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Everything posted by The3rdChildren

  1. My name is Guy Hodge.
  2. I don't hate any actors, really. Used to have a thing of dislike for Robin Williams when I was younger but that dissolved when I found out he was a big Evangelion fan. He was also the Genie in Aladdin, sang a live version of Blame Canada and has great acting range as his more creepy movies have shown. Thumbs up from 3rd. I do particularly like to see actors from shows I like doing other stuff and sometimes even go outta my way to check our their work. David Duchovny in particular I find hilarious and will always be happy to watch him act in anything - especially when he's pulling off the downplayed comedy that made him so entertaining in the X-Files. Brad Dourif is awesome as well. Liked him in all the stuff I've seen him in. Gonna send one out to Tom Hanks as well as the guy is absolutely awesome. As for those who have been named as hated: Scarlet Johansen - She is hot. Very hot. Bill Murray - How can you hate Bill Murray? He's one of the best.
  3. They're the same as Blu Ray/HD DVD cases right?
  4. I hope they exist. Probably not in the forms we'd expect, but they definately exist out there somewhere - there has to be something out there beyond our small reach.
  5. I really want one but money is a little too tight so gonna hafta hold off for now. Great offer though.
  6. So I cancelled my Crackdown order on Gameplay on the 16th and today they send me an email happily informing me Crackdown is on the way. Really annoying stuff.
  7. Swapgame will save me from dropping the big WaD40 on this apparently not brilliant but still pretty good game.
  8. Twilight Princess thread must be pretty quiet if you're venturing out into these waters.
  9. Once again, all the wrong figure choices. At the rate the good figures are being announced and released, it will be several years before we see anything worth buying from First4. If they wanted to do something INTERESTING they would create small dioramas of stages in Brawl with the four characters battling it out with all manner of chaos ensuing instead of ZERO SUIT SAMUS. Companies all have a nack for wasting Nintendo licenses.
  10. Just read upto date on the Naruto manga. Excellent stuff with the last fight - I guess part two isn't so boring afterall. I wonder what will happen next?
  11. I have a Wii and Xbox 360. I don't want to pay the money a PS3 is going to cost, but it's looking likely I'll buy one at some point when I have the money. If anything the PS3 would at least enable me to enjoy some of the PS2 library I've missed out on.
  12. If I had to know even core Maths whilst at work I would probably abruptly end each till stint running out into the toilets crying. My number work is really that terrible.
  13. As season six's 10th episode drew to a close, there was only one word I could scream out: IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT, DO NOT CLICK BELOW. YOU WILL REGRET IT.
  14. Yeah, Simpsons has still got it. Can't wait for this. It'd be stupid to put the best jokes in the trailer anyway. I'm surprised they've squeezed in so many little bites of comedy as it is. If the throwaway jokes they're putting in the trailer are anything to go by then this is going to be a chucklefest for me.
  15. I've played all the 3D Sonic games and enjoyed them to some extent, so I figure I'm going to love this being that it's said to be the best 3D Sonic yet. Perhaps Sonic has finally found his 3D grounding for the future.
  16. 360 is far better at the moment, so get that. Buy a Wii when the real killer apps come rolling around at the end of the year.
  17. In my opinion this needs to come back for Saturday night viewing.
  18. Wow, some really helpful posts in this thread. Ask about their inspiration growing up and the like or other more unique questions nobody will have asked them before. Be original.
  19. A little WD40 will clear that right up. Seriously, if you sleep on your back with your head straight it should be fine.
  20. Talk about the weather. Holy shit, this has spawned more conversations for me at Somerfield than anything else. Alternatively, just smile like you mean it.
  21. Nice to see the usual amount of Apple bashing you'd expect from certain forum members in this thread. Consistency is always nice.
  22. A good score for Sonic? Holy shit.
  23. Looks like I got into the Halo 3 beta via RewiredMind.com This means I won't need to buy Crackdown afterall. Oh, happy days.
  24. I need to start playing more games!
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