty happy for now
  15. Is this the club on knyveton road by any chance? If you can afford it, go club 2. You'll go alot more as its more convenient, the facilities will be nicer and you may get into the other things like swimming etc in the future. Is it a 12 month contract though? That could change things. I you can cancel at any time that's fine.
  16. What to buy for the sister in law who has sneakily put a gift for me under our tree?! Grrrraaahhh!!! I thought i was done with presents as well. Today is the cut off - im going into town and finishing everything off once and for all - then no more! I spent 3 hours wrapping last night, i cant do much more
  17. You have to be a bit of both i think. Nice all the time gets boring. It's like too much of a good thing. So yeh, be a nice douchebag! I'm not a girl though so i cant explain their crazy thinking.
  18. I stopped playing after the first few worlds just didn't excite me. The coin thing just didn't appeal to me. NSMBU on the other hand has got me hooked. Weird really.
  19. It is nice to get a card so long as it is special and time has gone into the message inside. Generic 'merry christmas, love....' cards are just a waste of time and money. If you don't have anything more to say inside, you shouldnt be sending one to that person at all.
  20. I would tease him a little if i were you. Show him what he wants but cant have unless he breaks things off with the current gf. I've been seeing my gf alot lately, and while i think she's amazing i'm kinda missing just having some alone time. It's rough going to work then driving to hers, doing stuff with her and her mates, then driving her home and then getting myself home as well most days. I'm absolutely shattered. I would love a night just to be by myself and do nothing. Is that bad? I'm fairly sure if i say this she will get the wrong idea. Girls
  21. I've only dabbled in DKCC, the Luigi one, the Yoshi one and the Ninja one. Oh and Mario Chase. All were okay, quite fun in multiplayer, especially Luigi and Chase. The single player games kind of break up the flow though having to wait for your turn. I'm hoping this game will be recieved well by the family over christmas though. My mate and gf picked up the games pretty quick when we played so here's hoping. I'm just worried the time it takes to read instructions and understand the gist of each game will make them get impatient and give up.
  22. And why would you wish a breakup on them? Love is anything but a selfish thing, if you really did care, you'd know the right thing to do is just to be there for him. As much as you'd like to be with him, do you really want to be that person that breaks a couple up? And if you did, would you ever really trust he wouldn't do the same to you?
  23. I have a Lindt chocolate one which I thought was awesome, but upon closer inspection it appears there's only one Lindt reindeer and one Santa, the rest of the windows are just small chocolates! What a scam! Plus there are no pictures in the doors so there's pretty much zero surprise each day. Sad times I miss the days when the chocolates were actually shaped almost exactly like the pictures, and not just those embossed attempts on generic squares you get these days. Maybe it just seemed more awesome back in the day because we were young? I often wonder that about Christmas, it's never as amazing as it used to be. Stupid kids steal all the attention now! :p
  24. 5 hours for me last night and i'm feelin' it today, i'm absolutely shattered. Even a massive Relentless drink hasn't done much to energise me. I think it's all a big lie. Definitely having a nap after work. What are your guys nap habits? Was talking about this the other day, my gf has like 20 min 'power naps'. I find that ridiculous! To me a nap is a good 1-2 hours, anything less is just closing your eyes for a bit surely?!
  25. That sounds really crappy Platty, i'm so sorry. I know exactly how you must be feeling as a similar thing happened to me earlier this year, also around 7 years together and get the 'we need to talk' speech. There's nothing anyone can say to make you feel better right now, just know that time will make it better, you will get over it, you will meet someone else and you will look back at those 6 and a half years as a chapter in your life that contributed to who you are today and made you stronger and wiser where relationships are concerned. Trust me, i know. Mine ended earlier this year, maybe not as hurtful as yours as i wasn't planning a wedding or even thinking about doing so, but here we are today, i'm with someone else and feeling pretty damn happy. They say it takes a month for every year you were together to truly be okay, and although i dont believe in any of that, it was pretty much 7 months after my break up that i met my current gf. Weird. Besides, you're awesome :awesome:
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