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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Retro! put that in Spoilers! Some people may accidently read it who have yet to see the finale.
  2. I didn't know but I just checked it out for you it is Peruna Zing Subs. They seem to have done episode 7 but I don't know whether they are continuing!
  3. Happy Birthdays! your birthdays confused me for a second and I suddenly thought it was June.
  4. I'm on Episode 22 of Gurren Lagann again. I'm loving it more the second time round. It remains as awesome as ever. I've also started reading Fairy Tail. I'm on Chpater 10 thus far. I'm enjoying it immensly! The story and characters feel so fleshed out and alive and it's only the beginning. I'm hooked. Also watching Queen's Blade. Each season I wonder how far a show can take it's ecchiness. each new season I am shocked. SHOCKED! The show is so ridiculous it makes me laugh!
  6. I've never watched it. The one time I got close was in 2007, when I was playing Metroid Prime Hunters with Shadow V7 all evening and it happened to be on in the background. The whole thing is very unappealing to me.
  7. Do not try: Orange Juice Apple Juice Orange Squash Lime Blackcurrent Squash Cranberry Juice Coca Cola Milk Not actually that nice and it looks so wrong. bits of fizzy milk floating about! Though I think without the Milk it would be ok... probably.
  8. 21 - Tomb Raider Legends?
  9. 7 - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction?
  10. A tentatively placed Dark Night.
  11. 12: warioware: Smooth Moves?
  12. Fight Club First time watching this. Completely different to how I thought it was going to be like, vastly superior in fact! Loved it through and through.. just amazing. Instantly makes it into my Top 10 Films. which makes 3 from 1999 now! 7 Bears out of 7.
  13. Thanks! I've just got back from it. It was fun to watch the effects of stress take place as the AS students stood nervously shaking looking at me as if I wasn't normal, as I was unphased by the whole ordeal. :p I even got violently shaken (in jest) by one person who was getting even more stressed by my passiveness! If I don't get a B or even maybe an A, I'll be very annoyed. I knew all the answers, (pretty much), I just ran out of time for the last question which is never good. Having too much to say can't be a bad thing though!
  14. Kakariko Village Ocarina of Time for me! Even if it is just for the first appearence of Guru-Guru! The Song of Storms is awesome and stays firmly lodged in my brain to this day!
  15. I've been listening to Neil Young for the rest of this evening and all I have to say is: Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young!!! :p
  16. Haha Ashely! Crazy mental image! Sorry ReZ! I'm just scared of them!
  17. Correct! Too easy!
  18. That reminds me I have not read a book for an age. @___@ Also: I've never been drunk. I've never had sex I've never ridden on a Rollercoaster. I've never sat on a melon.
  19. Which Member is the Opposite of the BigPurpleGirl!?
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