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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Google Chrome. Problem fixed. :p Seriously though, I'm afraid I can't help you! sorry.
  2. Wow you are 18. Your just a tad younger than me. I always see you as 20.
  3. It hasn't for me yet. and I listened to it 42 times in a row when it came out!
  4. 8 Tortilla's! Not as ropey as this one looks: Twas a bit more expensive than usual but I was in desperate need for them. There was only one half smashed up one left.
  5. Win. Tis most excellent. I've been making my Summer Playlist today. (on spotify at least) So far it is complete fail as I've just dumped a whole load of songs in there but I got sidetracked with the Tennis. In other news Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest is definately my second favourite album thus far in 2009! Top Five: 1. Bat for Lashes - Two Suns 2. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest 3. Patrick Wolf - The Bachelor 4. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion 5. Miley Cyrus - Hannah Montana Movie Haha! :p
  6. Is that a Pikachu in your pocket or are just pleased to see me? :p
  7. No it took all my concentration in a good way! If I didn't care about a film I'll only be half concentrating on it and doing other things!
  8. You have one of the greatest faces.* Happy Birthday! *I'm not coming on to you.
  9. Something must be wrong with me. I was laughing during the whole movie! anway... Memento. Insanely good movie. My eyes were transfixed on the screen during the whole movie and my mind only wondered once. It took my full concentration. Brilliant story, perfectly executed. Guy Pierce was badass and I wanted clothes. (and a polaroid camera) 7 Bears out of 7
  10. Amanda Seyfried. what? I love Mean Girls.
  11. I haven't seen them yet I hope they are deep within the middle. I shall see my results tomorrow!
  12. I didn't realise I was your Boyfriend? Oh... you meant that other guy you went to Paris with. :p As of yet I've done very little of note. I put grapes in my ice cubes today.
  13. Tropic Thunder It was good. I expected to laugh more so in that respect I was disappointed. There was some moments I laughed but other times the comedy felt lost. Tom Cruise was Pro in it however. (though he didn't have much time on screen) It felt as if they thought it was a lot cleverer than it actually was as well. It was a good cast and I loved how it ended though I did want someones hands to get blown off that would have made it excellent. 4 and a half Bears out of 7. Hunchback of Notre Dame Woah I haven't watched this since I was about 7 or 8. What a fantastic film. Ruined slightly by the gargoles to aim it more towards the children I guess? Usually I love this quirky characters but they felt out of place here in an otherwise serious tale. The main villian Frollo is brilliant. I love his motives for his evil are different from gaining power because he already has oodles of it. This gives the film time to concentrate in a different direction. It is a much darker story than I remember as a child which got me thinking that this stuff goes over childrens heads. What I'm trying to say is we should make childrens films darker again! :p They are too namby pamby these days. Also the song Frollo sings is like fire...HELLFIRE! Excellent. I haven't even talked about Esmeralda, Quasimodo, Phoebus and the Bells of Notre Dame song! 5 Bears out of 7! Hounddog Great film I felt. Some of it was uncomfortable to sit through but that made it impact harder and the turning point in the story made a dark contrast between what had happened previously and how the character felt now. Dakota Fannings performance was excellent. I think the handling of the church was a tad heavy handed..it was like okay I get you don't like the church! move on. :p That hardly hindered the movies efforts however. I enjoyed the characters and I like how the story moved lazily on like an endless afternoon. There was some back story that could have been explained or explored better but I don't mind open endedness. The film is fairly depressing throughout as it shows the life of this particularly broken family. 6 Bears out of 7. The Girlfriend Experience I like films that don't particularly go anywhere until right at the end. The ending of this film was amazing in my eyes as it makes what you see previously hit home a lot harder. Steven Soderbergh can either be a hit with me but I very much enjoyed what he put on display this time. A whole host of nasty, self obessed characters as it focused on an escort and the economic climate around us. The films focus is not about paying money for sex. It's about paying money for that real intimacy a lot of people in life just don't get. Even if they have a loving wife and kids. In the film it feels as if Escorting is glamourised for a while but as the story unravels you know what trauma's she has to face. Also found out on IMDB that it's a pornstar in that role. She did a good job. (and not the kind she is probably used to ) 5 and a half Bears out of 7.
  14. Bill Bailey. Part Troll is Pro. His latest one Tinsle Worm was disappointing for me though. Back to this evening and the first scottish guy was just poor. Made Michael McIntyre look funny. :p The canadian was easily the best of the night as he garnished the single laugh from me... "I had a visit from the godfairy once, she gave me two options to have a Long Memory or a Long penis? I can't remember which one I chose..." Then nervous man was okay but he lacked the comic punch that was severely needed. The last guy was just angrily ranting on stage for the last 10 minutes.
  15. meh, I'm not really a fan. I watched the whole thing tonight and laughed once. (not at McIntyre) Bring on Ross Noble, now there is a face! next muffin.
  16. WINWINWIN! Mokongratulations!
  17. Woah, My RS wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. All the right questions came up for me! I absolutely aced the last question on "Assess the Claim that war cannot be morally justified" I rambled on for 3 (I feel) intelligent pages rather than sporadic waffle that is usually contained within my answer! I normally only manage about 2 pages maximum even with my extra time so I cut one answer short to allow myself enough time to get this epic question done. My other answers were okay, They could have been better they could have been worse. I hope I get C in the philophy exam and I'm going to unsually optimistic and say a B in the ethics due to nailing that last question. :p
  18. Eeeeep! I have my RS A2 exam in 2 and a half hours! LET MY A2'S BEGIN!
  19. I Blame ReZ. :p (and the return of swing music!) It just slipped...out!
  20. YES! my dad reminded us of this today so we hopped in the van and went as a family to do it. Now I had no idea who I was voting for... It was my first time voting! I was given the sheet and I said "I was going to vote for the guy who had the most awesome name" This was met with disapproving looks. :p Made worse after my mum said "I'm going to take hours!" to which I shouted out... "This isn't a sperm bank" It would have worked better if my dad had said it but, meh. People around me laughed. Off to the booth, I was left on my own. I looked down the ls it of confusing parties with their confusing names. Some of them had little slogans underneath which were cringeworthy to look at. I almost followed through with my Policy of the people with the most awesome names.. however that was in Labour and I read their panflet which didn't entice me. So I went for the Green Party. So yeh, I need to learn my politics.
  21. I agree with the sentiments that it looks like a glow in the dark sex toy. (which may not be a bad thing...?) However, I enjoyed the Tech Demo they showed during the conference and got more impressed as it went on. Such as the uses for the sword and shield. Very accurate!
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