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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Aye, I'm not asexual as such but I'm not that fussed about sex. (don't mind the old sex jokes though, haha!) I'm just accepting the inevitable! I've just never been that attracted to anyone yet, really. I blame my mainly all boy's school and lack of a social life! Well in my year there was no girls until Sixth Form and over the year it has gone Co-ed but not when I first joined! So there we go, definately like women though! Despite what many people think. >_____<
  2. The Bard. Not that I'm going to change the reason why you hate this thread, infact I think I'm going to fall into your trap but meh! I'd have to disagree although Tangled Up is great. :p I much prefer Out of Control, the positioning of the tracks is definately an issue but I like the direction they have taken it overall.
  3. I ALMOST ATE A BUG! It flew straight into my mouth! I could taste its buzzing wings on my pursed lips. I almost ate it before I realised and then I SET IT FREE! Apart from that today was a bag of pointlessness. Except sweets I got sweets and they were tasty. I may have taken to many though! @___@
  4. 2. ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth EDIT: BEATEN by a minute!
  5. I pre-ordered: The Complete First Season of Hannah Montana.
  6. That's right I'm watching you... ALL OF YOU! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA. O_________O
  7. Haha, Yes thanks! There is notable improvement!
  8. Legally Blondes. Yeah not that great but enough to occupy my mind for an hour and a half on a Sunday afternoon. The story was your average tale which felt like a mix between Wild Child and Bratz. (two films I should not have seen. :p) The two twins were likeable! Very loosely linked to Legally Blonde in the fact that Ell Woods is a cousin of the twins who are from england but move to LA? (I think it was LA) I dunno, into her house. I thought they were fake english accents then I found out they were from england, it confused me a little. I like how in 2009 the americans view us as big red buses, driving Mini's etc. Amuses me. At the end looked as if there could be a sequel! It is no Ninja Cheerleaders but I do love pink! 4 Bears out of 7!
  9. Ashley in your adventure harness picture you look kind of like the dudette in your avatar. thoughts?
  10. I'm all up to date with the Naruto Manga again. I'm loving it so much!
  11. My weekend has been awesomely relaxing! Highlight of my Friday was watching Miley Cyrus on Jonathan Ross. :p I found it really funny. I have Miley Vision though! Then onto Saturday and I'm now hooked like a sucker on Britains got Talent, It is definately entertaining! I also finally completed BIOSHOCK! which is briliant. I had a solid eveing of pure atmospheric gaming. (no one was in) Today I Didn't do much, watched Prison Break, The Simpsons, Curb. Nothing too exciting! Oh yeah and I got some work done at some point, of course!
  12. I know but it was worth a shot! :p
  13. is it dynamo?
  14. Sorry for the late reply! Don't get me wrong I very much enjoyed reading your interpretation. I like what you saw and opened my eyes to the fact that a poem can be intepreted in many different ways, which I like! I found it very interesting you took what you know about me and applied it to the poem. I wasn't offended. (it takes A LOT to make me even slightly angry) I would agree that once it is out there the poem becomes it's on entity as when writing I certainly didn't have any big concepts about what I was writing so it is very much in the readers hands. Although I do think the Poet has the final say. Haha, fair enough. That's exactly what I said perhaps subconciously while writing I am thinking these things and in actual fact I'm a broken shell of a man. :p Ah yes the whole lili pad thing, From verse 4 to 5 there was a too bigger leap and the frog just drowned. I will definately contribute more. I'll try offer my opinion though they won't be so well crafted as yours!
  15. OMJ! Shock of the day! Go get one now! NOW! RUN WESLEY RUN! Then it'll be like watching a mule with a spinning wheel. No one knows how he got it and danged if he knows how to use it!
  16. It confuses me to.. I forgot what I was talking about. OH! Apple Turnovers. I had a serious craving for one yesterday so my mummette got me one today and it was delicious with custard and everything! one small problem. NO DANG APPLES!:p ____ Anyway, my arm hurts today!
  17. The same thing happened to me. :p can someone help please? Here is the link: http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m20/ReZourceman/coolnessavvlq1.jpg
  18. Today was great. It felt like a much more relaxed Friday maybe it was the sun! It put everyone in a good mood. Though I was a bit tired. :p Apple Turnover for dessert wins the day though!
  19. You had manlyness? :p Yesyesyes, I'mma see it next week. is gonna be fun! I love The Climb and Hoedown Throwdown. (The whole thing) I know all the moves (This is a lie) Truth and illusions Martha. I managed to get people to leave her on TV today (with the support of one other 2 vs 8 isn't too bad) Though I missed the song anyway through arguing! I never said I had manlyness.
  20. I think Haden and Jamba will be there to? Awesome we could be wandering buddies braving the streets of London alone. :p It will most probably be on the Saturday unfortunately as of yet I have not arranged any of that as we were going to arrange that nearer the time but if Bluey says we can meet you and you need to book tickets I'm sure we can arrange it sooner. I'm going to head back that evening. If someone just shows me a train station I'm sure I can find my way home not so much of a problem. I do hope you come! Also: GOROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!
  21. Woop! I shall be watching!
  22. Thanks I had this idea in my head the other morning and I needed to get it down! Though I'll try and write some more when I get time. This is an interesting insight. However I didn't think about this while writing. I was thinking of my stress module for Psychology in particular the 3rd phase which is exhuastion. I wanted to go on the idea that people aren't truely happy until the source of their pain is gone. You can go through life and have all these great surroundings and not be truely happy (have you seen the film into the wild?) and to get rid of what isn't making you happy that is what gives you your "piece of mind." The garden wasn't originally there it was going to be in front of the TV drinking wine but I wanted a more natural feel to it, which I feel achieved. The garden and being outside is that feeling of wanting to escape which this woman wants to do but "sitting" in the garden means she is helpless in changing her situation. I think here it isn't accurate now! One thing I do know is that I'm truely happy. I'm not dissatisfied with my life I geniuely just wanted to tell the tale of this character I had created in my mind. I love characters, they are my forte , in terms of writing. I don't put on a fascarde? (is that a word I always seem to mix a few together.) of happiness. I used to think I didn't have control but ever since last year I've gained an inner locus of control so people work on my time. :p (might have to get out of that habit at Uni what with Deadlines) What can be linked to me is the idea that I live in a fantasy world and every now and then I have to be put back into reality! Which is happening here. Essentially she is floating through life and to put her back into reality I placed a tragic accident in there. Though I'm making it sound as If I thought about it, I really didn't think about what I was writing until you replied to it! So I enjoyed reading your analyse of my life and how I feel, that was cool. Some bits perhaps but others are fortunately way off! I agree shoddy english right there. I was not happy (lol! ) with those terms at all but couldn't be bothered to change them. I was much pleased with my first line and then it fell apart. I really just wanted to get the idea down despite the lack of depth in language! Again I seriously didn't think about this. Which makes me thinks perhaps I should have waited until the weekend to write this when I'd have had more time to properly think about the words rather than just the idea behind this poem. Yeah you see with that wording it is contradictory as I'm definately happiest when at home and don't feel alienated in anyway! hehe, "teh garden" :p no idea why, made me laugh. Yes she feels surronded as if she is forced into having a good time with her friends rather than willingly wanting to take part. I felt it was a tad short. I wanted five versey bits though. I think it was brave to go from garden to death. Often people hate it when something quick happens but that is how life can be. Things can change in an instant. Thanks for taking the time to go through my poem that is much appreciated. I don't think I've had a proper critique of my writing before as usually teachers comments are sugar coated! This was layed down how I like it open and honest!
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