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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. N-E MEAT? ONLY MEAT. Well, mainly pork swords.
  2. Oh god not more.
  3. MUST TOAST. GOTTA KEEP UP THE MANIA! RUnnnNIng scareedd. (pumPed for tomorrOw) through the roof.)
  4. BUT WHO CAN WE REALLY TRUST?!? T___T >____< O____O
  5. IT'S THE CITRUS WITHIN ME! I THINK, thiS thread makes no sense and IS CRAZEH! Glad people comming in and calming things DOWN.
  6. DING DONG! THE DRUGS! DONG THE BELLS DONG THE FRUIT. all a mess on the floooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor. :yay:
  7. Maybe one is drugged???!? LIKE LIKE LIKE BEEN SNIFFING DAH BLUEBERRIES, no? How about injecting some PINEapple OR smoking a banananana! NEVERMIND just chattering/musing informatiionsz! yep, yep, yep!
  8. fruity by day and fruity by nature. That's me ALL over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
  9. No, heheehehehehe. I am not figs just found it curious It was mIssInG. Then again I am rather curious at the moment, what with all the lemons. you get ME?!? : peace:: peace:: peace:
  10. FIGS!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MISSED FIGS, OKAY!? HOW COULD YOU MISS FIGS? ...wait... DID YOU MISS FIGS? nnoooo you didn't, no wait you did. HOW DARE YOU MISS FIGS!
  11. Those are the two best to get at the moment. Not badly priced either!
  12. Fruit is delicious. Fruit is great. ROLL ON ROLL ON ROLL ON. Good write up though, good definitely good. I would say GREAT but I have already used that word and so far I have nothing really today except brown hairy fruit is probably a KIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWI. I like Kiwi's IRL. I find them Kinky.:p
  13. OH NO THE APPLE IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!?!?! I love me some juicy ripe apples and he dun goof'd. What are we ALL gonna do now ey ey ey ey ey? PUFF.
  14. Nope weather is a dull topic. Mind you it's better to ease yourself in with that rather than a penguins sex habits although I did end up with a girl telling me about a kangaroo's birth cycle so... ...that's what I look for in a woman I guess.
  15. COUNTDOWN TO MADNESS DAY 3. So yesterday i heard a voice that was separate from me that shouted "BE GONE BE GONE THIS IS MY PERSONAL LAB." It was weird. Other than that I have sunk a lot of time into my roguelike game ZHP on my Vita (9 hours in) More than that though today I wrote up another 1323 words of my dissertation and now it is essentially complete. Every section is written up and I have to just pad it all out. Choosing to stay at University instead of going home has proven worth wile thus far. I also want to work with Cats. I NEED TO GET INTO THE CAT BUSINESS. Oh it's sunny outside. *closes the curtains*
  16. I've had someone stroke my knee on the bus before. I've also been sweet talked by young gypsies who I ended up giving money to. I've also been pratically sat on by an old lady who would not get off me until I whipped out my American Psycho book, then she kept a safe distance. (Although kept peering at me) Oh and the time I had school girls laughing at me as I attempted to poor my fanta into my lemonade whilst similtaneously trying to eat doritos with a salsa dip and then spilling it all everywhere. Okay I asked for that one. I attract strange company.
  17. Snow White and Pincohhico are on bluray already.
  18. TO GET ALL YOUR MONEY. +to keep the interest going for generations to come. I think this year we will see The Rescuers and Tarzan. I really want Tarzan on Bluray.
  19. Z.H.P. off the playstation store.
  20. I lol'd. (slightly and internally)
  21. lol. It amuses me so far. I have a prinny as my wife. :p
  22. I got my first PSP game today. Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman. Only just downloaded it so in tutorials but it seems to be right up my street.
  23. I'll be right back. I need to get the taste of Michael Bay's cock out of my mouth as I have been royally DICKED with this news.
  24. I have many lists documenting this achievement. So it is very accurate. I watched The Godfather last night. ...I didn't really "get" it... I'm just kidding it was totally awesome and deserving of all it's praise.
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