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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I don't want genuine scares, I agree that's not what Scream is about. (Plus I don't find horror movies scary anyway just hilarious) I do want funny deaths though. :p There is no doubt it was fun but it felt like it was trying to be too self referential. I do enjoy the scream series as a whole. I am in the mood to watch Teenagers die apparently. Final Destination: It ramped up the deaths towards the end, so redeemed itself. I'll be watching all the rest.
  2. SCREAM 4 Self Indulgent.
  3. Saw 3 is my favourite just because of the cheeky ending.
  4. Well I am as handsome as Nathan Fillion so this could work. :p
  5. In the process of that, don't worry. Pure gold is being written.
  6. Looking for a job today, I just realised all I want to do for a living is write and so want to set about this properly. I just have no idea how.
  7. YES! The entire album is excellent.
  8. This is me. Apart from my single man rave parties to witch house in my room. I CAN'T LIVE IN A LIVING ROOM.
  9. You make the best faces in this one. Yes, I'm going to continue to be creepeh. :p My favourite occuring - 3:33 until 3:39.
  10. I really enjoyed this game when I was younger even though it is clunky once I got into the rhythm of it I had good fun.
  11. This will change nothing. If a kid wants to play a game, it will find a way to play the game. I KNOW. I was kid once.
  12. Ahh ha! Thought you could hide from me, eh?
  13. University complete. Next Level: L I F E.
  14. "I'm Papa Smurf, I'm the head of a small group of little blue people that live in the forest with 99 sons and one daughter! Nothing weird about that, oh no, totally normal!"
  15. Agreed. I read it this afternoon and it's very funny. I laughed out loud many times. great fun.
  16. reminds me of this:
  17. So, how are we going to deal with your anal prolapse?
  18. No, not yet. I keep spending my money on the vending machine things.
  19. This was me earlier. I ended up munching on a ruler completely obliterating it in the process and then an hour before the exam I was on the floor my face lying on the side of the bed just scribbling circles and dashes with a pen that had almost run out.
  20. MAY THE RISING SUN BURN YOUR FACE ON THIS GLORIOUS OCCASION! ...in a nice way. This is what happens when I don't think before I type. :p
  21. Been having a look and that actually sounds like it could be good. Thanks. I'll check it out.
  22. I splt the screen and had you talking twice slightly out of sync. It made it ghostly.
  23. Trying to max out loyalty on all characters.
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