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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. SPOILERS AHEAD: I saw it (for free) yesterday. Yeah that was poor movie. :p The Bad Stuff: I thought Andrew Garfield would have been better but he was too twitchy as a human being and man is he an ugly crier. So distracting. I laughed a lot as there were some absolutely awful lines/awkward acting. Every time The Lizard appeared it just ramped up the comical nature of the entire film. Such a terrible villain/poorly designed. His overall plan was so lame and underdeveloped. Any movie that advertises Bing, I'm out. Just no. The Cop father is not the Mayor of Tokyo but it was obvious he was gonna die (and when he did it was lulz) Dat crane scene, YES! You may as well it fits in with the rest of the nonsense. By the end I was just like yeah go for it. I really thought it was gonna take a dark turn and kill that child in a blazing fire, that whole scene had a darker tone that I craved for in the rest of the movie and didn't really fit in. The Good Stuff: Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy The interactions between her and Peter Parker were cheeky. Him having her as his background and getting called out as an intense perv. GO UNCLE BEN. He felt much more like Peter Parker/Spiderman with his quick quips and chattiness whilst fighting. The Lizard appearing in school/Fight scene. Solid work was done. Stan Lee. Web Shooters, web design I liked. How he got his powers also much better grounded. Discovering his powers were just well shot/thought out scenes. ________________________________________________________ The 3D was non existant.
  2. I may watch some of it but ultimately it won't be able to hold my attention span.
  3. I need to see this movie again, the more I think about it the more I enjoyed it but want to look at it for its own merits. Basically let down by The Dark Knight (for me) being the better film.
  4. Mike is a TOP bro.
  5. Hmm, HMMM! ..yeah go on I'll watch it. I love les Miserable having seen the musical 4 times so I'm a bit tentative at how this will turn out but it would translate well to a movie. Hopefully better than the Phantom Of The Opera movie which was so poor. I watched: The Lorax. Which needed more of the GODDAMN Lorax. Illuminati animations step UP your game. Having Despicable Me, Hop and The Lorax under your animation belt is not something to be proud of. :p
  6. Good film, decent ending to the whole thing. Lots of flailing about in the middle. I felt characters were underused. Something felt off for the entire film but it was still very enjoyable. It all felt a bit simplistic/obvious in it's story telling but otherwise it has some BEASTLY scenes.
  7. I dipped my eyes in acid after one episode of the UK inbetweeners. So I'm glad I'll never have to witness this.
  8. It's shot in 48 fps and at an initial screening I don't think people enjoyed it as it felt TOO real or something and took them out of the magic of Tolkien.
  9. Her anus is asymmetrical.
  10. They should make celebrity/character sex dolls is what @EddieColeslaw is trying to say? :p OH GOD JAPAN HAS ALREADY DONE IT HAVEN'T THEY!? Btw this figures are awes, you had me at Black Widows rotund anus.
  11. Yes. Definitely not, that is one of my biggest fears.
  12. Today I feel strangely connected to humanity.
  13. I'm sorry I could not attend. I am a weak human.
  14. This year has been a big upheaval in gaming for me since I was unsatisfied with the 3DS or so I thought. I spent a fair bit of money on games for it and barely played any of them which started to feel like a waste. I'm just not that interested in spending time/money on games any more. Even with my Playstation Vita which I enjoy when I play, I''d just rather do something else. I haven't played it for a while now. My Wii is broken, I have sold a lot of my DS games and my Xbox is still around because I need to complete the one game that still excites me: Gears Of War 3. Also Gears Of War: Judgement has me pumped. :p I don't feel like videogames have progressed as a medium to a place that will satisfy me personally.
  15. No it's fine to watch as a Standalone film. I haven't watched the others yet and they were made before this one what links them is that Lars Von Trier has the three films Breaking Waves, The Idiots and Dancer in the Dark put together in his Golden Hearts Trilogy as in his own words they contain the theme of "good women overwhelmed by a bad world”. Though I'm sure the other two films are (hopefully) also good/worth watching as well I don't think it wholly matters.
  16. The poster makes it look immense, like the standup BIG things in my cinema. True! but Sony do. :p I'm just annoyed as I like Spiderman as a character but none of the films have satisfied me yet.
  17. I just think the design of Spiderman looks terrible and cheap.
  19. the BIG fan is in play and I'm loving every minute of it.
  20. loose leaf ginseng tea sends me into a state of pure serenity.
  21. Loose leaf?
  23. Their first album was better than their first album.
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