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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. £10 All this time When everyone else said I wad wrong You gave me the strength to carry on All this time [/ Michelle McManus]
  2. Oh, sorry. Sent mine on yesteryear.
  3. Re; Daredevil http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/11893/Elektra.jpg The two best side-characters to come out of Daredevil are most likely Bullseye and Elektra. And then Kingpin, originally a Spider-Man enemy really became much better as a Daredevil foe. So the movie kinda got it all right, character wise. :p Just the execution that was questionable.
  4. Anyone else see that Hector Hammond is in the Green Lantern movie? On-set picture with the actor in make-up. EDIT: Ryan Reynolds in the motion-captire shizz he'll wear for filming, with the Gl suit being added on later.
  5. Don't let the movies taint the potential of the comics. Bullseye is an awesome character in the comics.
  6. Of course she will...Wasp/Giant Man = the only actual relationship in the Avengers film that wouldn't seem tacked on, plus it's a good one to explore and TRAGIC etc. Just looking up news about her in the movie, noticed how ages ago Eva Longoria was rumoured..let's hope not. :p Someone suggested Grace Park, and I do love her in BSG. EDIT: Pym'll probably be Giant Man or maybe he'll stay as "Pym" and use both powers at various points. Having two definitive "tiny" people is just odd and jarring.
  7. ^ Lol! That's actually my worst fear/most hated thing ever. Pointlessly taking bits from the Angel finale that reference the spoiler too, just to hit the point home.
  8. If you were actually going to a 1996 show I'd be more impressed/jealous. :p And not just because of the time travel.
  9. I'm a supporter of spoiler tagging everything that refers to the show elements specifically. To be honest, If I didn't know that
  10. At least she;s a stunner. It was inevitable that my show would get an edgy remake, and she really does evoke a modern version of my classic character.

  11. I'm the opposite usually, but I did really like Trent Reznor. HTDA is a big jarring to hear, but I like it.
  12. Their whole joke is samples from random tv shows. But then they realised it would be too gimmicky so it's only on their first 2 albums (that one and So Tough), but they're both so STUNNING. Wilson, Girl VII, Stoned To Say The Least, Like The Swallow... Richard X remixed the entire of Foxbase Alpha (Foxbase Beta) last year, basically giving it just a new lick of paint and a nice rejuvination to some of the songs, but the original is still the best.
  13. How is it a lie? I think it's true. The whole thing about sources/directions etc to me shows we might not get it in the ways we want, or from where we think it will come, but it's there. Or it can be in the things around us, we "just ain't receiving". Or "your doors are shut". It's a very open-ended song. Despite the seeming simplicity/definitiveness the title gives the matter. It also doesn't mean we'll all experience love. She almost makes a point of that. It's interesting to listen back from that perspective, and it is quite depressing, to be fair. Saint (fucking) Etienne! Foxbase Alpa! Now! Do It! spotify:album:7KUjc5iLCBTGuhkrBXX6mq No one believes me.
  14. Loads of sprite-based have that kinda movement. Last time I played a Capcom vs. SNK/Street Fighter-esque game, they all moved ridiculously instead of just standing still. I suppose it gives the impression of action.
  15. I've not read any modern Daredevil comics, ever. I read a bit of the 80's stuff, when Elektra was introduced, that's it. Was Kingpin's absence not what got The Hood into the position he held during the "Unherioc Age" or whatever the past 7 years have been? I kinda like that Kingpin is "back" now that the status quo is resetting itself. --- Just started on Grant Morrison's Animal Man, the run that made him a big name, IIRC. It's really good so far...the stand-alone issue 5 was genuinely emotional. And it deals with what is essential Wile. E. Coyote. Recommended etc, but I don't think anyone listens.
  16. Oh god, I think I had a dream ABOUT the Resident Evil trailer. Totally forgot about that. Yeah, zombies. It was a mix of The Walking Dead and bits from that trailer. Only zombies were quite placid and really human in how they acted. More like vampires. Evil and probably will eat you, but capable of reason. [/off-topic]
  17. My weekend - Didn't go back to friends flat when some people were (in honour of another friend moving in with them), cause I had to look after my sister. But that was nice in itself, I wasn't up for going out or whatever. - Didn't go out on Friday night cause I was talking uni stoof with my family, which was way more essential. Told I could go to Kingston. - Yesterday...went to friends flat for a barbecue thing, but it was so underwhelming/everyone came at staggered intervals, so we joined the neighbours one, which was stunning. Some guy talked to my friend and I for about an hour non-stop about interesting stuff, but it wore thin. Music etc, come on him loving Tori Amos' cover of Raining Blood. Apparently he runs the annual Rush conventions, and is gonna be in a documentary about them. - NEED to do art stuff today but I don't know what really...might do more storyboarding stuff, have to wait until colege tomorrow to print as I have no ink, and all I have are photographs at the moment anyway. I hate how I've done so little for this 6 week project than I did for my last one. Or it feels like that.
  18. Who is that by? The mention of The Slits intrigued me.
  19. Lol yeah. I love Bon Qui Qui as well.
  20. Someone had the audio of this on their phone, and it became the centre of our evening. I love Congratulashayla.
  21. Yes. Yes? --- I've never listened to Tidal by Fiona Apple in one listen because it's SO heavy. Weighty and unrelenting. But each song is really, really good. I think she was 19 when this came out.
  22. Who mentioned child's teeth? If it was teeth it would be obviously more "...". Gromits are the thing I had to have in my ears cause I had ear problems. They aren't meant to fall out/it's not common. (I'm not even sure what they're for, and I had them for years when I was little) Also the point was my dad only ever parked on this strip of wasteland, but poignantly near a flickering lamp-post. Not just on a street. Either way I'm hardly professing my belief, it was just really accurate (compared to the shyte you see on TV).
  23. I really like Dushku as Faith the Vampire Slayer, but she was strangely BAD in Dollhouse. Considering she has a "dulled" face. She could be Wasp, but I have a feeling they might stick to the Ultimates version and make her asian/american.
  24. The character God isn't really the problem in religion. It's human beings using the concept to make up shit rules, and generally spread lies/hate.
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